1-2-3 Come Play Some Halloween Games With Me
Are you looking for a few quick and fun things to plug in on Halloween? Something interesting for your kiddos, easy for you, and will still be educationally relevant? Then I think you'll enjoy my Ready Set Ghost! Halloween games packet.
Everything's pretty simple with a lot of variety. You can review and practice math, counting, letter recognition, end punctuation, capitalization, spelling, sequencing and more.
Here are a few things that I've included in the 28-page packet:
There are all sorts of math dice games that will help review numbers, counting and addition: A very simple one is the coloring puzzles.
Students choose one of three options; color their paper then cut on the lines making a 6-piece puzzle.
They pick a partner and take turns rolling a single dice. Whatever number they roll is the numbered puzzle piece that they glue on their grid.
Older students can work on addition, with the Race to 100 game. They too pick a partner and take turns rolling dice.
Children add the 2 dice together and then X off that many boxes on their 100 chart. Who will be the first one to get to 100?
Another 100 chart activity is a Halloween hidden picture worksheet. Students can listen and follow the directions of the teacher, or read the numbers on their worksheet. A successfully completed paper, will reveal a Jack-O-Lantern.
Have you made a list of all sorts of fall words for your word wall? The "I mustache you to unscramble the words" worksheet, will help students practice them.
Give children a minute or two to try and figure out as many as they can. Did anyone get all 22? There's an answer key to save you time.
I've also included another mustachioed ghost worksheet, which asks students to add end punctuation to however many Halloween-themed sentences that you want them to work on.
Students can work on more vocabulary skill building, by challenging them to use the letters in pumpkin, to see how many new words they can create. I've included my list of 20.
Younger students can spin and spell Happy Halloween! There are two spinners to choose from, a recording sheet and a colorful answer key poster to help little ones know where to put the letters.
Even preschool children can work on addition skills with the candy corn counting game. There are several math mat options, including one that the children color.
Students can work independently or choose a partner and take turns rolling the dice. Each child gets 13 pieces of candy corn. (Pre count them and put in Dixie cups).
Children can eat one, then use the rest as manipulatives to put on their candy corn counting mat, making groups of whatever numbers they roll. I've also included a recording sheet (2 on a page) where students can "show" their work.
If you want to practice letter recognition, play upper or lowercase "I Spy" . You can reuse the worksheets as many as 5 times, depending on how you have students record their findings. (Trace the letter, trace the circle, color, X-off, bingo dot etc.)
Finally, just for fun, I've included a Halloween version of "Trick" Tac Toe. There are six manipulatives children can choose to play with, plus a set of black line tokens they can color.
Click on the link to view/download the Halloween game packet: Ready, Set, Ghost!
Well that's it for today. I hope you found something useful that will make Halloween less stressful for you, and more fun for your students.
I'm off to change the light bulb on the front porch. Since I'm ready for those sweet trick or treaters, I better have the lights on. Wishing you a safe and happy Halloween.
"I love the childhood memories of Halloween, the excitement and energy that comes with it. Even the air feels different on Halloween; festive, fresh and crisp."
1-2-3 Come Do Some Candy Activities With Me!
I had a request for a Candy Bones graph. I’d never heard of them; (Where have I been?) so I Googled candy bones. They are really quite popular, as there were lots of Ask.com questions of where to buy candy bones and what to do with them.
Many of the links were outdated and broken, so I went on my own quest.
Oriental Trading has the best deal Online for “Candy Bones.” The bones in their pack include: the ever-popular sweet-tart skull, foot, hand, ribs and plain bones. They come in pastel colors. There are approximately 28 pieces per pack and 19 packets per unit (13 oz.) They are “fat free” and were $8, now on sale for $5.99 as of 10/7/13 I have dealt with Oriental Trading for many years and never had a problem. Their customer service is wonderful.
Amazon.com also offers the same candy bones mini packages. They are sold by Zugar and fulfilled by Amazon. They are $9.99 for the same quantity as Oriental Trading. Some teachers have e-mailed me that they have also found the candy bones packages at their Dollar Tree Stores. However, they were not in mine, here in Grand Rapids, MI
There is also another popular bone candy called: Skulls and Bones. Unlike the above candy, these only have 2 shapes inside, but more colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, white and a blackish purple. Unlike the other pastel candies, these are brightly colored. They are offered by Candy Nation. They sell bulk at $3.85 a pound.
O’Ryan’s Village, featuring old-fashioned candy, also sells a package of Skulls and Bones for $2.29. There are 11 small packages inside. So now you know where to get the candy. Why would you want it? For starters, they are perfect for graphing. The skull and bones lend themselves to a Halloween, pirate or a science skeleton/bone activity.
A sweet treat makes math a whole lot more fun for your kiddo's too. So they aren't eating too much candy, pass out a sample from your stash at the start of the lesson, with the promise of being able to eat one more at the end, and if they behave, they can take the rest home. This always worked with my Y5's whenever I used edibles for lessons.
Students spill out their package and sort them on the sorting mats. I have ones for both kinds of candy, as well as a sorting mat for colors. Children practice counting, tally marks, and addition with the various graphs and candy bones worksheets.
I've also included whole-group graphs so that you have an extra opportunity to review your students' results. There are graphs for shapes, colors, favorites, and flavors. Since I was on a roll, I decided to make guess-timation activities, as well as some worksheets for patterning. You can cover quite a few standards in a short amount of time.
Click on the link to view/download the Candy Bones Math Activities packet. Another popular download is the candy shape poster packet. Did you know that Halloween treats come in all of the standard shapes? For a fun review, print off a set to use as anchor charts or large flashcards.
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"Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life's greatest adventure and should be an illustrated excursion into the minds of noble and learned men, not a conducted tour through a jail." -Taylor Caldwell
1-2-3 Come Sort Pumpkins With Me
If you're looking for some seasonal math centers, you've come to the right place. Two scarecrows, with the ever-popular names Even Steven and Odd Todd, each have an empty field waiting to be filled up with pumpkins. There's a catch though. Todd only wants odd numbered pumpkins, while Steven wants only even numbered ones.
To make the game, print and laminate the scarecrow sorting mats, along with pumpkins numbered from 1-120 and then trim. Children grab a fist-full of pumpkins and place them in the appropriate pumpkin patch. The numbered pumpkin tiles can also be used for sequencing activities, or to play an "I Have; Who Has?" game.
I've also included 2, trace and write the number worksheets. The 1st one goes from 1-50; the 2nd one from 51-100.
Click on the link to view/download the Odd and Even Pumpkin Patch game.
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"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows." -Sydney J. Harris
1-2-3 Come Spy Some Apple Fractions With Me
Whenever I do a theme, I try to incorporate a variety of standards, that encompass all of my subjects. Because fractions are sometimes difficult for younger kiddo's to understand, it's very important to SHOW these math concepts, and then to reinforce them, by having students follow up with several hands-on activities. If you teach first grade, these fraction lessons will help with the Common Core State Standard: 1.G.3
There's nothing like food to grab a child's attention, so I suggest showing children a variety of apples, explaining that they are not only red, which many of them think, but yellow and green as well.
Display an uncut apple and explain that it is a WHOLE apple, then cut the apple down the middle and explain that now the apple is cut in half, and that 2 halves make a whole. Show this by putting the two pieces back together.
Ask children if any one knows how many pieces you'll have, if you cut the apple in quarters, then show them, by cutting the apple in half and then in half again. Count the 4 pieces; review that one of the 4 pieces of an apple is called a quarter or 1 fourth. Rubberband the 4 pieces together, to show that 4 pieces equal a whole apple. Ask your students to choose a partner and explain what they have just learned to each other.
While they are doing that, cut up the apples so that everyone can have a little bite of each kind. Tell them to remember which colored apple was their favorite, so you can graph the results. If you'd like a copy of this apple graph as well as all sorts of other apple graphing templates, (22 different apple graphs) click on the link.
Later, to reinforce and practice fractions, students put together an apple flip-up booklet. To make one, run off the printable on red, yellow and green construction paper.
