1-2-3 Come Do Some Letter Gg Activities With Me
I find that if my kiddos can compare the hard & soft Gg sounds side-by-side, with a variety of different activities, their reading and spelling of those words is much more successful.
A few little rules, lots of examples and fun ways to practice, will help reinforce the different Gg sounds.
So I created this packet. I started out with just the gorilla & giraffe flip booklets, but as I was designing, I also wanted to include other quick, easy, and fun activities, where students could practice in other ways.
The variety keeps things fresh, while allowing for continued practice without reinforcement becoming boring.
Thus, the packet grew into jumbo size, as I combined both the hard and soft Gg activities into a BUNDLED packet.
They mirror each other, as the activities for the hard g have a matching soft g counterpart, which makes comparison super easy as well as fun.
Simply put, I know this “stuff” works because it’s worked for me.
My students are focused and engaged, enjoying learning some tricky things. I can use these centers year after year, which is a huge time saver. Win-Win.
The packet includes:
* A super-fun gorilla & giraffe flip booklet. So that teachers can quickly & easily make an example to share, I've included full color templates, as well as black and white so that students can make their own.
The "mouth" of the gorilla and giraffe flips up to reveal pages of a soft or hard Gg graphic, along with a "trace & write" word.
There are a variety of page options, featuring words beginning with that sound, as well as the sound within the word.
Choose your favorites or run them all off and give children a choice.
* The packet also includes 60 picture word cards with a tip list of games you can play, plus other ways to use them, as well as a nice selection of
* Posters, which you can use as anchor charts and a way to introduce the lesson.
* There are also a variety of "Word Work Worksheets", which includes alphabetizing as well as word searches. As with all of my packets, answer keys are included. Here are some more things that are included...
* 36 Ekonin Box cards with matching letters, makes for a quick, easy & fun independent center.
* “Mixing Math With Literacy number PUZZLES.
* "Going to the Zoo” alliterative, “hard & soft Gg” story craftivity, packed with Dolch sight words.
The reading passage is sprinkled with hard & soft Gg alliteration, which is sure to tickle your students' tongues.
My kiddos LOVE reading this aloud, and enjoyed making their own "open the door" worksheet.
* Giraffe & Gorilla word booklets for hard & soft Gg words. My kiddos keep these in their writing notebooks. (Colorful teacher's version, plus black & white patterns for students).
* “Feed the Gorilla & Giraffe” craft, with 194 (hard & soft Gg) word cards. (Snack crackers).The mini cards feature a banana (which gorillas love), as well as some acacia leaves, which giraffes are fond of.
I put the "head" on a Boutique Kleenex box, so that the "mouth" of the gorilla and giraffe goes over the oval opening in the box. I cut the mouths using an Exacto knife.
My students actually ask to play this game they enjoy it so much! Woo hoo.
Choose which words you want to reinforce, print the pages, laminate and trim. Pass them out to your students. We gather in a circle and sit on the floor. I hold both boxes.
Students show their word card and everyone reads it together. If you want, they can also point out the vowel that helps give the word its sound, or explain that this is a word that's an exception to the rule, or that this word contains both sounds. They "feed" their card to the appropriate animal. Play 'til all of the cards have been "eaten".
I often do this as a quick review before lunch. (Munch a bunch of cards before lunch!)
Besides using the cards for "feeding" the animals, you can also use them for an independent center, where children sort X number of cards onto a gorilla or giraffe sorting mat.
Older students can pick 3-6 cards and use them to make up sentences which they record on their worksheet.
You can use the variety of activities for...
* A whole group
* An independent center
* Partner fun
* Homework
* Lessons for a sub folder
* A simple & quick time-filler or something for early finishers
* Assessments
* A game
* Something fun for ESL students or children who need extra help.
Today's featured FREEBIE is also a letter activity. The Alpha Cats packet is perfect any time of the year. Fun for a pet theme, and especially teriffic if your students are Pete the Cat fans, as these little kitties are wearing shoes!
Besides the upper & lowercase letter cards, there are also a few worksheets, plus I've included a 3-page tip list of ideas for using the cards, including the Kaboom game.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
My husband's brother flew in from Denver, so it's time to put on my hostess hat. Wishing you a happy day, filled with many memorable moments.
"It's all about quality of life. Finding that happy balance between work, play, family and friends." -Phillip Green
1-2-3 Come Do Some Alphabet & Number Activities With Me
Make learning letters & numbers especially fun with this “something different” packet.
While waiting for “my turn” at the ophthalmology office, I was staring at a framed print of an old-fashioned eye chart, wondering how I could use that in my classroom. The result of that long wait, is this “ABC the letters & numbers” packet, with C (see) being a play-on-words.
It took some time to design the eye charts, so that they not only looked like the “real deal”, but included all of the uppercase letters, so they can be used as a unique teaching tool, plus help practice letter identification & recognition. Easy-peasy for you & fun for your students.
You can use the traditional “E at the top” chart, or the one that says “I Spy!”
Besides the eye charts, the packet also includes a variety of “Eye Spy” alphabet & number worksheets & games, plus 26, mini puzzle glasses, where students match the uppercase letter to the lowercase one, along with 21 matching numeric puzzles, which help practice numbers 0-20, sequencing, subitizing & simple addition.
I’ve also included an assessment mat & recording sheet for both upper & lowercase letters.
A set of upper & lowercase "eyeball" cards, can be used in a variety of activities and games. I've included a 3-page tip list of what you can do with them.
There's also a set of "I Spy My Name" color-me worksheets, if your students are learning to write their names and identify those letters.
There are 4 boys & 4 girl options children can choose from, plus a colorful pattern you can use to quickly & easiy make a sample to share.
About the CHARTS:
My Y5s absolutely love pretending, and talking about what they want to be when they grow up, so “becoming” a real eye doctor is right up their alley.
Print and laminate the eye chart so it can become a part of your pretend play area. I keep a copy in our “doctor kit” tub.
If you don’t have an “imagination station” set up in your classroom as part of your daily routine, that’s fine too, as being able to “play eye doctor” will be even more exciting, as children don’t normally get to have this as a center activity.
Pair up a strong student with a struggler, so that they can each take turns being the patient, as well as the eye doctor. If you have older reading buddies that come in to help with your youngsters, this is also a fun activity for that time slot.
The “doctor” asks the “patient” to read the various lines. My kiddos use a “pencil pointer”, so they are specifically pointing to each letter. Having a pointer is also a “cool tool” and adds to the fun.
Besides the “Partner Pretend” practice game, you can also use the eye chart poster as an alternative assessment tool, where students point to each letter and say it.
The eye chart also works as a fun ”I spy!” worksheet game. Run them off, then choose a student to call out a letter. Children find it and circle it. You can see at a glance who is having difficulty.
Another idea for the eye chart is using it for a “whole group” activity. Using a dry erase marker, have a child come up and circle a letter that you ask for. You could also point to a letter and call on children to tell you what that letter is.
The numbered lines are also helpful, so you can reinforce number recognition as well. i.e. “Please read the letters on line 5” or point to a number and ask the name of it; or “Please show me the number 3”
The chart can also be used for ordinal number practice. “What is the third letter on line 2?” I love it when I can use a visual for more than one thing, and thought you’d appreciate that too.
Today's featured FREEBIE is a versatile "Fan Sailboat Craftivity" that's suitable for the end of the year: “Have fun sailing into summer. I hope it’s fantastic!”, as well as for back-to-school: “Have fun sailing into a new school year. I hope it’s fantastic!”
Inserting a pencil, pen, marker, glow stick or Pixie candy stick for a mast, is an inexpensive little gift you can give your new or departing students as well.
That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
Time to go soak up some sunshine as I water my garden.
Wishing you a carefree day.
"Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air, and you." -Langston Hughes
1-2-3 Come Do Some "It Looked Like Spilt Milk" Activities With Me
Do you read "It Looked Like Spilt Milk" by Charles Shaw?
It’s a terrific, springtime story for introducing your study of clouds, and helps children stretch their imaginations.
Because my Young Fives really enjoy this story, I designed several cloud-themed activities for them to transition to, after we read the tale. They are both featured on the blog today, along with an awesome FREEBIE.
Since "It Looked Like Spilt Milk" is perfect for practicing the “sequencing and retelling a story” standards, I designed a quick, easy and fun slider craftivity, which will help your students retell the story in the proper order.
There are 2 outside slider options to choose from.
One features a cloud, the other a square with a spilled milk "splat".
I chose blue construction paper, to resemble the story as well as the color of the sky.
Pick your favorite or give children a choice.
Students color the story elements on the “slider strip” then cut and glue it together.
There are 2 "storytelling slider strip" options as well.
