1-2-3 Come Flip Over Opposites With Me!
It’s that time of year when students start wearing flip-flops!
I was looking at clip art and thinking “What can I do with flip flops?” I thought of “opposites”.
One sandal is the flip word and the opposite word is the flop; hence they flip flop.
I spent lots of time whipping together a 155-page packet so you wouldn’t have to!
I think your kiddo's will really enjoy this great vocabulary builder; it’s easy to implement and fun to do.
I know that school’s almost out, but hopefully this will get you excited for next year.
Hang up the flip-flop poster.
Choose a "flip" word for the day. i.e. "big".
Students have to guess the "flop" word "little" which they write in their flip- flop recording journal.
If you're also studying synonyms and/or antonyms, have the journal do double duty and challenge students to think up a synonym/antonym for the flip and flop words as well.
This only takes a minute, but will provide tremendous vocabulary building opportunities, an easy way for students to understand opposites as well as strengthen their understanding of synonym and antonyms.
The better their vocabularies, the better their writing skills. By writing the words, and doing the trace & write activities their spelling will also improve!
Flip-Flops make a great addition to your "Word Work" for Daily 5 activities too!
The packet includes:
- 550 traceable opposite word cards
- Covers to turn them into Itty Bitty booklets +
- Directions of what else you can do with the cards including a variety of games like Kaboom.
- Kaboom bomb cards
- 275 traceable pocket cards, (These can also be made into a flip booklet.)
- You can also turn these pocket cards into puzzle cards. Sample puzzle included.
- Blank set of cards to program your own opposite words, or worksheets. i.e., Write in one word and have students fill in the matching opposite word.
- A list of 550 words that make up 275 pairs of opposites.
- 3 different types of opposite recording sheets + 5 different journal covers so that students can make a Flip Flop Op Journal to record the daily Flip word activity in.
- Flip Word Of The Day Poster
- Flip Flop Word Wizard Tracking Chart-Poster +
- A certificate of praise
Click on the link to view/download Flip Flop Opposites
I hope your students absolutely flip over these fun activities as they build their vocabularies!
Feel free to PIN anything you think might be helpful to others.
"Anyone who has not made a mistake, has not tried anything new." -Einstein