4 pages.
Children choose a partner and take turns rolling the dice. Whatever number they roll will be the matching numbered pattern block that they will stack. A second roll tells them how many of that pattern block they need to stack. If they knock over their stack, the spilled pieces go back in the pile; any that are still in a stack can stay. The packet includes a Rack Up A Stack mat, a recording sheet if you want to practice more math skills, like skip counting and addition, plus numbered pattern block cards, so students can play the game.
This pattern block packet reviews shape words, numbers, counting, and colors. You can use these pattern block number pages in a variety of ways: independent centers, anchor charts, a whole group activity, or make a class book.
This packet will be FREE for an entire year, after which time it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop.
Click on the link to zip on over to see the new, 155-page "Pattern Fun!" packet.
For your convenience, I've included a PREVIEW here.