1-2-3 Come Spy Some Apple Fractions With Me
Whenever I do a theme, I try to incorporate a variety of standards, that encompass all of my subjects. Because fractions are sometimes difficult for younger kiddo's to understand, it's very important to SHOW these math concepts, and then to reinforce them, by having students follow up with several hands-on activities. If you teach first grade, these fraction lessons will help with the Common Core State Standard: 1.G.3
There's nothing like food to grab a child's attention, so I suggest showing children a variety of apples, explaining that they are not only red, which many of them think, but yellow and green as well.
Display an uncut apple and explain that it is a WHOLE apple, then cut the apple down the middle and explain that now the apple is cut in half, and that 2 halves make a whole. Show this by putting the two pieces back together.
Ask children if any one knows how many pieces you'll have, if you cut the apple in quarters, then show them, by cutting the apple in half and then in half again. Count the 4 pieces; review that one of the 4 pieces of an apple is called a quarter or 1 fourth. Rubberband the 4 pieces together, to show that 4 pieces equal a whole apple. Ask your students to choose a partner and explain what they have just learned to each other.
While they are doing that, cut up the apples so that everyone can have a little bite of each kind. Tell them to remember which colored apple was their favorite, so you can graph the results. If you'd like a copy of this apple graph as well as all sorts of other apple graphing templates, (22 different apple graphs) click on the link.
Later, to reinforce and practice fractions, students put together an apple flip-up booklet. To make one, run off the printable on red, yellow and green construction paper.
Children choose a color and fold it in half horizontally. This is another opportunity to review the word half with them, as well as what horizontal means. Students cut the top "doors" so that they will "flip up." Remind students to open their paper, so they are less likely to cut the bottom one at the same time they are slitting the top.
Children write their name on the front of their apple flip up booklet and glue apple pictures under the "doors" to match the fraction words on the top. When everyone has completed their "flip up" review as a whole group.
Included in this packet, is also a trace and write apple fraction booklet, so that the math vocabulary is reinforced in yet another way. This is a great activity for your Daily 5 Word Work. There are matching apple fraction pocket or word wall word cards as well. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Fraction Packet.
If you feel students need more practice, or you'd like a quick review, follow up the next day by having them do the apple pie flip up or the apple pie trace and write booklet.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Pie Fraction Packet.
At the end of the day, I review things that we've learned, using anchor charts. After we go over the concepts, I let children help decide where we should hang the latest posters. Click on the link to view/down load the Fraction Anchor Chart Posters.
Because my Y5's especially enjoyed "craftivities" (great for fine motor skill practice) I often set up a more "artsy" center, for students who completed their table top lesson.
These independent centers were highly motivating for students to get down to business and complete their work, so they could make "something special." To avoid hurt feelings, children who ran out of time, got to collect the "pieces" and materials for the project to take home.
The Fraction Apple Flip craftivity is perfect for these independent centers. Click on the link to view/download it.
To make one, simply run off the templates on red, lime green and yellow construction paper. Students cut and collate their apple so that the 1/4 is on the top, followed by the half and then the whole apple. Staple the corner and review. I've included a stem and leaf template to make the fraction sections look like an apple. Pre-cut these for students to glue to the top-back of their apple.
Finally, games are a terrific way to practice life skills, as well as reinforce standards, in an interesting and fun way. This "Spin to Win" game, is called Apple Fraction Action.
Students can play indepently, or in a group of 2 or 3. Whatever apple they land on, they mark an x under the matching fraction apple on their graph. When the timer rings, students total up their columns and circle which apple they have spun the most.
I've included a whole class graph as well, so you can review, by charting everyone's answers. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Fraction Action game.
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"Treat a [student] as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he can and should be, and he will become, as he can and should be." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe