Getting to the Core

1-2-3 Come Make A Take Home Folder With Me!

My friend and I were sharing. She was excited about making snail mail - take home folders for her students.

snail mail folder, back to school ideas, tips for getting organized, parent communication, take home folders, classroom management tips, ideas for corresponding with parents, snail mail folder, back to school ideas, tips for getting organized, parent communication, take home folders, classroom management tips, ideas for corresponding with parents, Janet can't remember where she got this adorable idea (Pinterest? A teacher magazine?) but the word snail is an acronym for Student work, Notes, And Important Letters.

She wanted to know if I could whip something together to glue to the cover of her folders.  I LOVED the idea & revamped the acronym to Schoolwork, Notes And Important Letters. 

snail mail folder, back to school ideas, tips for getting organized, parent communication, take home folders, classroom management tips, ideas for corresponding with parents, Since I sent a folder home every Friday with my students, which was filled with their work, my weekly newsletter and other correspondence from our school, I thought 'snail mail' was an adorable idea, so I got right to work.

Take home folders were my easy and very successful "life line" for parent-teacher communication, so I highly reccommend doing them. 

Parent feedback was also extremely positive, as they weren't constantly hunting through a messy backpack for news.  I kept the folders in a basket along with anything that needed to go in them, and had a room helper "stuff" the folders sometime on Friday.

snail mail folder, back to school ideas, tips for getting organized, parent communication, take home folders, classroom management tips, ideas for corresponding with parents, Besides the child's name on the folder, I numbered them so they could be put back in order quickly.  This expedited finding a specific child's folder to put their work in.  School pictures as well as report cards were also sent home via this folder.

I explained to parents the importance of making it a habit to take out their folder every Friday and go through it, praising and commenting on their child's work and perhaps choosing a few to hang up on the fridge, a bulletin board or cupboard door. 

Children also enjoy giving special papers to family members.  All of this promotes self-esteem.  By your interest, your child sees the importance of school and that you care about what they are learning there.

If parents tuck the folder right back into their child's pack, it will be ready for school on Monday.  Click on the link to view/download the Snail Mail Take Home Folder Packet.

snail mail folder, back to school ideas, tips for getting organized, parent communication, take home folders, classroom management tips, ideas for corresponding with parents, I've included black and white as well as colored snail labels, along with a reminder and note of explanation to parents. 

This packet will be FREE for an entire year, then it will be revamped and included in "Diane's Dollar Deals" in my TpT shop. 

snail mail folder, back to school ideas, tips for getting organized, parent communication, take home folders, classroom management tips, ideas for corresponding with parents, Thanks for visiting today.  Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find helpful. My pin it button is at the top.

"Never tell people how to do things.  Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." -George Patton

1-2-3 Come Make Some Back To School Things With Me

As I stated before, I know we all just got out of school, and the summer has barely begun, but somehow, June as usual, has simply flown by.  For a lack of anything better to write about throughout the summer, I decided to design some more back to school items. 

Hopefully when you've recovered from the past year, and are starting to get excited about school stuff, you'll find this blog article featuring a few goodies to make for your new students. 

back to school ideas, back to school activities, pencil themed activities, back to school bookmarks, back to school treats, back to school treat bags, first day of school activities, first day of school gifts, first day of school ideas, student gifts, back to school bulletin boards, september bulletin board ideas, bulletin boards for back to school, free bookmarks, free posters, If you're looking for something easy and inexpensive and an alternative to candy, I think you'll enjoy the Pencil Packet.

Since large office supply stores and retailers will be decorated to the hilt in the middle of July, with back to school stuff; offering wonderful loss leaders, you can usually find a pack of 20 to 40 pencils for only a dollar.

back to school ideas, back to school activities, pencil themed activities, back to school bookmarks, back to school treats, back to school treat bags, first day of school activities, first day of school gifts, first day of school ideas, student gifts, back to school bulletin boards, september bulletin board ideas, bulletin boards for back to school, free bookmarks, free posters, Choose either a pencil tag in color back to school ideas, back to school activities, pencil themed activities, back to school bookmarks, back to school treats, back to school treat bags, first day of school activities, first day of school gifts, first day of school ideas, student gifts, back to school bulletin boards, september bulletin board ideas, bulletin boards for back to school, free bookmarks, free posters, or the black and white tag and run off on yellow construction paper.  Punch a hole in the top and tie to a pencil and you're done! 

