Martin Luther King

37 pages. An excellent collection of 3 and 4-column graphic organizers, for every season and a variety of themes.
2 pages. Laminate this poster and use it as a writing prompt. Fill in students' dreams with a dry erase marker.
108 pages. Common Core State Math Standard 1.NBT.3, K.MD.3a, K.CC.5a, K.CC.6a You will LOVE this unit because you can do so many things with these manipulatives! Students enjoy playing a variety of games from counting to addition and subtraction + sor

6 pages.

A fun-quick and easy bulletin board for January! Use it for a writing prompt for New Year's resolutions, things students like about winter or for Martin Luther King Day and what a student dreams to be when they grow up.

40 pages. Wonderful skill sheets + 2 easy art projects for a fun day celebrating a great man!
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