5 pages. Common Core State Standard: K.G.2, L.K.2, L.K.2b, RF.K.3c, RF.1.1a,L.1.2b, L.K.2a A quick, easy and fun way to review 2D shapes with Seuss's green eggs.
65 pages! Common Core State Standards: L.K.2a, L.K.2b, RF.K.2a, RF.K.1d, L.K.1a, L.1.1a, K.CC.1, K.CC.3, K.CC.2, K.OA.5, K.CC.6, 1.NBT.1 There's a little bit of everything for a Seuss-filled day of activities, with a Green Eggs and Ham theme.
7 pages. Common Core State Standard: 1.MD.3 2 telling time games with a Green Eggs and Ham theme, perfect for your Seuss activities. One game is telling time to the hour, the other, telling time to the half hour.
2 pages. A fun way to review skip counting by 10's. A nice plug-in for your Seuss-themed activities.
3 pages. Common Core State Standard: 1.MD.3 A fun game for your Seuss-themed activities. Students make their analog cat clock and add digital time stripes to their hat by rolling dice.
5 pages. Common Core State Standards: L.K.2a, L.K.2b, RF.K.3d, RF.K.3c, RF.K. 3a, RF.1.1a, L.1.2b, L.1.1a, K.G.2 A great addition to your Seuss Theme and fun way to review 2D shapes, including the hexagon, pentagon and octagon.
3 pages. Common Core State Standard: K.CC.1 A fun way to incorporate a bit of math (counting to 100 by 10's) with reading.
8 pages. Common Core State Standards: K.MD.3, K.G.2 This is an easy and fun way to review the 2D shapes including the hexagon, pentagon & octagon.