Classroom Management

6 pages. Here is a free article with some great tips for the substitute as well as your substitute folder for when you're absent.

4 pages. Come teach with me! Free "how to" article.
5 pages. Welcome to my classroom zoo! You can read, save, or print this.
4 pages. Some quickie blank notes that you can fill in and send home. You can read, save, or print this.

23 pages. September through June 3 on a page.

103 pages. 101 praise certificates. Some for each month,season,& lots of themes! Help build a child's self-esteem today; it's so very important!
12 pages. Enjoy these free incentive charts to reward good behavior or track student work. You can read, save, or print them.
12 pages. I know you'll enjoy these cute sticker charts. You can read, save, or print this.
17 pages. I make these 14 directional icons and laminate them. You can read, save, or print this.
89 pages These are my Classroom essentials for September. Hopefully by looking at them you can get some ideas for your own booklets, notes, and handbooks.
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