10 pages.
Cover a variety of standards with this cute elf slider. Slider strips for shapes, upper and lowercase letters; numbers to 30, skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's + counting backwards from 10 to 0 and 20 to 0.
If you don't want to make a slider, create a "belly booklet." Have students write letters, numbers, words, their name or whatever else you are working on inside this mini-booklet that's glued to the elf's tummy.
This craft will be FREE for an entire year! Woo hoo. After which time it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop. Click on the link to zip on over to see the new 35-page, Elf Slider & Belly Book craftivity packet.
For your convenience, I've included a PREVIEW here.