27 pages.
Common Core State Standards: K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b,K.CC.4c, K.CC.3, K.CC.5, K.CC.7, RF.K.1a, RF.K.1c, RF.K.3c.
Practice a variety of skills and standards with this cute 10 frame booklet.
- Students read, trace and then write the number and number word.
- Children also read the number in a sentence about how many buses there are.
- Students trace this sentence,
- circle the number in a sequence and stamp, X-out, or bingo dot that many in the boxes provided.
- Students also cut and glue the group/set of buses to the matching numbered boxes in their booklet.
- When everyone has completed their booklet, read it as a whole group to review concepts of print.
- Children will enjoy taking this booklet home and sharing it with their family; a real self-esteem builder.
- 2 graphing extensions
- 22 word-wall word flashcards
- 10 number flashcards
- 2 picture cards
- A set of covers to make Itty Bitty Books out of the flashcards
- a + 1 more skill sheet and
- A certificate of praise