Oh The Places You'll Go Bucket List


5 pages.
2 different March, writing prompt "craftivities," perfect go-alongs with Seuss's Oh The Places You'll Go book.

On the large bucket, students think of 5 places they want to go.  They write the place, followed by what they want to see there, or what they want to do there.

The small bucket is a "slider", students think of all of the things they'd like to do, and jot them down on a strip of paper.  This can be for the month, year, in 5, 10, 20 years, or a list of all they want to do before they die.  They include this time commitment on their hat.

Students can color their large bucket to look like an upside down Seuss hat, or color the stripes however they want.  I used the color scheme of the story: pink, powder blue, purple, light green, orange and yellow.

Completed projects make sweet bulletin boards for March is Reading Month or a Dr. Seuss celebration.

cover seuss wp craftivityThis craftivity will be FREE for an entire year! Woo hoo.

After which time, it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop.

Click on the link to zip on over to see the new, 12-page, Seuss Bucket List writing prompt craftivity,which now includes a 3rd writing prompt, plus 2-on-a-page patterns to conserve paper.

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  • SKU: TWM1401

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Cover 2 vowels go walking

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