1-2-3 Come Do Some Apple Math With Me
I never mind putzing a bit to make a math center because once you’re done making your activities things are easy-peasy.
I designed this packet so students are empowered because they set up the center, do the activity independently, check their work via the answer-key posters, make corrections if needed, then put things back where they belong.
No more prep for you, so you’re freed up while children are happily engaged.
Plus you can reuse this “apple-icious” math center every year. Woo hoo!
I keep my apples with a pipe cleaner stem in a large ZipLock Baggie and have included labels so you can separate the 0-10 apples from the 11-20 ones.
I created the patterns in such a way that you can easily diversify your lessons, while practicing a variety of standards such as:
* Sequencing, patterning, number recognition, counting forwards & backwards, +1 addition, -1 subtraction, groups/sets, subitizing, sorting odd & even, number word recognition, plus greater & less than.
There are so many independent center options that I've included a list of suggestions.
For example, I have one set of apples where I've glued the number leaf and mathcing oval set of seeds to an apple, which is labeled with that number word.
For this math center students count and string that many beads on the pipe cleaner stem, which matches the appropriate numbers on the apple.
They can use all one color, or show me an AB-AB or ABC-ABC color pattern.
For another activity, the leaves and center options are laminated, then individually cut out.
Children match the leaves and various centers to the appriate apple.
Even though I'm not teaching reading to my Y5s, I still put the number words on the leaves and apples.
They enjoy these games so much, that the continued repetition of seeing number words associated with a specific number, eventually sinks in by association, so many start reading those words on their own!
You can also use the patterns to make a set of apples without a pipe cleaner stem. I simply glued on a strip of brown paper.
We use this set for sequencing the numbers from 0-20, as well as sorting them on the odd or even number mats.
To reinforce the fact that apples can be red, yellow and green, I make a set of each color.
Students can make matches with the apples, (great for "Memory Match" or "I Have; Who Has?" games) as well as showing a row of color patterns.
For another set of apples, I glue a blank white oval to the center.
Children pick a number leaf, place it at the top then use black or brown pony beads to make a group of that many "seeds", which practices counting, making groups/sets, number recognition, plus one-to-one correspondence!
Besides using the variety of pattern choices for activities in your math center, you can laminate a class set of blank apples, as a quick, easy and super-fun way to whole group assess.
Call out a number. Using a dry erase marker, students write that number on their leaf, and make that many "seed" dots on the center oval, then place that many "seed beads" on the pipe cleaner stem.
When they are done, they hold their apple in the air. You can see at a glance who is having difficulty.
This is an inexpensive and easy enough craft, that students could also make their own apple, then take it home for continued practice there.
Today's featured, apple-themed FREEBIE, is another fun way to help your students practice number recognition, counting and sequencing.
As with my other math centers, I keep each one of the puzzles in their own ZipLock Baggie. I hope your kiddos enjoy these apple strip puzzles as much as mine do.
Well that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by.
I'm heading out to the farmer's market. Mmmm mmmm I can just taste that apple cider.
Wishing you an awesome autumn.
"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why!" -Bernard Baruch
1-2-3 Come Do Some Apple Math With Me
The last few articles have covered apple art, some apple science (apple facts and the apple life cycle) plus a bit of writing, so I thought it was time to throw in a little apple math. I've designed some numbered apples from 1 to 100. You can put them up all at once, or add one each day of school, as you count up to your 100th day celebration.
Another fun way to reinforce counting, is with Willie the Worm. His body is a numbered "slider". Children trace the numbers and then insert Willie into their apple. Call out a number, students slide the worm to that number.
This is a quick and easy way to whole group assess, as you can see at a glance who is having difficulty. I've also included strips for skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's, and 10's for a non-boring way to practice.
For just-the-right-size number fun, with an apple theme, click on the Apple Number packet. The packet includes: Smaller numbered apples (1-120) that students can easily sequence. Use these as anchor charts or a help poster for your students' math folders. The apple 1-120 individual strips, can be cut to form a number line.
I've included 16 "What's Missing?" activity sheets, that are especially helpful for those toughy teen numbers. Run them off for students to fill in, or laminate and have children place number tiles on empty spaces. The apple math symbols, allow students to use the apples to create and solve addition and subtraction equations, as well as show greater and less than.
Apples with numbers as well as number words, help with reading comprehension. Use them for games, pocket charts, or your word wall. Skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's is also included, plus 4 games, with the ability to create many more. Click on the link to get the 35-page comprehensive Apple Number packet.
For more addition and subtraction activities, you'll enjoy the apple-themed 10-frame packet.
If you teach little ones just learning to count, or ESL students, they'll enjoy the 1-to-1 correspondence apple game. I've included full-color cards, as well as black line masters if you want your kiddos to color their own.
I used red, yellow and green pony beads as manipulatives. This provides great fine motor practice as well.
Puzzles are also a fun way for students to practice sequencing numbers.
I've included an apple as well as a pumpkin shaped puzzle in this packet. Run the apples off on red, yellow and lime green construction paper; give students a choice of what color they want for their apple.
Children can simply put the puzzle together, or have them create an interesting mosaic picture, by gluing the pieces to a sheet of black construction paper. (Make sure they leave a little space inbetween the pieces.)
For that finishing touch, add their photo to the leaf. To make it more of a keepsake, have students trace their hand for the pumpkin leaf.
There are 7 more apple-themed puzzles in another packet. Use the skip counting by 10's puzzles for older students.
Finally, when doing apple math, one can't forget to include shapes as well as graphing. Both are accomplished in the Shapely Fall Graphs packet.
I hope you found a few things here that you're excited about sharing with your students. Do you have an apple activity that you could share with us? I'd love to hear from you. diane@teachwithme.com or feel free to leave a comment below.
It's a rainy day, and although it's tempting to venture into some time-sucking fun on Pinterest, I'm off to higher priorities. (Perhaps curling up with a good book!) Wishing you an apple-icious afternoon.
1-2-3 Do Some Apple-icious Activities With Me!
As I stated in the article after this, I wanted to finish up with all of the apple requests I've had this month, and move on to some other fall theme, so I put lots of apple FREEBIES in the blog today, that I hope you and your students will enjoy. Click on the "We Love Studying About Apples!" to grab your free poster.
Part of our morning, was spent doing "table top" activities, where students worked independently on various standards and skills.
With this in mind, I created the Caramel Apple Letter Find. Students find the capital letter A's and color them red; they color the lowercase a's yellow, and any Cc (for caramel) letter green. Click on the link to view/download it.
I'd also reinforce letter and number recognition, by playing "I Spy" games. Teacher starts out by calling out a letter/number.
Students find it, and either trace or color the apple, and then raise their hand. Teacher then calls on a quiet student to choose the next letter/numbered apple to find. Click on the link to view/print "I Spy a Letter!" apple game.
Besides "I Spy" my students enjoyed playing dic
e games. This helps with counting and number recognition, and simple addition for older students.
Click on the link to view/print the Apples On A Roll dice game.
To help increase my students' vocabulary, I always had themed words to add to our word wall.
I encouraged my first graders to refer to the wall when they'd write. Understanding, and using adjectives, is also very important to build good writing skills.
I designed Apple Adjectives to help with that. There's a black and white version for students to fill in, as well as a completed one in color, to use as an example or anchor chart. I found that graphic organizers were extremely helpful for prewriting, so I designed an apple one, so students could write in descriptive words. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Adjective packet.
Finally, a Venn diagram is extremely useful, in helping students grasp the concept of comparison and contrast. Once there's understanding and a framework, students will write better.
Because we study pumpkins shortly after our apple unit, I thought it would be especially helpful to compare a pumpkin to an apple, using a Venn diagram. Click on the link to view/download the Apple-Pumpkin Venn Diagram.
If you're looking for some short, but informative YouTube videos on Apples, I spent the better part of a morning watching quite a few. Here are my favorites: The Life Cycle Of An Apple is put to music in this 2-minute catchy video.
The familiar, 5 Little Apples story-song, is "pumped up" with a rap beat your kiddo's will enjoy, (1:47 minutes.) as well as the "I Love Apples" fact-rap. (2:04 minutes.)
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"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows." -Sydney J. Harris