One, for beginning readers, has the pictures labeled, while the other strip's graphics are blank.
As they pull on the end of the “slider-strip” the various “cloud” pictures go through the “window”, so that children can take turns retelling the story to a partner or reading buddy, then take their craftivity home to share with their family, once again practicing these standards.
I introduce the lesson by reading the book ”It Looked Like Spilt Milk”, then share my completed "slider craft” with my students.
After I read the story, we retell the tale together, using the picture prompts on my slider.
I have them guess which story element they think comes next, before I pull the picture through the “window”.
My students now know what’s expected of them, and are very excited to transition to making an “It Looked Like Spilt Milk” storytelling slider of their own.
Storytelling sliders are also an easy & interesting way to assess comprehension.
I’ve included a “Let’s “sequence the story” activity for this, where students color and trim the picture “windows” then glue them in the correct order on their worksheet.
There’s also a “Here’s What Happened…” writing prompt worksheet, as another way to check comprehension, plus practice sequential writing, hopefully using a variety of ordinal numbers and other transitions.
Finally, I thought it would be fun to practice upper and lowercase letters with a "cloud alphabet", which also includes an "animal cloud" for each letter as well.
The "Cloud-Themed Alphabet Packet" includes:* An “Alpha Clouds” (color, trace & write) booklet.
With 4 pages on one, to make a "just-the-right-size", mini booklet.
*An “ABC Animal Clouds” booklet, with the same above format.
* A boy & girl “Look at my cloud name” worksheet craftivity.
* 3 sets of alpha-cloud cards for upper & lowercase letters.
* 2 sets of animal cloud cards. There is a “cloud animal” for each letter of the alphabet.
* There are also matching animal word cards, which will provide more ways to play “Memory Match” and “I Have; Who Has?” games.
* Children can also pick a picture card and describe the animal using 1-3 adjectives OR…
* Pick a word card and use it in a sentence. OR…
* Students can arrange the letter and/or word cards in alphabetical order.
-Use the “Kaboom!” cards to add to the fun.
-Use the cover to make an “Itty Bitty” booklet.
* I’ve also included a 5-page, tip list of other games and things you can use the cards for.
* 2 poster poems to introduce the lesson
These activities can be used for independent centers, whole group activities, Daily 5 word work, early finishers, homework, or tossed in a sub tub.
Today's featured FREEBIE is a set of number posters.
These anchor charts are perfect for a math bulletin board that you can refer to daily and review:
* fractions, colors, patterns, telling time, fact families, money, tally marks, ordinal numbers, measurement with a ruler, +1 addition, sequencing numbers, counting groups and sets of objects, and using a ten frame for addition or subtraction.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by. My feet have hit the floor running, as I'm watching 3 of my grandchildren today.
They are age 4, 2 and 1, so it will be a busy day of play, filled with lots of fun and giggles. Wishing you a love-filled day.
"Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric." ~Pam Brown
1-2-3 Come Make An Alphabet Wheel With Me
Alphabet Wheels are a quick, easy & fun way to practice letters, and build the vocabulary needed to give an example of a word, with that beginning sound.
They feature 7 nouns that begin with that letter, and come in black & white, as well as full-color, so that you can use a colorful one for an independent center and use the black & white pattern for a whole-group or individual word work activity, where kiddos make their own.
Alphabet wheels are perfect for letter of the day/week activities.
I've also tried to use popular themes so that you can revisit the wheels or feature them with your apple, leaves, gingerbread, turkey and snowmen etc. themes.
Another idea, after children have gone through the entire alphabet, is to have them make their own alphabet wheel that starts with the first letter of their name.
On the back of the wheel they can write the other picture words along with their name: “Kk is for kite, key, kangaroo, king, koala and Kaiden!”
I've also included a worksheet where students trace & write the words then put them in alphabetical order.
So that you can give them a try, the first alphabet wheel, "A is for Apples and..." is FREE. It's today's featured freebie as well.
I had a request for "bundling" the alphabet wheels.
I’m always happy to bundle up packets particularly for the alphabet, so you can get a nice price break and save more.
I’ve bundled 13 alphabet wheels A-M together, then another bundle for the rest of the letters N-Z., so instead of being a dollar each if bought separately, they are now only .50 cents.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
We've been having some chart-topping temps again for September, so it's time to go water my garden.
Wishing you a happy-go-lucky kind of day.
