
19 pages. This is one of my most helpful classroom tools. You can read, save, or print this.
5 pages. A free article that helps answer this daunting question. You can read, save, or print this.
1 page. A special surprise for your students. You can read, save, or print this.
35 pages. Lots of free short articles that give verification and reasons for the skill sheets and lessons that I do.

6 pages. Here is a free article with some great tips for the substitute as well as your substitute folder for when you're absent.

4 pages. Come teach with me! Free "how to" article.
2 pages. Here's our Come Teach With Me poem.

1 page. I make this game for my students at the beginning of the 1st week of school to reinforce name recognition. Later, you can program word wall words and put them in separate Snack Baggies, or simply write complete sets of the alphabet and have students arrange them, to make up words, or practice their spelling words in a fun way.

13 pages This is a fun math game that will help you reinforce subtraction and "take away" skills with little ones. You can read, save, or print this.
8 pages. Here are some quickie cards I do for Sweetest Day in October
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