1-2-3 Do Some Apple-icious Activities With Me!
As I stated in the article after this, I wanted to finish up with all of the apple requests I've had this month, and move on to some other fall theme, so I put lots of apple FREEBIES in the blog today, that I hope you and your students will enjoy. Click on the "We Love Studying About Apples!" to grab your free poster.
Part of our morning, was spent doing "table top" activities, where students worked independently on various standards and skills.
With this in mind, I created the Caramel Apple Letter Find. Students find the capital letter A's and color them red; they color the lowercase a's yellow, and any Cc (for caramel) letter green. Click on the link to view/download it.
I'd also reinforce letter and number recognition, by playing "I Spy" games. Teacher starts out by calling out a letter/number.
Students find it, and either trace or color the apple, and then raise their hand. Teacher then calls on a quiet student to choose the next letter/numbered apple to find. Click on the link to view/print "I Spy a Letter!" apple game.
Besides "I Spy" my students enjoyed playing dic
e games. This helps with counting and number recognition, and simple addition for older students.
Click on the link to view/print the Apples On A Roll dice game.
To help increase my students' vocabulary, I always had themed words to add to our word wall.
I encouraged my first graders to refer to the wall when they'd write. Understanding, and using adjectives, is also very important to build good writing skills.
I designed Apple Adjectives to help with that. There's a black and white version for students to fill in, as well as a completed one in color, to use as an example or anchor chart. I found that graphic organizers were extremely helpful for prewriting, so I designed an apple one, so students could write in descriptive words. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Adjective packet.
Finally, a Venn diagram is extremely useful, in helping students grasp the concept of comparison and contrast. Once there's understanding and a framework, students will write better.
Because we study pumpkins shortly after our apple unit, I thought it would be especially helpful to compare a pumpkin to an apple, using a Venn diagram. Click on the link to view/download the Apple-Pumpkin Venn Diagram.
If you're looking for some short, but informative YouTube videos on Apples, I spent the better part of a morning watching quite a few. Here are my favorites: The Life Cycle Of An Apple is put to music in this 2-minute catchy video.
The familiar, 5 Little Apples story-song, is "pumped up" with a rap beat your kiddo's will enjoy, (1:47 minutes.) as well as the "I Love Apples" fact-rap. (2:04 minutes.)
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If you'd like to look at all of the awesome educational items, I spend way too much time pinning, click on the heart to the right of the blog.
"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows." -Sydney J. Harris
1-2-3 Get To The "Common Core" With Me!
Trying to fit Common Core into your already too-much-to-cover day, is often difficult, so I try to design activities that cover several standards, that can be set up as independent centers, games and hands-on craftivities, that make learning interesting and fun, but not a lot of work for the teacher. Many can be used to whole-group assess various things, which is a real time saver. I use popular themes, like apples, so they fit nicely into a particular month's activities.
September is flying by and I want to finish up with apple requests, so I've packed lots of FREEBIES in this blog article. I hope you and your kiddo's really enjoy them!
Reinforcing colors, color words + a bit of rhyming, can be accomplished by making a Twist and Read Apple. I do this as a whole-group, so I can work on listening and following directions, which is one of our Y5 report card standards. You can make 2 separate booklets, or have children glue them back-to-back to make a "flip-over" apple booklet as well. Click on the link above to view/download it.
You can continue to practice, review or assess colors to color word recognition, with this Apple Color Matching Game.
Your kiddo's will also enjoy making Willie, in the Wormy Apple "craftivity," which helps with counting and number recognition, + skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's, as children pull their worm through the slit. This apple manipulative is great for "I Spy" (a number) to see who's "got it" and who still needs help. Click on the link to view/download it.
Cover shapes, including the crazy hexagon, with this Apple Shape Matching Game. You can also use this as an assessment tool. I've labeled the shapes, to reinforce shape-to-shape word recognition. Click on the link to view/download it.
Being able to recognize a pattern, is one of our Y5 report card standards, as well as Common Core for PreK. Since quite a few kiddo's come to kindergarten, without preschool experience, I think it's extremely important to make time to learn about patterns, as it truly helps improve understanding, with lots of other Common Core math. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Patterning game.
