5 pages.
Common Core State Standard: 1.MD.3
These 2 Lorax Clock games are a quick, easy and fun way for students to practice telling time to the hour.
Students play in groups of 2-4, taking turns spinning the Lorax clock. Whatever analog time they land on, they trace the digital time on their Truffula tree trunk.
Students can also use the spinner to write numbers on their clock recording sheet. For this game, they can substitute dice for a spinner, rolling first 1 die for clock times 1-6, and then students can roll 2 dice, and add them together, to get the times greater than 6.
Add a small paperclip with the larger one, to make hands on the clock. After students have recorded their number, they show that time on the Lorax clock.
You can run the Trufulla tree tops on copy paper and have students color, cut and glue their tree top to their digital answer sheet, or to expedite things, and add a bit more pizzazz, you can run the master off on yellow, turquoise and pink construction paper. Students choose a top and trim it.
This packet will be FREE for an entire year! Woo hoo.
After which time, it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop.
Click on the link to zip on over to see the new, 18-page "It's Time For Truffula Trees! Seuss inspired Lorax time to the hour game packet, which now includes 3 size options, a teacher's clock , plus assessment activities.