Coin Autograph Book


6 pages
Learn some facts about the penny, nickel, dime and quarter with this cut and glue booklet.  Includes the autographs of these famous Presidents that are featured on these coins.

The more different opportunities you give students to experience coins, the better chance they have of latching on to some sort of comparison, fact or piece of trivia that helps the light bulb go on.

Making this Autograph Coin booklet is a fun way to help students remember coins so they can identify them.

Washington and Jefferson wrote with feather quills.  Set up a center activity where students write their name with a feather-dipped in paint. To get some name writing practice in, have each student sign one paper, and run off copies for everyone, entitled Your Classmate’s Autographs.

Include the above 2 idea-pages in their booklet.

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  • SKU: TWM797

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Cover 2 vowels go walking

cover name writing

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