Counting Apples, is a terrific fine motor skill, that reinforces 1-to-1 correspondence, as children pinch pony-beads and place the appropriate number of "apples", on their numbered apple mat. I've included colored mats with apples 1-5 & 6-10, as well as a set in black and white, in case you want to run off on construction paper to conserve ink.
As you can see by the photographs, I incorporate the 3 colors of apples, to reinforce the idea that apples aren't just red, which many little ones think.
Finally, it's often difficult to make time for science. Whenever I could, I'd tried to dream up a hands-on, independent center, my students would enjoy, that covered some basic science facts, about whatever seasonal theme we were studying. Reading several non-fiction apple books was a great introduction to this. Click on the link to view/download a bibliography of my favorite apple stories.
The Life Cycle of an Apple - dangler, is relatively simple, yet looks awesome when completed, and terrific hanging from the ceiling in the hallway. Younger students can make these FLAT, while older students can really add pizzazz by making them 3D. Click on the link to view/download it.
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If you'd like to checkout some of the awesome-educational items that I pin, click on the heart to the right of the blog. I have an entire board with just apple activities and another with yummy apple recipes.
I blog every day, so I hope you can pop by tomorrow, for the last of my new apple freebies.
"Remember; we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand-in-hand." -Emily Kimbrough
1-2-3 Come Measure Apples With Me!
Help your students learn about measurement, with this quick, easy and fun booklet. Students measure height, weight, width and circumference of their apple. They trace and write vocabulary-building words, predict, answer questions, + collect and analyze data. Investigating apples via this booklet, will help with Common Core State Standards: K.MD.1a, K.MD.2, 1.MD.1, and 1.MD.2.
Introduce measurement, by showing students all of the measuring materials and ask them if they know the names of these objects and what they are used for. Discuss the value of measurement, as well as how and why people measure things.
Ask for a bag of apples to be donated to the class, or have each child bring 1 or 2 in. (Make sure to buy a few extras yourself, for those children whose parents forgot.) Allow a few moments for children to really examine their apple by touching it, smelling it, describing their apple to a partner etc.
To make this do-able for non or beginning readers, work on the booklet as a whole group. Read the 1st page aloud and model what you want your students to do, then have children do that portion of their investigation. If you are teaching pre k you might want to do just 1 booklet as a class. Older students can work on this independently. Allow enough time so children don't feel rushed, and so everyone gets a turn using the scale. To expedite things, you may want to borrow several other scales from fellow teachers for that part of your day. To keep interest, with little ones, and because of time, you can also work on just one or two pages a day.
When your booklet is completed, read it aloud once more, and have children share their results as you read that page. Reinforce vocabulary by reviewing the measurement tools and words, and asking students: "What is a scale? What is it used for?" "What is height? How can you measure it?" etc.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Investigation booklet.
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"To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe." -Anatole France
1-2-3 Come Make The Life Cycle Of An Apple With Me!
There are 3 Life Cycle of an Apple craftivities in this packet. Children can choose to glue the apple's life cycle on an apple, apple tree, or apple pie.
There is a front and back to the apple and apple tree projects. The apple has a sweet poem that I revamped, on the back. The apple seeds are a child's finger print that was pressed onto a brown stamp pad.
On the apple life cycle TREE, students cut and glue apples for however many years old they are.
The life cycle of an apple (pie plate), was made by covering a paper plate with aluminum foil. Because you are cutting a slice of apple pie to dangle, you have an opportunity to cover fractions as well.
There are also 2 different apple life cycle templates to choose from. One apple life cycle is completed by using real photographs of the various stages and gluing them to the template.
(See tree & pie photo.) The other apple life cycle, is made by coloring, cutting and gluing the pictures of each phase. (See apple photo.)
Completed projects look wonderful dangling from the ceiling. The apple pie life cycle makes a sweet bulletin board. I spray the pie slice with apple spice fragrance for that finishing touch.
Click on the link to view/download the Life Cycle Of An Apple Activities.
This packet will be FREE for an entire year (!) after which time, it will be up-date and rolled into my 33-page Life Cycle of an Apple Activities packet in my TpT shop.
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If you'd like to see all of the other excellent-educational items that I post, click on the heart to the right of my blog. I have an entire board for just apple activities, as well as another one for delicious apple recipes.
"Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of plannning." -Gloria Steinem
1-2-3 Come Spy Some Apple Fractions With Me
Whenever I do a theme, I try to incorporate a variety of standards, that encompass all of my subjects. Because fractions are sometimes difficult for younger kiddo's to understand, it's very important to SHOW these math concepts, and then to reinforce them, by having students follow up with several hands-on activities. If you teach first grade, these fraction lessons will help with the Common Core State Standard: 1.G.3
There's nothing like food to grab a child's attention, so I suggest showing children a variety of apples, explaining that they are not only red, which many of them think, but yellow and green as well.
Display an uncut apple and explain that it is a WHOLE apple, then cut the apple down the middle and explain that now the apple is cut in half, and that 2 halves make a whole. Show this by putting the two pieces back together.
Ask children if any one knows how many pieces you'll have, if you cut the apple in quarters, then show them, by cutting the apple in half and then in half again. Count the 4 pieces; review that one of the 4 pieces of an apple is called a quarter or 1 fourth. Rubberband the 4 pieces together, to show that 4 pieces equal a whole apple. Ask your students to choose a partner and explain what they have just learned to each other.
While they are doing that, cut up the apples so that everyone can have a little bite of each kind. Tell them to remember which colored apple was their favorite, so you can graph the results. If you'd like a copy of this apple graph as well as all sorts of other apple graphing templates, (22 different apple graphs) click on the link.
Later, to reinforce and practice fractions, students put together an apple flip-up booklet. To make one, run off the printable on red, yellow and green construction paper.
Children choose a color and fold it in half horizontally. This is another opportunity to review the word half with them, as well as what horizontal means. Students cut the top "doors" so that they will "flip up." Remind students to open their paper, so they are less likely to cut the bottom one at the same time they are slitting the top.
Children write their name on the front of their apple flip up booklet and glue apple pictures under the "doors" to match the fraction words on the top. When everyone has completed their "flip up" review as a whole group.
Included in this packet, is also a trace and write apple fraction booklet, so that the math vocabulary is reinforced in yet another way. This is a great activity for your Daily 5 Word Work. There are matching apple fraction pocket or word wall word cards as well. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Fraction Packet.
If you feel students need more practice, or you'd like a quick review, follow up the next day by having them do the apple pie flip up or the apple pie trace and write booklet.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Pie Fraction Packet.
At the end of the day, I review things that we've learned, using anchor charts. After we go over the concepts, I let children help decide where we should hang the latest posters. Click on the link to view/down load the Fraction Anchor Chart Posters.
Because my Y5's especially enjoyed "craftivities" (great for fine motor skill practice) I often set up a more "artsy" center, for students who completed their table top lesson.
These independent centers were highly motivating for students to get down to business and complete their work, so they could make "something special." To avoid hurt feelings, children who ran out of time, got to collect the "pieces" and materials for the project to take home.
The Fraction Apple Flip craftivity is perfect for these independent centers. Click on the link to view/download it.
To make one, simply run off the templates on red, lime green and yellow construction paper. Students cut and collate their apple so that the 1/4 is on the top, followed by the half and then the whole apple. Staple the corner and review. I've included a stem and leaf template to make the fraction sections look like an apple. Pre-cut these for students to glue to the top-back of their apple.
Finally, games are a terrific way to practice life skills, as well as reinforce standards, in an interesting and fun way. This "Spin to Win" game, is called Apple Fraction Action.
Students can play indepently, or in a group of 2 or 3. Whatever apple they land on, they mark an x under the matching fraction apple on their graph. When the timer rings, students total up their columns and circle which apple they have spun the most.
I've included a whole class graph as well, so you can review, by charting everyone's answers. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Fraction Action game.
Thanks for visiting today! As always, feel free to PIN away. To ensure that "pinners" return to THIS blog article, click on the green title at the top; it will turn black, now click on the "Pin it" button located on the menu. If you'd like to see all of the really creative and educational things I spend way too much time pinning, click on the heart to your right.
I blog and design every day; hope you can pop back tomorrow for the newest freebie(s).
"Treat a [student] as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he can and should be, and he will become, as he can and should be." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe