1-2-3 Come Do An Apple Puzzle With Me
Do you study apples? If so, I think your kiddos will enjoy this quick, easy and super-fun apple game.
Play as an independent center, or as a whole group activity where children plck a partner.
The game will reinforce numbers 1-6 for PK kiddos, while older students can use the 1-12 number puzzle to practice addition.
There are several ways to play:
* Run off the 6-on-a-page pattern and trim.
* There are 3 different apple puzzles for #s 1-6, as well as 3 for #s 1-12.
* Students pick a partner or play in groups of 3, taking turns rolling the dice.
* Whatever number they roll they color in the matching section on their puzzle.
* Older students will play with one dice for numbers 1-6, then use two dice, adding them together, for numbers 7-12.
* To reinforce the fact that apples are 3 different colors, I have my students color with a red, yellow, and green crayon.
* You can give children a choice of how they want to color, or to practice “color by number” following directions, hang up the poster(s) for them to refer to.
* The first child to color in all of the numbers, or the one with the most filled in when the timer rings, is the winner.
To play this as a Center Game:
* Run off the larger apple puzzles on red, yellow and lime green construction paper, laminate and trim.
* Run off the same number of patterns on white card stock, so younger children have a base to place the puzzle pieces on.
* Challenge older students to try and figure out the puzzle without using the base template.
* Children play the same as above, only instead of coloring a section, they find, and place that puzzle piece over the correct number.
* To assist children who are not using a base, print & laminate the “Challenge!” sample posters for them to refer to.
Another Idea:
* I’ve also included “header” cards, if you’d like to make these as an inexpensive gift for a back-to-school treat bag.
* They come in color as well as BW
It’s a super-simple, 1st day activity that children can do independently, which allows you to be freed up. Woo hoo!
Children are happily engaged putting their own personal puzzle together.
When they’re done, they pick a new friend to play the dice game with; using the base that they built their puzzle on, which they’ll now color for the “Roll & Color” dice game.
I’ve included a different “Welcome!” apple pattern for this, where the sections are a bit larger, so that you have room to write the letters of each child’s name if you want.
You can have these pre-cut, or to make the activity last longer have children cut out their own pieces.
Today's featured FREEBIE is an icebreaker activity perfect for the first day or week of school.
The M&M or Skittle Game has been around for a while, and goes by as many names as there are colors. There's also a variety of ways to play.
These are my versions. I hope you find them useful and an intersting and easy way to get to know your new students, as you build community and cameraderie.
Well that's it for today. The grand babes are coming, so it's time to put my beloved "Nana" hat on.
Nothing like grandchildren to make you feel young and old at the same time.
Wishing you a day filled with happy hugs and giggles galore!
"Grandchildren fill a place in your heart that you didn't know was empty."
1-2-3 come do Some Apple Activities With Me
Because apples are a big deal here in Michigan, I've spent a lot of time designing quick, easy and fun apple activities that teach a variety of standards.
I'm featuring 3 of my newest creations on the blog today, along with a special FREEBIE.
“Real Stuck, Way Up”, by Benette W. Tiffault, is my Y5s’ favorite apple stories.
A boy wants to eat an apple “way up” in the tree, so he tosses his baseball to knock it down and it gets stuck; so he tosses his shoe, a baseball glove and a variety of other items ‘til all of them are “real stuck, way up”, including himself when he decides to climb the tree.
It’s a perfect “sequencing” story and super-fun way to practice retelling a tale.
With that in mind, I designed a story “slider” craftivity, along with 4 worksheets to test comprehension, plus 4 interesting writing prompts, that I think your students will really enjoy.
The slider patterns come in BW as well as color, so that you can quickly & easily make a pattern to share. There are also 2 size options: full-page or 2-on-a-page.
For an independent center activity, there’s a set of colorful sequencing cards. Make a double set to use for a Memory Match game.
I’ve also included a set in BW, so that children can color, cut and make their own sequencing game.
You could use these as a whole-group assessment to check comprehension.
Later, have students pick a partner to see who can be the first to sequence the story correctly.
Afterwards, have them add the cover to make an “Itty Bitty” booklet.
To make reading the story especially fun, pass out the picture cards to your students.
When you get to that item in the story, the child holding that card places it on the apple tree poster.
After the story, pass the cards out to different children; challenge the class to put them in the correct order.
You can also use these patterns as an independent math center.
Children roll 1 dice to place picture cards 1-6 on the tree, then roll 2 dice. add them together to place picture cards 7-12 on.
Make a double set and have children play against a partner, to see who can be the first to get all of their items “real stuck”.
Next up is a set of "Life Cycle Of An Apple Number Puzzles", which are a simple way to not only learn the life cycle, but some of that science vocabulary as well.
Students also practice sequencing numbers from 1-10, counting backwards from 10-1, as well as skip count by 2s, 3s, 5s & 10s.
There are 14 different kinds with 65 puzzles in all. Some are vertical, while others are horizontal.
Print, laminate & trim the full color options and use as an independent math or science center.
Use the black & white ones, so that students can color & cut up their own puzzle.
Doing a bit of singing at the end of our day, is something my students really enjoy and look forward to.
One of their favorite songs is B-I-N-G-O. The song is an easy-peasy & great way to practice letter recognition, spelling and subtraction! Woo Hoo!
With that in mind, I made up a little “B-I-N-G-O” song for each month. These apple & cider ones are for September.
My Y5s were recognizing lots of letters and understanding “taking 1 away”, before we even got to specifically studying those letters or the concept of subtraction, all because of the simple BINGO songs!
The A-P-P-L-E one is now there personal favorite. You know you've got a "winner" when your kiddos break out in song while working on their apple-themed morning work!
Today's featured FREEBIE is a super-fun Name Map. It's a nice icebreaker for the first week of school and a great way to get to know your new students.
The completed activity makes a wonderful back to school bulletin board too!
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
We've had quite a few record-breaking, hot and humid 90-degree days, so it's time for a dip in the pool.
So in need of that energizing refreshment. Wishing you a fun-filled day.
"It's never to late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
1-2-3 Come Sing and Learn With Me
Do you sing “5 Little Apples In an Apple Tree” during fall? It’s one of my kiddos favorites, and a great way to practice all sorts of math skills!
They especially enjoy the fingerplays I've added, and like it so much, we continue to sing 5 Little Apples through November, as we add other songs to our autumn repertoire.
I added an extra stanza to the end. I figured if a child ate 5 apples, especially green ones, they'd probably end up with a tummy ache; thus the line: "Did I eat 5 apples without a break? Uh oh! Tummy ache."
Besides singing the song, I wanted to do some follow up activities that would also reinforce a variety of standards, so I designed the 5 Little Apples Activities packet.
I think you’ll really like the versatility, as it’s appropriate for PK-1st and especially helpful for ESL children. Simply pick & choose what’s right for your group.
The packet includes :
* An emergent reader, which includes a full-color copy for teachers, as well as a black & white one for your students.
Children read the repetitive sentences, trace & write the number & number word, then draw that many apples on their tree.
To make this a sweet keepsake, I have my kiddos press their index finger on their choice of a red, yellow or green stamp pad, to make their apples.
If you like that idea too, you'll want to include the optional last page:
* I've also included a set of Pocket chart cards. As you read the poem-chant with your kiddos, you can take an apple away.
Continue reading by simply changing the 2 cards that have a number on them.
To reinforce subtraction with my kiddos, I have them hold up a "high five" hand.
As apples fall we "fold" one of our fingers down.
I say: "5 apples were on the tree. One fell down; that left..." They say and show me 4.
* There's also a variety of Games:Memory Match, I Spy, Where's Wiggles? ( which practices ordinal numbers as well as spatial directions), plus I Have-Who Has?; Speed, Kaboom & an Apples on a Roll (dice game).
* Some posters, including photographs of real apples.
* Math-related worksheets with the 5 Little Apples theme.
Pick the level that's appropriate for your kiddos.
* My personal favorite, is an apple slider craftivity, with two options: a simple slider with numbers from 1-5 for PK kiddos, as well as one that skip counts by 5s.
* The number puzzles are also suitable for different ages and levels.
I hope your kiddos enjoy this song-poem as much as mine do. As you can see, it’s a quick, easy and fun way to cover all sorts of standards.
Click on the link to pop on over to my TpT shop to have a look see at this 57-pager that's chock full of fun, and only $3.50: 5 Little Apples Activities
The featured FREEBIE today, is a quick, easy and fun way to learn more about your students, as they practice their address, which I think is extremely important, and fits right in with our Fire Safety activities this month.
Click on the link for the "My Home" writing prompt craftivity. Completed projects make an adorable "Our Classroom Neighborhood" bulletin board too.
Well that's it for today. I'm anxious to start designing other fire safety stuff, plus pumpkin and scarecrow activities!
Be sure and pop back tomorrow to see what I got accomplished. For now, it's time for a computer break to decorate my house for fall, before Halloween has come and gone! Wishing you a weekend filled with super-fun autumn activities.
"Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time, like dew on the tip of a leaf." - Rabindranath Tagore
1-2-3 Come Do Some Apple Activities With Me
I've created so many apple activities over the years that it was time to up-date and revamp some of my favorite ideas and toss them into Diane's Dollar Deals in my TpT shop. I'm featuring two today, plus a FREEBIE.
First up is the Magic Math Apple. It's a quick, easy & fun way to practice recognizing some of those big numbers that kiddos often trip over when learning how to write and count numbers.
Seeing them in proper sequence helps them wrap their head around a variety of math patterns, and is especially helpful to visual learners.
By doing this as a whole group activity, you can quickly & easily assess students’ knowledge of numbers, colors, & spatial direction words, as well as their ability to listen & follow directions.
This activity also builds vocabulary. I purposely used words like left, right, top, bottom, diagonal etc. to reinforce spatial directions. To assist kiddos with the new words, I've provided full-page posters that you can refer to.
Ordinal numbers are also practiced, as well as colors. I feel even young children can gain number sense by doing this as a "monkey see-monkey do” activity.
On your large teacher copy, you color in the number 14 box brown. Show it to your kiddos & they copy you.
I've included a full-size teacher's template for this. There are 2-on-a-page, as well as 4-on-a-page number grid options for students.
Completed projects make a nice bulletin board. “We’re taking a bite out of number sense.” “Apple-icious math work.” or whatever... Click on the link to pop on over to my TpT shop to grab this super-fun Dollar Deal: Math Magic Mystery Picture.
Next up is Willie the Wormy Alphabet Apple game. He was one of my kiddos' favorite apple centers.
So that I didn't have to reinvent the wheel each year, and my centers were easy-peasy to set up, I try and create independent center/station activites that I can use every year.
Designing them to go along with a theme, keeps them relevant, interesting and fresh.
Willie took me less than an hour to make, and was so worth the effort, as he's a super-fun way for kiddos to practice matching upper & lowercase letters.
Finally,the Melted Crayon Apple craft is a personal favorite, and today's featured FREEBIE. Even though this craftivity is quick, easy & fun, it definitely has the "Wow!" factor.
"Apples can be red, yellow and green. These are the prettiest apples I've ever seen." is the little poem that's in the middle of the apple.
There are several pattern options in the packet (a large, full-page teacher pattern, plus 2-on- a page for students, with and without the poem.
Using a crayon sharpener & broken, peeled crayons, have students "shave" separate piles of red, yellow & green shavings.
They pinch a bit and then sprinkle the 3 colors on top of their apple cut out. Both of these activities, provide super, fine-motor skill practice, that helps strengthen those finger muscles.
Cover with a sheet of wax paper, press with a warm iron for a few seconds, then gently peel off the paper.
My kiddos often squealed with delight at how awesome their apple turned out.
Each one is different & completed projects make a lovely fall bulletin board.
