1-2-3 Come Sing A Fire Safety Song With Me
Almost 15 years ago, my 1st graders enjoyed singing my version of The Wheels On The Bus Go 'Round and 'Round, as I'd add all sorts of extra goofy things to the traditional favorite.
When October rolled around, and we were studying fire safety, I thought it would be fun to substitute a fire truck for the bus. My kiddos loved it.
Well it's years later and I decided to build a Common Core packet around this silly little song. While doing research, I even found a few people who had the same idea. ("Great minds think alike and all that..." )
Any woo, what started out to be just a few things, morphed into a whopping 69-page packet, and believe me, my brain is a bit fried.
I had a few requests for some fire safety themed alphabet and number cards, so I threw them into the mix, and one thing led to another...
Take a peek, pick the items that suit your fancy, and let the fun begin.
The Packet Includes:
- The song that started it all: Wheels On The Truck Go 'Round And 'Round
- Poster of the song.
9 pocket chart cards to go with the song
- Labeled fire truck poster
- Fine motor Popsicle stick fire truck activity
Writing prompt graphic organizer page: "If a fire truck could talk it might say . . ."
A wheels on the fire truck upper and lowercase matching game, with answer key.
Students place the uppercase letter circle on the first wheel and then match the lowercase letter circle to the back wheel.
- Upper and lowercase letter cards, with a 4-page tip list of what to do with them.
- A Kaboom game to make playing a variety of the other games like Memory Match and "I Have; Who Has?" even more fun.
- Number cards from 0-120, with a 2-page tip list of what to do with them. (I tried to keep the ABC and number cards small, to conserve ink and paper.)
11 number cards with numbers and their matching number words. (0-10).
- Ordinal number cards (1-10).
- Odd and Even Sorting Mat +
- 20 worksheets, which include the following:
- Can-Are-Have
- Label the truck
- Match the pictures to the words
- Unscramble the words.
- Graphing shapes.
- Trace and write the words in alphabetical order.
- Re telling a story: Beginning-Middle-End
- Describing fire trucks (Adjective activity).
- How Many Words Can You Make? (Use the letters in fire truck.) I've included my list of 56 that I came up with. Great for vocabulary building.
- Two cutting skill sheets. One difficult with zig zag lines, the other simple with straight lines.
- Two dot-to-dot worksheets. One with all the letters of the alphabet, the other with numbers 1-30.
- Two trace the numbers to to the fire. (Skip counting by 5's, the other #s 1-20).
- Two trace the letters to the hydrant. (Uppercase and lowercase).
- Match the number to the number word and finally,
- Fire Trucks On A Roll a dice game to practice numbers, counting and addition. Whew!
Click on the link to view/download the Common Core Wheels On The Truck Packet.
While looking for fire truck ideas, I came across a super-simple fire truck Make a Vehicle game over at Enchanted Learning.
I always liked to give my Y5's some computer time, and this would make a quick, easy and fun independent activity to practice keyboarding skills etc.
I also found an excellent video on YouTube featuring real fire trucks. It's only 2:44 minutes long. My grandson was revited, but then he's only 2 and everything is pretty exciting.
If you're teaching numbers 1-10, Monster Fire Trucks is also a rather short video (4:18) that's kind of cute. Certainly attention grabbing.
Well that's it for today. (Where has it gone?) I hope your kiddos enjoy learning, as their own wheels start turning. I'm off for a romp outside to unclutter my mind. Wishing you a fabulous fall!
"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places." -Author Unknown