If you want a bit more, inlclude a few goofy erasers that you can buy packages of at The Dollar Store, or attach to a notebook that Target and others sell for just 15 cents at this time.

back to school ideas, back to school activities, pencil themed activities, back to school bookmarks, back to school treats, back to school treat bags, first day of school activities, first day of school gifts, first day of school ideas, student gifts, back to school bulletin boards, september bulletin board ideas, bulletin boards for back to school, free bookmarks, free posters, You can also print off the cute bookmarks and place both on your students' desks for a special "Welcome to school" surprise.

back to school ideas, back to school activities, pencil themed activities, back to school bookmarks, back to school treats, back to school treat bags, first day of school activities, first day of school gifts, first day of school ideas, student gifts, back to school bulletin boards, september bulletin board ideas, bulletin boards for back to school, free bookmarks, free posters,

To keep the theme going, print the large pencil on card stock and hang on your doorknob.   I've included two on a page so you can hang them on the front and back of your door, or put one up above your pencil sharpener.

back to school ideas, back to school activities, pencil themed activities, back to school bookmarks, back to school treats, back to school treat bags, first day of school activities, first day of school gifts, first day of school ideas, student gifts, back to school bulletin boards, september bulletin board ideas, bulletin boards for back to school, free bookmarks, free posters, For a sweet back to school bulletin board, print off the pencil template, make an extra copy of your students' 1st day of school photos; trim and glue to the center of the pencil and write their name on the top.

Scatter them on your b. board with a school-themed boarder.  Using a piece of cloth or burlap as your background, adds a nice touch. Your caption: Mr(s). _______________'s sharp new bunch of students.

back to school ideas, back to school activities, pencil themed activities, back to school bookmarks, back to school treats, back to school treat bags, first day of school activities, first day of school gifts, first day of school ideas, student gifts, back to school bulletin boards, september bulletin board ideas, bulletin boards for back to school, free bookmarks, free posters, Finally, there are 2 student roster posters. You can fill in your students' names, or pass the other one around, for everyone to sign.

Click on the link to view/download the Back To School Pencil Packet.

Thanks for visiting today.  Here's hoping this coming year is filled with your sharpest students ever!

back to school ideas, back to school activities, pencil themed activities, back to school bookmarks, back to school treats, back to school treat bags, first day of school activities, first day of school gifts, first day of school ideas, student gifts, back to school bulletin boards, september bulletin board ideas, bulletin boards for back to school, free bookmarks, free posters, Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find useful.  My "Pin It" button is at the top.  If you'd like to see all of the awesome things I PIN, click on the "follow me" pink heart to the right.

"An education is not received, it is achieved." -Unknown

1-2-3 Come Do A Back-To-School Icebreaker With Me.

My Y5's LOVED playing games as icebreakers for the first week of school. back to school ideas, back to school activities, icebreakers for school, icebreaker activities, icebreakers for the first week of school, icebreakers, school icebreakers, back to school bulletin boards, interview template, interview questions, detective activities, detective lessons, detective certificate, detective badge, collection data activities, common core back to school, common core collecting data, They are a quick, easy and fun way for students to learn about each other.

With a wave of my "magic magnifying glass" I'd often turn my kiddo's into ABC-De-tectives.  They especially enjoyed running around with a clipboard interviewing their classmates. With that in mind, I designed this "Find A Friend" icebreaker.

Here's What To Do:

Teacher runs off “rap sheets.” (A list of 5 simple questions.) Older students can fill them out in class; you may want to send the questionnaire home with younger students, to have parents help them out.  

Remind students NOT to put their name on their paper.  Pass out a rap sheet to each student. Make sure that no one has their own.

Inform your students that they are all back to school ideas, back to school activities, icebreakers for school, icebreaker activities, icebreakers for the first week of school, icebreakers, school icebreakers, back to school bulletin boards, interview template, interview questions, detective activities, detective lessons, detective certificate, detective badge, collection data activities, common core back to school, common core collecting data, detectives and that their mission is  to find their new friend.

Explain to your students, that by interviewing their classmates, they will eliminate suspects, until they find their  new friend.
When everyone has found their friend, detectives will introduce them to the class, using their rap sheet to tell about them.

Helpful tips:  

  •  Choose one question from your list.
  •  Ask this SAME question for each suspect.
  •  If you get a no response, move on to another suspect.
  •  If you get a matching response, then ask them another question.
  •  If their next response does not match, then move on.
  •  If it does, ask another question.  This may be the friend you’re looking for.

back to school ideas, back to school activities, icebreakers for school, icebreaker activities, icebreakers for the first week of school, icebreakers, school icebreakers, back to school bulletin boards, interview template, interview questions, detective activities, detective lessons, detective certificate, detective badge, collection data activities, common core back to school, common core collecting data, For added fun, I've included detective badges, a congratulations certificate of praise, that students earn when they find their new friend, a rap sheet, as well as an interview form.

Click on the link to view/download the Find A Friend Icebreaker Activity.

back to school ideas, back to school activities, icebreakers for school, icebreaker activities, icebreakers for the first week of school, icebreakers, school icebreakers, back to school bulletin boards, interview template, interview questions, detective activities, detective lessons, detective certificate, detective badge, collection data activities, common core back to school, common core collecting data, Thanks for visiting. Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find useful. My "Pin It" button is at the top.