That's it for today. Thanks for visiting. I hope you can pop back tomorrow for a few more apple activities, then it's time to move on to scarecrows & pumpkins!
I love all of the seasons, but I think fall is my favorite. Wishing you a refreshing day.
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
1-2-3 Do Some Apple-icious Activities With Me!
As I stated in the article after this, I wanted to finish up with all of the apple requests I've had this month, and move on to some other fall theme, so I put lots of apple FREEBIES in the blog today, that I hope you and your students will enjoy. Click on the "We Love Studying About Apples!" to grab your free poster.
Part of our morning, was spent doing "table top" activities, where students worked independently on various standards and skills.
With this in mind, I created the Caramel Apple Letter Find. Students find the capital letter A's and color them red; they color the lowercase a's yellow, and any Cc (for caramel) letter green. Click on the link to view/download it.
I'd also reinforce letter and number recognition, by playing "I Spy" games. Teacher starts out by calling out a letter/number.
Students find it, and either trace or color the apple, and then raise their hand. Teacher then calls on a quiet student to choose the next letter/numbered apple to find. Click on the link to view/print "I Spy a Letter!" apple game.
Besides "I Spy" my students enjoyed playing dic
e games. This helps with counting and number recognition, and simple addition for older students.
Click on the link to view/print the Apples On A Roll dice game.
To help increase my students' vocabulary, I always had themed words to add to our word wall.
I encouraged my first graders to refer to the wall when they'd write. Understanding, and using adjectives, is also very important to build good writing skills.
I designed Apple Adjectives to help with that. There's a black and white version for students to fill in, as well as a completed one in color, to use as an example or anchor chart. I found that graphic organizers were extremely helpful for prewriting, so I designed an apple one, so students could write in descriptive words. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Adjective packet.
Finally, a Venn diagram is extremely useful, in helping students grasp the concept of comparison and contrast. Once there's understanding and a framework, students will write better.
Because we study pumpkins shortly after our apple unit, I thought it would be especially helpful to compare a pumpkin to an apple, using a Venn diagram. Click on the link to view/download the Apple-Pumpkin Venn Diagram.
If you're looking for some short, but informative YouTube videos on Apples, I spent the better part of a morning watching quite a few. Here are my favorites: The Life Cycle Of An Apple is put to music in this 2-minute catchy video.
The familiar, 5 Little Apples story-song, is "pumped up" with a rap beat your kiddo's will enjoy, (1:47 minutes.) as well as the "I Love Apples" fact-rap. (2:04 minutes.)
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If you'd like to look at all of the awesome educational items, I spend way too much time pinning, click on the heart to the right of the blog.
"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows." -Sydney J. Harris
1-2-3 Come Make Some Apple Art With Me!
I've had several requests for some quick and easy art activties, that teachers can do in a short amount of time, or set up as centers. Here are some of my all-time favorites.
A melted crayon apple looks awesome and takes only a few minutes to make. Students cut out their apple and glue a leaf and stem to it. Teacher reads the poem and reviews rhyming. "Apples can be yellow, red or green. These are the prettiest apples you've ever seen!"
As a terrific fine motor skill, children peel a red, yellow and green broken crayon.
When it is their turn, children bring their apple and crayons to the adult-run center, where they "shave" their crayons in a crayon sharpener, to make piles of shavings. Students pinch some and sprinkle in a few places on their apple, being careful not to cover the poem.
The teacher or room helper, lays a piece of wax paper on top, and carefully presses down with an iron on its lowest setting. After a few seconds (s)he gently peels back the paper to reveal a multi-colored apple tree. My Y5's often squealed with delight at how cool their apple looked. Click on the link to view/download the Crayon Melt Apple activity.
Another easy apple "craftivity" that helps strengthen finger muscles, is a rip and tear apple. Even a young child can work independently at this center, as they tear red, yellow, green, and brown strips of paper into color piles, and then glue them to their apple cut out.