"Be a rainbow in someone's cloud." - M. Angelou
1-2-3 Come Do Some Alphabet Activities With Me
I'm working away at the ever popular alphabet wheels. I featured Aa is for Apple in September, and Pp is for Pumpkin in October.
For November, I just completed Ll is for Leaf, Tt is for Turkey and Vv is for Veterans.
Since we continue to work on the alphabet throughout the year, it's nice to add something new to my Alphabet Center activities each month.
Because of the seasonal themes, the Alpha Wheels are a perfect addition, and my kiddos LOVE making them.
I enjoy them, because they are a quick, easy & fun way to practice letters, and build the vocabulary needed to give an example of a word, with that beginning sound.
They feature 6 nouns that begin with that letter, and come in black & white, as well as full-color.
Use a colorful one for an independent center and use the black & white pattern for a whole-group or individual word work activity, where kiddos make their own.
You'll find that your students will look forward to making and collecting them.
For writing, vocabulary building and alphabetizing practice, I've also included a worksheet where students trace & write the words then put them in alphabetical order.
Click on the pictures or hot links above, to zip on over to my TpT shop to have a look.
I sincerely hope these alpha-wheels make letter practice more fun for your kiddos.
Fittingly, the featured FREEBIE today, is an alphabet packet, with a set of alphabet cards & poster which you can play games with. I hope you find it useful.
That's it for today. A work crew is coming in to put a new window in my office, so I don't get to "play" today, but it's time and money well-spent, as I won't be freezing all winter!
Wishing you a relaxing day.
1-2-3 Come Make An ABC Flip Booklet With Me
The Alphabet-Word Puzzles, continue to be very popular, as well as the other matching packets.
My latest creation, ABC Flip Booklets, also match, which makes for nice coordinated center/station activities.
These “Flip Booklets” are a quick, easy & super-fun way to review lowercase letters.
They come in both color & black line. Color, so that you can make a sample to share, or an entire set of laminated ones, to use as a center/station activity.
Make an extra copy, put them on a split ring, and tuck in your classroom library.
The flip booklets also come in black and white, so children can color & create their own.
Assign a flip booklet, each time you’ve practiced that group of 4 letters.
Students can draw their own pictures on the blank template or color the black & white patterns.
So that you have more examples, and can build more vocabulary, I designed the black & white and full color sets, with different pictures.
Besides drawing or coloring a picture underneath a “flap”, another option, is to have students alphabetize the words of the pictures that are inside each letter. They write these under the flap.
For your convenience, I’ve also provided completed sample templates, with an alphabetical list of the words under the appropriate flap, so you can easily laminate and make a set for a reading or word work center.
The packet is 37-pages and can be found in my TpT shop. Click on the link to pop on over: Alphabet Flip Booklets.
I sincerely hope that your students really enjoy practicing lowercase letters, beginning sounds, and vocabulary building, with an ABC flip booklet.
As always, I have a FREEBIE for you today as well.
This was a Pinterest inspired idea from a homeschool mom who put masking tape on her carpet to create a parking lot for her boys.
I wanted to make something permanent that teachers could use in their classrooms, so I made templates.
My kiddos LOVE this activity. Click on the link to grab this super-fun FREEBIE: Park It! An Alphabet Matching Game.It!
Thanks for visiting. It's time for a much-needed break, and to take Chloe, my poodle pup, for a walk before it rains.
Wishing you a carefree day, filled with marvelous moments.
1-2-3 Come Do Some Bunny Activities With Me
The last week of April was sort of a catch up week for my Y5's. I would plug in anything my kiddo's still needed to work on and simply give it a spring twist. It was also a nice time to review and reinforce things that they should already have learned.
As you may have discovered, just because you taught something in the first 9 weeks of school, and everyone passed those assessments, doesn't mean that they retained what they learned by the last 9 weeks of school. Because there is so much to cover, in such a short amount of time, we seem to always be moving on to the next thing.
It's imperative though, that you continually reinforce standards throughout the year. A quick, easy and fun way to do that is via centers, and games that students can do independently. With that in mind, I designed the "I'm All Ears" packet.
I think you'll enjoy the versatility of this packet, as you can program the bunny "ears" (craft sticks) with just about anything you want to continue to review.
There's a large as well as small bunny template. Choose one or make up a variety. I used the large craft sticks for the bigger bunny, and the smaller Popsicle sticks, as well as spoon-shaped crafts sticks, for the smaller bunnies. Program them with whatever and keep each set in their own Baggie.