Children choose a color and fold it in half horizontally. This is another opportunity to review the word half with them, as well as what horizontal means. Students cut the top "doors" so that they will "flip up." Remind students to open their paper, so they are less likely to cut the bottom one at the same time they are slitting the top.
Children write their name on the front of their apple flip up booklet and glue apple pictures under the "doors" to match the fraction words on the top. When everyone has completed their "flip up" review as a whole group.
Included in this packet, is also a trace and write apple fraction booklet, so that the math vocabulary is reinforced in yet another way. This is a great activity for your Daily 5 Word Work. There are matching apple fraction pocket or word wall word cards as well. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Fraction Packet.
If you feel students need more practice, or you'd like a quick review, follow up the next day by having them do the apple pie flip up or the apple pie trace and write booklet.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Pie Fraction Packet.
At the end of the day, I review things that we've learned, using anchor charts. After we go over the concepts, I let children help decide where we should hang the latest posters. Click on the link to view/down load the Fraction Anchor Chart Posters.
Because my Y5's especially enjoyed "craftivities" (great for fine motor skill practice) I often set up a more "artsy" center, for students who completed their table top lesson.
These independent centers were highly motivating for students to get down to business and complete their work, so they could make "something special." To avoid hurt feelings, children who ran out of time, got to collect the "pieces" and materials for the project to take home.
The Fraction Apple Flip craftivity is perfect for these independent centers. Click on the link to view/download it.
To make one, simply run off the templates on red, lime green and yellow construction paper. Students cut and collate their apple so that the 1/4 is on the top, followed by the half and then the whole apple. Staple the corner and review. I've included a stem and leaf template to make the fraction sections look like an apple. Pre-cut these for students to glue to the top-back of their apple.
Finally, games are a terrific way to practice life skills, as well as reinforce standards, in an interesting and fun way. This "Spin to Win" game, is called Apple Fraction Action.
Students can play indepently, or in a group of 2 or 3. Whatever apple they land on, they mark an x under the matching fraction apple on their graph. When the timer rings, students total up their columns and circle which apple they have spun the most.
I've included a whole class graph as well, so you can review, by charting everyone's answers. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Fraction Action game.
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I blog and design every day; hope you can pop back tomorrow for the newest freebie(s).
"Treat a [student] as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he can and should be, and he will become, as he can and should be." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1-2-3 Come Make Some 10 Frames With Me
Thinking about numbers using frames of 10, can be a helpful and easy way for students to learn basic number facts. A 10 frame is a simple graphic tool that allows people to “see” numbers. They will help your students with number sense, place value, patterns and relationships, as well as subitizing.
While researching 10 frames, I found a wonderful 10 frame game your students can play. There's no reading involved, a voice tells you what to do. The four games that can be played with their applet, help to develop counting and addition skills. Children can independently play: How Many, Build, Fill and Add. Click on the above link to hop on over.
I also took a look at YouTube to see if I could find some quick explanations. There's a Ten Frame 4-minute video that does a nice job. Click on the link to pop over. For a 1 minute 10-frame explanation click on that link.
Since I planned all of my teaching around various themes each month, I decided to make 10 Frames featuring the most popular ones I could think of. Working on the same procedures can get a bit boring, but if you switch things up with different 10 frame templates, students will get excited to continue practicing skills.
There are a lot of ways to use these 10 frames. They certainly enhance number sense. They also help students subitize:recognize at a glance, domino and dice patterns without having to count the dots.
Besides the obvious uses, I've also made a set of numbers, number words, and math symbols ( plus, minus, equals, greater and less than) so students can make equations and play a variety of other games. i.e. Match the 10 frame to the number card, or number word, to play a Memory Match game, or play "I Have; Who Has?"
To practice subitizing, use them as flashcards to see who can call out the correct number first. They are also nice in a math center, using manipulatives and dry erase markers to fill them in. To make manipulatives to add to the 10 frames, simply run off extra pages of the 10-filled 10 frame and cut them into squares.