Any of these projects make an outstanding apple bulletin board, or if you do several, arrange them all on a wall, with the caption: Apple-icious Work! Click on the link to view/download the Rip & Tear Apple pattern.
As you can see in the photographs, I have my kiddo's use yellow, green and red, to reinforce the fact that apples can be all of those colors. Another way to bring this idea home, is to have children color the apple squares template. I designed the "graph" paper with large squares for little ones, as well as smaller squares for older children.
Use this "craftivity" to reinforce an ABC pattern as well. Click on the link to view/download The Color-Me Apple activity.
Every now and then, I liked to throw in a few crafts that I knew parents would absolutely love.
I call these "Keepsake Crafts." Tracing a child's arm, on brown construction paper, with their fingers spread to make "branches" results in the perfect apple tree trunk.
Children dip their index finger in red paint, or red glitter glue and dab on 10 fingerprint apples. Include a child's oval photo in the "hollow" of the tree, for that finishing touch.
This apple craft has a poem, so you can review that genre, along with rhyming words. "Cute little apples hanging from my tree. I made them with my fingerprints; they're a special part of me. The 10th one will be the last; listen now and I'll count them fast: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10."
Having children count the 10 apples, reinforces that math standard as well. Click on the link to view/down load The Keepsake Apple Tree Pattern.
Finally, allowing children to paint, is a bit messy, but also provides wonderful fine motor skill practice, and my Y5's absolutely loved it. Have children add seeds to the back of their apple, by pressing their index finger onto a brown stamp pad and then making a star design in the center.
To make this a noisemaker-shaker, add rice or birdseed before you staple their creation. These also look sweet dangling from the ceiling. Click on the link to view/download the Painted Apple Bowl activity.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN away. For more apple "craftivities" scroll down for the next blog article, featuring 6 more FREEBIES. It's time for me to clean up my crafty messes and seek some sunshine before the summer's gone. I'm wishing you an apple-icious afternoon.
"The art of teaching, is the art of assisting discovery." -Mark Van Doren
1-2-3 Come Make The Life Cycle Of An Apple With Me!
There are 3 Life Cycle of an Apple craftivities in this packet. Children can choose to glue the apple's life cycle on an apple, apple tree, or apple pie.
There is a front and back to the apple and apple tree projects. The apple has a sweet poem that I revamped, on the back. The apple seeds are a child's finger print that was pressed onto a brown stamp pad.
On the apple life cycle TREE, students cut and glue apples for however many years old they are.
The life cycle of an apple (pie plate), was made by covering a paper plate with aluminum foil. Because you are cutting a slice of apple pie to dangle, you have an opportunity to cover fractions as well.
There are also 2 different apple life cycle templates to choose from. One apple life cycle is completed by using real photographs of the various stages and gluing them to the template.
(See tree & pie photo.) The other apple life cycle, is made by coloring, cutting and gluing the pictures of each phase. (See apple photo.)
Completed projects look wonderful dangling from the ceiling. The apple pie life cycle makes a sweet bulletin board. I spray the pie slice with apple spice fragrance for that finishing touch.
Click on the link to view/download the Life Cycle Of An Apple Activities.
This packet will be FREE for an entire year (!) after which time, it will be up-date and rolled into my 33-page Life Cycle of an Apple Activities packet in my TpT shop.
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If you'd like to see all of the other excellent-educational items that I post, click on the heart to the right of my blog. I have an entire board for just apple activities, as well as another one for delicious apple recipes.
"Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of plannning." -Gloria Steinem
1-2-3 Have A Buschel Of Fun Doing Apple Activities With Me!
This 32-page packet covers quite a few Common Core State Standards, that involve math and language arts.
The packet includes:
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Activities Packet.
Thanks for visiting. As always, feel free to PIN anything from my site. To ensure that "pinners" return to THIS blog article, click on the GREEN title at the top; it will turn BLACK, now click on the "Pin It" button on the menu bar. If you'd like to take a look at all of the awesomel-educational items that I pin, simply click on the big heart to your right.
