1-2-3 Come Do An End-Of-The-Year Writing Prompt Craftivity With Me
I’m always looking for some quick, easy and fun things to plug in at at the end of the year, that I know my students will really enjoy, help practice the standards we’ve learned, and involve minimal prep for me.
With these things in mind, I designed the “When School Is Out I’m Going To…” writing prompt craftivity.
Just “print & go!”
The schoolhouse is actually a flip-the-flap “door”, which opens to reveal another picture underneath.
There are 6 picture options, which come in black & white, as well as color; so that teachers can quickly & easily make an example to share.
There’s also a blank pattern, if your students opt to draw their own illustration.
To make things extra special, kiddos write their school’s name on the roof, and glue their school photograph inside one of the windows.
Besides the end-of-the-year, this writing prompt craftivity would also work for any other holiday or vacation breaks as well.
Completed projects make a really cute bulletin board too.
Another super-fun, end-of-the-year writing prompt is "Taco 'Bout..."
As with the first writing prompt craftivity, this is very versatile too.
I love putzing with a play-on-words, to create cute writing prompts that I think students will enjoy.
“Taco ‘bout” is one of them, which will add a few Spanish words to your students’ vocabularies, as they have fun making a paper “taco”.
For that finishing-fun touch, run some green paper through a shredder to make the “lettuce”.
I’ve included writing prompts for back to school, as well as the end of the year, some of which can also be used whenever you want.
The packet includes:
* 4 black and white writing prompt bookmarks
* 2 full-color bookmarks from the teacher
* 3 “Taco ‘bout fun!” writing prompt worksheets
* 5 different writing prompt taco templates, including one where students work in a group and write a compliment strip (taco filling) for everyone in their group. These make great “bucket filler” activities that help build community and self-esteem.
* 8x10 letter templates to spell out “Taco Talk” for your snazzy bulletin board display
* An 8x10 Taco Talk poster
* An 8x10 poster that says “Ola” to welcome your students with a friendly hello in Spanish
Since Mother's Day is justs around the corner, today's featured FREEBIE is a special card: "A Keepsake Bouquet For Mom"
"These flowers are my fingerprints, that I know is true. It's a Mother's Day bouquet especially for you."
Children pick a partner and take turns tracing each other's hand, plus a bit of arm that will be trimmed and glued on the paper as if holding the "flowers".
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
The spring showers have passed, and my "garden of weedin'" is in some serious need of attention. Wishing you a sunshine-happy day.
"Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds." -Unknown