
4 pages.

Make a cute winter bulletin board, or locker decoration, with these snowman name stackers, which will help little ones with name identification, as well as a shape review of circles, squares and rectangles. 

2 pages.

Recylce paper garbage by making "Stuffy" the trash bag snowman, as a classroom decoration, which will help students practice fine and gross motor skills.

3 pages.

Students choose either a mitten or snowman pattern; trace it onto a wordy section of the newspaper, and trim.  Children guess-timate how many S's or Mm's they will find and write that information on the matching recording sheet.  Students circle the letters and count them as they go and then fill in the rest of their recording sheet.

3 pages.

Students can draw in their own snowman face, or color my pattern.  To turn these into dry erase "boards" cut squares out of glossy photo paper.  Each student needs 4 to glue on top of the squares on their place value snowman

10 pages.

Your students will enjoy making these snowmen with a moveable carrot nose.  Choose whatever standard you want your kiddo's to work on: upper and lowercase letter identification, counting by 1's, skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's or 10's, or use on your December or January calendar to countdown the days.  These are a great way to whole-group assess as well.  Students could also partner up and quiz each other.

8 pages.

Look closely and you will see that the snowman's face is textured, and made out of embossed wallpaper.  Wally, the Wallpaper Snowman looks terrific dangling from the ceiling, as there is a writing prompt on the back.  (There are 4 to choose from in the packet.)

14 pages.

Equal parts of non-menthol shaving cream and Elmer's glue, will make an awesome-snowy frosting, that really puffs up when it dries! The results are simply amazing.

9 pages.

Help reinforce upper and lowercase letters + numbers from 1-20 (teens are sometimes toughies for little ones) with an "I Spy" game.

5 pages.

A darling ornament - gift children can make for their family's tree.  Sure to become a cherished keepsake.  Also includes a poem.  This is a special FREEBIE in my TpT shop.  Click on the link to zip on over and get your free copy today. Keepsake Snowman Christmas Ornament.

3 pages.

Reinforce adjectives and the poetry genre for older students, by having them write an acrostic poem. For little ones, this is a fun way to review letters and words that begin with those letters.

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