
15 pages.

Here are a variety of quick, easy and fun activiies for your students to practice words that begin and end with the st blend.

5 pages.

There are several ways students can play this Winter Writing Prompt game.

3 pages.

"Welcome To My House" is an interesting and fun writing prompt. Students decorate their door, trim and glue it to a sheet of white paper that they also trim. Their writing prompt is revealed, when the the door is flipped open.

5 pages

"Wishful Thinking" is an interesting and fun writing prompt for December. Completed projects make an adorable bulletin board. Students finish the writing prompt: "If money were no problem and I could have 5 super-fabulous gifts for Christmas, I'd like..."

4 pages.

This is a Dear Santa letter with a twist. Instead of students writing a letter to Santa of the things they'd like for Christmas, they think of someone they think should get an extra special gift from Santa, and write a persuasive letter on their behalf.

4 pages.

Making a class book, was one of my 1st graders favorite writing activities. These booklets were also a much sought-after option during quiet reading time.  Here's the scenario for this fun December writing prompt: Santa's reindeer are sick!  Who will pull his sleigh on Christmas Eve? 

12 pages

Now You're Talkin' is an interesting and fun way to help your students practice writing.  It's especially beneficial if you're working on the proper use of quotation marks.  There are 5 different writing prompts to choose from.

6 pages.

"Stuff It!" is an interesting and fun way for students to practice writing.  I've included several options, with two different stocking patterns so you could actually do both of them, or give students a choice.

4 pages

A Sweet Tweet For Santa, is an interesting and fun way for students to practice writing.  Students color, cut and glue the bird to the top of their writing prompt paper, then each day (for 10 days) they jot down (tweet) something sweet that they've done, that Santa might be interested in knowing. 

9 pages.

Choose one of these Christmas countdown activities, or give your students a choice.  These craftivities are wonderful fine motor practice. Scissor "snipping" helps strengthen children's finger muscles.  They'll enjoy counting down to Christmas day as they "trim" the tree or Santa's beard

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