I'm in the process of making some for each month, and started with September. I just finished apple 10 frames, owl 10 frames and pirate 10 frames. Click on the links to zip on over to download these freebies. I also have pumpkins, leaves, scarecrows, frogs, stars, bats, spiders, dinosaurs and bees in the works, to round out fall, before I begin ones for winter. If there is a theme that you'd like 10 frames for, shoot me an e-mail and I'll add it to my list, and let you know when I've completed it. diane@teachwithme.com
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"My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance, but understanding of illiteracy, because some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than some college professors." -Maya Angelou
1-2-3 Come Work With 10 Frames With Me!
Ten frames are such a visual help for little ones. I find that most of my kiddo's are visual and kinestetic learners. I provided pictures and examples of things and plenty of math manipulatives, so they could do a lot of hands-on fun. At first, children think that these are just toys; they later learn that the "toys" are wonderful learning TOOLS to help show and demonstrate math concepts.
I tried especially hard to design things with little boys in mind, as their attention span as a Y5 seemed quite a bit shorter than the girl's.
Anything to do with trucks was always a hit, so when I was fooling around with what could appropriately hold a 10-frame, that would be exciting to a boy, but fun for girls too, a semi truck came to mind.
You can print off one and laminate, to use as a "teacher-led" instruction manipulative. Simply put it up on your white board, and using a dry erase marker, fill in a new number or equation each day. By writing these on Popsicle sticks, and letting students choose them, you can keep track of what you've already covered.
Call on a student to make X's or bingo dots in the correct number of boxes. Using 2 colors to SHOW the 2 numbers in an equation, is extremely helpful. Make an extra 10 frame semi truck and put it in your Math Center, or if you are able to make an entire class set, allow students to choose the colors for their truck and add their school photo, so that it looks like they are driving their semi.
Younger students can work with single numbers to 20, while older students can work with math equations to 20.
This is a quick, easy and fun way to whole group practice and assess understanding.
I've also included 2 ten frames in one of the trucks, so that you can work with numbers greater than 10 and less than 21.
Click on the link to view/download the 10 Frame Math Semi Truck Activity.
If you're looking for more 10 Frame activities, click on the link to zip on over to that category of freebies.
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"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it!" -Moliere
1-2-3 Come Learn About Place Value With Me!
I found that when I played fun place value games with my kinders and 1st graders, the light bulbs of understanding went on so much faster.
Repetition is a must, as everyone learns at a different rate. By making a different place value slider each month, you get the consistent repetition you need, but because it's a little different, things don't get boring for your little ones.
Making things hands-on, by incorporating a craftivity-game, is always edu-taining for children.
Because students are familiar with the directions, and can get right down to business, you're also empowering them and building their self-esteem.
"Sliders" were one of my Y5's favorite craftivities. I designed them for skip counting, shapes, upper and lowercase letters etc.
I gave them the name "sliders" because students slide a strip up and down as a quick & easy way to practice and review all sorts of things.
Because quite a few teachers have requested activities for place value, I thought sliders would be a wonderful way for students to "see" and "manipulate" that concept.
They are a quick, easy, & fun way to whole group assess too!
I designed a place value slider for each month, with some generic extra's. They will help you with Common Core State Standards: 1.NBT.2a, 1.NBT.2b, 1.NBT.2c, 1.NBT.3, K.NBT.1
For more CCSS practice have students jot down the numbers they are showing on the slider. Students can then compare 2 numbers as > or < .
To include addition and subtraction practice as well, ask students to make the number that is 10 more or 10 less.
Let's Make A Slider!
Run off the place value slider templates on construction paper. Choose a variety of colors where appropriate. i.e. apples can be red, green and yellow; leaves can be all of the fall colors etc.
By doing so you are teaching a little bit of science at the same time. i.e. apples can be 3 different colors; leaves change color because they don't have chlorophyll etc.
To expedite things, have a room helper pre-cut the slits.
Run off the 1’s, 10’s, 100’s strips on white construction paper. Students trace the numbers and cut out their strips.
The 1st strip, without a 0, is the 100’s strip, the 2nd is 10’s, the 3rd is 1’s. Remind students that the 100 strip does not have a 0 on it.