"The world is but the canvas to our imagination." -Henry David Thoreau
1-2-3 Come Make An Apple Puzzle With Me!
A quick, easy and fun way to get your kiddo’s sequencing numbers is via a number puzzle, which is also great for fine motor and higher level-thinking practice. One of my Y5 report card standards was to be able to put a puzzle together, so this was especially beneficial.
Here's How You Make A Puzzle: Choose either apple puzzles with number strips from 1-10, for younger students, or skip counting apple puzzles, with number strips that count by 10's to 100. Print off the apple puzzles on white construction paper or card stock, laminate and cut out the individual numbered strips.
Keep each puzzle in its own Ziplock Baggie. Pass the Baggies out to your students and set a timer. Challenge them to complete their puzzle before the timer rings. You can also partner students up, who have the same puzzle, so they can play "Speed" against each other, to see who can put their puzzle together the quickest.
When students are done with one, they may exchange theirs with another child who has a different puzzle. You can use these each year, or skip the lamination and give each child a puzzle to take home. They can cut their own strips, mess them up and put them together.
Another thing you can do with the puzzles, is make a puzzle flip book. I used 4 apple puzzles for my booklet. Print the puzzles and cut out the strips. Each puzzle should have a pile of strips 1-10. Lay the number strips for each puzzle on top of each other, so that the number one strip is at the top. Now make piles of all of the number ONE pieces, then a pile of the number TWO pieces etc.
Arrange the pieces so that when you make your flip book, the pages will show a mixed up puzzle. (See photo.) Glue just the number portion of each strip, to the top of the 1-10 puzzle template. Children flip the pages, to find the matching pieces, to complete each puzzle.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Number Puzzle Packet.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN anything from my site. To ensure that "pinners" return to THIS blog article, click on the GREEN title at the top; it will turn BLACK; now click on the "Pin it" button located on the menu bar at the top. To see all of the awesome educational items that I pin, simply click on the big heart to your right. I have a separate board for Apple Activities.
"There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds." -G.K. Chesterton
1-2-3 Play An Apple Game With Me
Games grab your students' attention and keep them focused, while they learn a variety of life skills and standards. I enjoy dreaming them up, many based on old favorites with a twist, to help reinforce different concepts.
Apples were a favorite unit for September, so I wanted to whip together a quick and easy game with that theme. To make the "Spiral To The Orchard" apple game, print, laminate and trim the game board template and apple playing pieces. I "test run" everything I do, and bless my husband's heart, he plays the games with me. It was his idea to include a simpler version for younger kiddo's, as well as the bit more complicated set of directions, for 1st or 2nd graders.
Briefly, the simple version is played like this: The object of the game is to get to the apple orchard in the center of the board. Children play in groups of 3. Each child picks a different colored apple: red, yellow or green. Students take turns rolling a die and moving that many spaces forward.
If children land on a rotten apple, apple core, or apple with a worm, they move backwards 2 spaces. If they land on a pretty red apple, or apple basket, they move ahead 2 spaces. I switch things up in the more complicated version for 1st or 2nd graders, as they can change places with an opponent, or are sent back to start, along with other "pit falls" that are a bit too complicated for younger students to remember. Older students also have to roll an exact number to get to the orchard. i.e. As students near the orchard, if there is only 1 space left, they must roll a 2 to get into the orchard and win the game. A roll of 1 lands them on the last square, which is the entrance. Any roll other than a 2 is too many.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Game. Thanks for visiting today. As always, feel free to PIN anything from my site. To ensure that "pinners" return to THIS blog article, click on the green title at the top; it will turn black; now click on the "Pin it" button located at the top on the menu bar. If you'd like to take a look at all of the terrific educational things, that I spend way too much time pinning, click on the heart button to your right.
If you're looking for more FALL FREEBIES, click on the link to zip on over to my teacher-friend Charity's blog, over at Classroom Freebies. She had a wonderful link-up. To make things super-easy, she grouped the free items according to grade levels. Enjoy and Happy September!
"A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence." -Unknown