
1 page. Zip up your writing centers or Daily 5 activities by placing a story wheel in them. Students spin the wheel 3-4 times and write sentences or a 1-paragraph story and include the picture ideas in them.

43 pages. Some unique activities to help celebrate 100 Day in a big way!

21 pages A math game and snowman friend your students will enjoy. Reinforces number and number word recognition, counting, sequencing + simple addition and subtraction.

10 pages. An adorable booklet that's perfect for your 100-Day activities. Students draw 10 dots on 10 different pictures to make 100 dots! What a fun way to count to 100.

10 pages. An adorable counting booklet that students will enjoy making. What a fun way to count to 100!

10 pages. A fun way for students to review 2D shapes. This packet has been updated, and is now a special FREEBIE in my TpT shop.
Click on the link to zip on over and grab your copy today.  Silly Shaped 2D Penguin Crafts

51 pages. Common Core State Math Standard 1.NBT.3 What a fun way to practice a variety of math skills: addition, subtraction, graphing, greater & less than, patterning, measurement, estimation and more.
18 pages. Cover science and language arts as students involve their senses to describe a themed object each month.

8 pages. A fun way to review addition and subtraction math facts. Students can simply do one page as a skill sheet or cut out and save 5 pages for 10-snowflake fact-pages and assemble them in an igloo booklet.

6 pages. An adorable and inexpensive gift children can make. Practice measuring skills with a cup of un-popped popcorn or rice, a length of flannel and a bit of fluffy stuffing!
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