Cut the 3 blank strips and fold them in 1/2. Cut on the fold.
Glue one piece of the blank strip, to each end of a numbered strip, so that you can easily pull the strips up and down. Insert strips into the slits on the place value slider.
A piece of Scotch tape on the back, makes things smooth for easier pulling.
The teacher starts by calling out a number and then writing it on the board. Students manipulate the strips in their slider to make that number.
Teacher calls on students to tell how many 100’s, 10’s and 1’s there are. Give every child a chance to make up a number and play the teacher.
Cover more CCSS math standards with the prior suggestions discussed above.
When everyone catches on, you can play “Speed” to see who can make the number 1st.
Make sure you make a sample for yourself to demonstrate what you want your students to do. Students can add a bit more pizzazz to their sliders with crayons.
I hope your kiddo's will enjoy making, manipulating, and collecting their monthly place value sliders.
Click on the link to view/download the Place Value Slider Packet.
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"Of those to whom much is given, much is required."
Ring In The New Year With ABC's and 1-2-3's
Sliders are a fun way for your students to review upper and lowercase letters, counting by 1's to 30, skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's, plus counting backwards from 10-0 and 20-0.
Students trace the letters and numbers and make a snowman or penguin slider to insert their strips into.
I've included a colorful snowman and penguin as well as ones that are plain, so students can color their own.
You can jazz them up even more by mounting them on construction paper, as I did the snowman.
Give students a glue bottle or for little ones, put a dollop of glue on a small paper plate and have them use a Q-tip to make X number of dots as they count, then sprinkle with silver glitter after you have finished working with the sliders and have reviewed whatever lessons you wanted to.
Students set their sliders some place safe 'til they are dry and can take them home.
How do you make a slider?
Simply run off the templates, (I use white construction paper so they are more durable) and rough cut them, so that students can practice their own cutting skills, which will exercise and strengthen hand muscles.
You may want to slit the lines in the slider's body before hand. This is difficult for little ones to manage with safety scissors. I use an X-acto knife.
Students trim, color and trace their slider and then insert whatever strips you want them to review.
Have students fold down their long ABC strip to manage it better and for ease of taking them home.
Encourage parents, via a newsletter to reinforce these lessons at home.
You can sing the Alphabet Song while pulling letters through the window.
You can play "I Spy" and have a student call out a letter or number. Everyone pulls their strip through til they find it and then raise their slider, so that you see at a glance who has what so that you can whole group assess and help those who are struggling.
Laminate a set for yourself and use as a fun way to assess individuals as well.
Click on the link to view/down load the Snowman Alphabet and Number Slider or The Penguin Slider.
"Tomorrow [January 1st] is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one!" -Brad Paisley
Learning Numbers Can Be "Snow" Much Fun!
Snowman number puzzles is a really fun way for students to review the various ways to identify numbers as well as learn number words.
Make several sets and have students choose a partner and play "Speed" games to see who can assemble the puzzles the quickest.
Run off the set that ='s a student's age and have them make a keepsake when they glue the pieces together and attach their photo to a red heart.
The 37-page packet includes:
Click on the link to view/download the Number Puzzle Snowman packet.
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"Live in such a way, that if someone would tell a lie about you, no one would believe it." -Unknown
Math Games Are "Snow" Much Fun!
A fun way for students to practice addition and subtraction is with Dominic the Domino Snowman.
Students roll a pair of dice and then add and subtract. Children write out the equations and complete the work on a separate sheet of paper.
To make this even more interesting, students use dominoes for Dominic's buttons, finding matching ones that correspond with the dice combinations they rolled.
You can play with real dominoes, or run off my templates to make paper ones.
Run off, color and laminate a class set of the snowman templates and use dry erase markers, or have students color their own snowman and record their work on a separate sheet of paper.
Click on the link to view/download Dominic the Domino Snowman
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Do you have a math game you could share with us? I'd enjoy hearing from you. diane@teachwithme.com or post a comment here.
"A college degree and a teaching certificate define a person as a teacher, but it takes hard work and dedication to be one." -Paul McClure