7 pages.
Build children's self-esteem with this class-made book. Write names of students on the Pilgrim hat; toss them into a container, children choose one and write about that child.
This activity will be FREE for an entire year! Woo hoo. After which time, it will be up-dated. It's now a part of my 24-page Thankful packet. Click on the link to pop on over to my TpT shop. For your convenience, I've included a PREVIEW here.
7 pages.
These make a quick, easy, and simple independent center activity, that students can transition to after they complete their morning table-top lessons. I've included templates that students can color, cut and glue, + a blank one, where children glue their photo to the face of the Pilgrim.
11 pages.
I think your students will really enjoy making a Native American headband while playing the shape game. Children take turns spinning; whatever shape they land on, they glue it to the middle of their headband. To incorporate writing, have students write something that they are thankful for that is that color under the shapes. They can also write a fact they learned about the Wampanoag people on the feather.