"Education is not received.  It's achieved." -Unknown

 1-2-3 Come Do Some Icebreaker First-Day Activities With Me

icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, My favorite classes in school, even up through college, were those that we had a real community going.   These were usually conducted by my favorite teachers, who felt that a classroom was sort of like a family.  They made time to make us all feel welcome, safe, and important.  I truly felt cared about.  

One of the ways they promoted these feelings, was that they spent some time getting to know all of us.  This also helped build camaraderie, and developed our classroom “family” plus a positive-caring atmosphere.

icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, Icebreakers are a perfect way to do this, and are especially important on the first day of school, when students are a bit nervous and looking at a bunch of strangers.   They are quick, easy and a lot of fun.  I've always found that no matter what the age, most students really enjoy sharing something about themselves. 

I not only did an icebreaker on the first day, but included a simple one in the morning or at the end of the day, for our entire first week of school.  I even do icebreakers with my college comp classes.  I truly believe that if students get to really know each other, the class is much more interesting and fun, which I feel is conducive to learning, as well as a great motivational factor. 

icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, It's always worked for me.  Thus, I’m forever searching for something new to add to my icebreaker bag of tricks and came upon the M & M's or Skittles Game, which goes by as many names as there are colors, and can be played in a variety of ways as well, so I made up a few of my own versions.

You can have students choose 2 or 3 pieces of candy and then announce that they will be sharing something about themselves.  Whatever color of candy that they chose will match a question on the poster.   Go around the room and have students share that information one question at a time.   As they share, they get to eat that color candy.

icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, Remember to let students know in advance not to eat their candy before it’s their turn to share.  Since this may be extremely difficult for a young child, to expedite things, you can put one of each color candy in a mini cup on their desks.  

Tell students that they’re going to share the red candy question and then have everyone eat the red one at the same time.  As soon as the first person shares then the next one goes, til everyone has answered that color question.  

Remind students that you have limited time and to keep their answers short.  Most of the questions that I’ve thought of can be answered with one or two words.  Teachers need to keep things moving.

icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, If you have a large class, and don’t have enough time to share all of the questions, you can tell your students to pick out their favorite flavor or color and then answer that question.  

I’ve included 4, different question template options, for you to choose from, (using both an M & M's and Skittles template) as well as a blank color copy of the poster, to make up your own questions. 

icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, Remember to keep questions simple, easy to answer, not embarrassing or intrusive, and something that would be easy and fun for children to share about themselves.  

icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, As a writing option, I’ve included a blank black and white M & M's and Skittles copy.  You can run these off and have students color their candies, and then fill in the answers to the questions that you read. 

For sharing time, they can look at their papers and choose one or two that they want to read and share with their classmates. 

Click on the link to view/download the Candy Icebreaker Game packet.  Do you have an icebreaker you could share with us?  I would enjoy hearing from you: or leave a comment below.  

icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, Thanks for stopping by.  Feel free to PIN away.   It poured today, so I'm off to empty my flower pots, and rescue some drowning plants. 

icebreaker games, games for the first day of school, first day of school activities, 1st day of school activities, getting to know you games, icebreakers for the 1st day of school, icebreakers for school, M & M game, Skittle Game, candy games, candy icebreakers, back to school ideas, back to school games, back to school icebreakers,color games, Wishing you a blessed day from over here in Michigan.

"Nature does not hurry; yet everything gets accomplished." -Unknown


1-2-3 Come Make Some Back To School Things With Me

1st day of school activities, first day of school ideas, ideas for the 1st day of school, first day of school lessons, first day of school icebreakers, first day of school games, back to school bulletin boards, number puzzles, free puzzles, back to school puzzles, skip counting by 10's activities, back to school coloring pages, back to school gifts, ideas for open house, first day of school giftWhile I was working on the coloring-autograph page: "I made a lot of friends today!"  for a first day of school activity; I thought making some number puzzles that students could color, cut and glue, would also give teachers a little bit of "sanity" time, to get some of the zillions of trivial tasks done, that must be accomplished before dismissal, on that hectic first day.

The "friends" coloring worksheet was a very popular download.  It's so simple, but such a great way to give your kiddos something they can do independently, which frees you up.  When you're working with energized little ones, some of whom don't even know how to write their name, the word "independently" is imperative.

1st day of school activities, first day of school ideas, ideas for the 1st day of school, first day of school lessons, first day of school icebreakers, first day of school games, back to school bulletin boards, number puzzles, free puzzles, back to school puzzles, skip counting by 10's activities, back to school coloring pages, back to school gifts, ideas for open house, first day of school giftThe number puzzles also double as a quick, easy and inexpensive little gift that you can have lying on your students' desks.  Be sure and write their name on the puzzle (after the word Hi or Welcome! to make things extra special for them. 

The puzzles can be pre-cut to expedite things for preschoolers.  To give yourself even more time, have students cut their own puzzle pieces (after they have colored the picture) then tell them to mix up the pieces and put their puzzle together.

1st day of school activities, first day of school ideas, ideas for the 1st day of school, first day of school lessons, first day of school icebreakers, first day of school games, back to school bulletin boards, number puzzles, free puzzles, back to school puzzles, skip counting by 10's activities, back to school coloring pages, back to school gifts, ideas for open house, first day of school giftTo make a cool looking mosaic, have children glue the pieces to a sheet of construction paper, leaving a little space in-between the pieces. 

After they share their creation with the class, mount them on a bulletin board.  Caption: Mrs. Henderson's kinders stick together, or fit in just fine, or whatever else you deem appropriate. 

If you take a first day of school photo for a future memory book, make an extra copy and cut it into the shape of a puzzle piece, then put it along side that child's completed puzzle.  Adding a puzzle border, or scattering some real puzzle pieces through out your bulletin board, adds the finishing touches.  The Dollar Store sells a huge variety of puzzles that you can use to jazz things up.

1st day of school activities, first day of school ideas, ideas for the 1st day of school, first day of school lessons, first day of school icebreakers, first day of school games, back to school bulletin boards, number puzzles, free puzzles, back to school puzzles, skip counting by 10's activities, back to school coloring pages, back to school gifts, ideas for open house, first day of school giftThe Back To School Puzzle packet, includes 30 puzzles.  Some of them are vertical, others are horizontal.  They come in black and white, so that students can color them, and others are in full color, so you can print; laminate and trim, then use in an independent center for early finishers. 

1st day of school activities, first day of school ideas, ideas for the 1st day of school, first day of school lessons, first day of school icebreakers, first day of school games, back to school bulletin boards, number puzzles, free puzzles, back to school puzzles, skip counting by 10's activities, back to school coloring pages, back to school gifts, ideas for open house, first day of school giftMake a game of it by having children choose a partner to see who can complete their puzzle first. Some of the puzzles use numbers from 1-10 for little ones, others skip count by 10's to 100, for first graders. 

1st day of school activities, first day of school ideas, ideas for the 1st day of school, first day of school lessons, first day of school icebreakers, first day of school games, back to school bulletin boards, number puzzles, free puzzles, back to school puzzles, skip counting by 10's activities, back to school coloring pages, back to school gifts, ideas for open house, first day of school giftI've also included little "Welcome" tags.  (There are 16 on a page.) Write in your students' names and then paperclip one to their set of number strips and lay them on your kiddos' desks as a sweet surprise. 

1st day of school activities, first day of school ideas, ideas for the 1st day of school, first day of school lessons, first day of school icebreakers, first day of school games, back to school bulletin boards, number puzzles, free puzzles, back to school puzzles, skip counting by 10's activities, back to school coloring pages, back to school gifts, ideas for open house, first day of school giftSo that I had quiet time to check bus numbers and "going home" tags that needed to be changed,  I always had some sort of independent activity towards the end of the day.  My Y5's were exhausted, the room was usually hot and stuffy, so they were happy to simply veg-out a bit.  This puzzle packet is perfect for that. 

If you decide not to precut the strips, you may want to lay out a selection of black and white puzzles, and allow your students a choice of which one they want to color, cut and glue.  Put a variety of colors of construction paper out as well.   If you're all set for your first day, the puzzles also make a great Open House activity

Click on the link to view/download the First Day Of School Puzzle Packet.  For more number puzzle FREEBIES, click on the link.

1st day of school activities, first day of school ideas, ideas for the 1st day of school, first day of school lessons, first day of school icebreakers, first day of school games, back to school bulletin boards, number puzzles, free puzzles, back to school puzzles, skip counting by 10's activities, back to school coloring pages, back to school gifts, ideas for open house, first day of school giftThanks for visiting today.  As always, feel free to PIN away.  Do you have a first day or back to school activity  you could share with us?  I'd enjoy hearing from you.  or leave a comment below. 

1st day of school activities, first day of school ideas, ideas for the 1st day of school, first day of school lessons, first day of school icebreakers, first day of school games, back to school bulletin boards, number puzzles, free puzzles, back to school puzzles, skip counting by 10's activities, back to school coloring pages, back to school gifts, ideas for open house, first day of school giftTime to go water my flower garden.  I hope you're enjoying summer and making time to rejuvenate.  Blessings to you from my little corner of cyber space. 

"Your life is your garden.  Your thoughts are the seeds.  If your life isn't awesome, you've been watering the weeds." -Unknown

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