Think of things that you teach that can be divided up into pairs, so that you can write/draw them on the craft sticks.
Here are some of the ideas that I came up with:
If you think of anymore, I'd enjoy hearing from you diane@teachwithme.com or feel free to leave a comment below.
To expedite things, I've also included a list of contractions, as well as a list of synonyms/antonyms to help you program those Popsicle sticks.
If you'd like a list of compound words, I just finished updating a comprehensive alphabetical list of 3,317 compound words! Click on the link to view/download it.
Click on the link to view/download the I'm All Ears Bunny Packet. Thanks for visiting today. As always, you may PIN away.
"I wish I could be more resilient like the Energizer Bunny; after all my students are."
1-2-3 Come Do Some Pirate Activities With Me
I've had several requests for some pirate-themed activities, so I thought I'd putz with designing some that would help reinforce upper and lowercase letters.
Did you ever decide to do something that you thought would take a few hours and all of a sudden you whiled away so much more time?
That's what happened with the Polly Wants A Letter Cracker packet. It's three days later, and I'm finally done working on it!
Here's how to use the packet: Print off Polly's body parts, trim, glue them together and then laminate.
Cut out her mouth, to make a nice opening for your kiddos to "feed" her letter "crackers".
I perched Polly on a very small wastebasket that I bought at The Dollar Store, so that when students "feed" her, the crackers will drop into the basket.
Print, laminate and trim the upper and lowercase letter "cracker" cards. Pass them out to your students.
So that you'll have more than enough food for Polly, I designed two different sets of uppercase letter crackers, plus two sets of lowercase ones.
These could also be used for Memory Match, or "I Have; Who Has?" games. There's a tip list of other ideas in the packet as well, including a Kaboom game.
You can call for the "crackers" in alphabetical order, sing the ABC song, or read a pirate alphabet book. Whatever letter you come to, have those students feed Polly the upper and lowercase letter crackers.
For even more review, the packet has a variety of pirate-themed upper AND lowercase alphabet worksheets, like "I Spy a lowercase letter" game.
After students have practiced, you can assess their knowledge.
I've included a variety of alphabet assessment activities, such as the "Spy some letters" assessment mat.
A nice activity for your Daily 5, is the Polly Wants A Letter Cracker ABC booklet, where students color, trace and write the letters.
Have older students write a word that begins with that letter. To make this more of a challenge, have them use a pirate word or phrase.
To help you with this, I spent several days reading a few pirate books and lots of pirate articles about the history of pirates, real pirates, places they went, their treasure and adventures etc. This helped me to compile an alphabetical list of pirate words and phrases.
With the aid of lots of "Talk like a pirate" sites, as well as nautical jargon dictionaries, and all of the above resources, I came up with 794 words and phrases related to pirates, and included this list in the packet.
I really enjoyed learning a lot of new pirate vocabulary and trivia, that's now buzzing in my head with some future ideas...
While doing that research, I came across several wonderful pirate alphabet books, perfect to read before and/or after feeding Polly.
Shiver Me Letters by June Sobel, Pirate's Alphabet by Patti Wigington, A Is For Arrr! by Laura Purdie Salas, Twenty-six Pirates by Dave Horowitz, An A to Z of Pirates by Caroline Stills and Pirates of the Alphabet by Tim Whitney, are all worth taking a peek at. A cute trailer for the Pirates of the Alphabet is also on YouTube.
If you're into Aps you may also like Pirate Phonics: Blackbeard's Alphabet. It's $1.99 There are also a plethora of pirate songs and short pirate video clips on YouTube.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN away.
"A merry life and a short one, shall be my motto." -Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts
1-2-3 Come Do Some Alphabet Activities With Me
I had a few requests for some black line letter posters, to use as alphabet anchor charts. Woo Hoo! After a lot of work they are finally done! Click on the various links to grab them.
I made a set of separate uppercase letters and enlarged them to take up the entire page. You can use them as posters or for a variety of other fun activities.
These are perfect for running off your students' initials and then having them decorate however they wish, or reinforce that letter and sound, by having students decorate the letter with words and pictures that begin with that letter.
