6 pages.
This is an easy and quick card to make for Father's Day. Younger students can simply make the dynamite stick craft, while older students can complete the writing prompt: "My dad is a dynamite dad because..." and glue it to the back of their creation.
13 pages.
This packet includes: a class book where your current students write a page of advice for your next year's class; a mouse "craftivity" where students jot one piece of advice underneath their mouse's head (it flips up); plus a bookmark from you and one for your students to make for an in-coming kiddo.
20 pages
This math and me "me math" booklet, is a wonderful end of the year activity, where students can put into practice all sorts of math concepts that they've learned. It also works well as an icebreaker for the beginning of the year, to help everyone get to know each other. This packet will be FREE for an entire year! Woo hoo. After which time it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop. For your convenience, I've included some of the new pages in the PREVIEW.
4 pages.
Help students learn the life cycle of a frog by making this cute paper plate craft. Completed projects look awesome dangling from the ceiling.