5 pages. Common Core State Standards: RF.K1a, RF.k1c, RF.K3c A wintry fun way to reinforce colors and color words.
27 pages. Common Core State Standards: L.K2a, L.K2b, RF.K3a, RF.K3d, RF.K3c, 1.G.2, K.G.2 Students will enjoy reviewing the various 2-D shapes as they appear on the snow angels.
19 pages. Common Core State Standards: RF.K1a, RF.K1c, RF.K3c, L.K2a, L.K2b This booklet will help your students identify winter clothing words and the order clothes should be put on to get ready to go outside.
9 pages. Hang several of these posters in the hallway by your students' lockers, so they know the order of how to get dressed. It will expedite getting ready!