Encourage them to use stickers, clip art, pictures cut from magazines, photographs and even drawings. This idea makes an interesting and fun homework assignment, or something they can work on for their Daily 5 word work. Click on the link to view/download the Uppercase Letter Posters
If you read the book Chicka Boom, run the letters off on a variety of colors of construction paper, laminate and then cut out. Scatter them on your classroom Chicka Boom palm tree.
I also made a set of large lowercase letters as well. To strengthen upper body muscles, run off several sets and have students lie on their tummies and make up words. These too, are great for your Chicka Boom activities.
I've included a tip list of ideas of all sorts of fun things you can do with these letter sets, including games like a giant Memory Match or "I Have; Who Has?" + a Kaboom game.
Because the letters are easy to see, choose 4 posters and put one in each corner of your room. I dangle mine from the ceiling.
You can then play the game 4-Corners. Each week choose another 4 letters 'til you have reinforced and reviewed them all. Click on the link to view/download the Lowercase Letter Posters.
To make an awesome class alphabet book, use the letter posters that show both the upper and lowercase letter together. Glue them on a variety of colors of construction paper.
Scatter them on the floor face down and have students pick a letter that they will decorate for your class book.
I made a sample page of the letter Aa, where I used words and pictures that started with that letter. This is a photo of my completed page.
I also included this as a non-colored pdf, so that you can easily make a sample of your own to share with your kiddos.
I've included two covers for you to choose from for your ABC class book as well.
Click on the link to view/download the Alphabet Book Poster Packet.
Finally, since all of the number puzzles have been such popular downloads, I thought it would be fun to make some alphabet ones. I purposely made them using both upper & lowercase letters, because I think it's very important for little ones to see both letters together.
By immersing them with "matches" the light bulbs start going on.
If you want a set in color, have your students help you decorate them, then laminate and trim. Keep each puzzle in its own Baggie.
Use them as an independent center, or have students work on them as a whole group activity.
You could also run off the initials of your students and have them make a personal letter puzzle.
Once they've diddled around with their creation as a puzzle, have them glue it to a sheet of construction paper, leaving a small gap in between the pieces to create an interesting mosaic.
These look wonderful on a bulletin board. The alphabet number puzzle packet, will be FREE for an entire year, after which time they will become part of Diane's Dollar Deals in my TpT shop.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN away. I'm a firm believer in creating, teaching and sharing!
"Don't ever take a fence down, until you know the reason it was put up." - G.K. Chesterton
Are you looking for a few more fun things to plug in as the days wind down before summer vacation?
Do you like to send a few things home with your kiddo’s over the summer, so that they don’t forget the things that they learned?
Are you starting to tuck a few things away for back-to-school ideas?
No matter what your reason, I think you’ll enjoy these cute alphabet activities.
One of my favorite clipart designers is Laura Strickand. I used her alphabet graphics to put together the packet: ABC Stuff.
The easy reader alphabet flipbook incorporates 60 Dolch words! Students trace the word and lowercase letter, which match the cute uppercase picture.
You can also laminate the pages and use them as pocket cards.
I’ve included an ABC anchor chart as well as 26 traceable flashcards, with a cover, so students can make an Itty Bitty booklet.
Make extra sets, run them off on a different color, laminate and turn them into Memory Match Concentration games.
Play “I Have; Who Has?” by passing out the cards and asking: “I have A. Who has B?” ˆ
Sprinkle the cards on the floor and have students sequence them, while singing the ABC song.
Click on the link to view/download ABC Stuff.
For a quick center activity, have students trace the upper and lowercase letters on these bookmarks. To reinforce vowels, have children trace them in a different color.
Students glue the strips to a piece of construction paper. One side has uppercase letters, the other side lowercase.
Add a bit more pizzazz by punching a cut out or gluing a school photo to the bottom.
Click on the link to view/download ABC bookmarks.
Do you need a quick and easy ABC recording sheet when you do assessments? Are you looking for an upper and lowercase alphabet certificate of praise to pass out to your students?
I designed both!
Click on the link to view/download Letter Assessment sheets & Alphabet Certificates
I hope you find these activities helpful and that your last days with your little ones are letter perfect!
Feel free to PIN away to help pass on anything you think is helpful to others.
I hope you can buzz on over tomorrow for more end-of-the-year fun!
Do you have an ABC activity you'd like to share?
I'd enjoy hearing from you. diane@teachwithme.com or leave a comment hear, especially if you use one of my ideas.
I so enjoy hearing from people who visit. Thanks in advance for taking the time to do that and thanks too, for stopping by our site and reading the blog.