An Old Favorite:
I chose Mary Wore A Red Dress for this month’s book pick, because young children enjoy it.
It’s one of those “Read it again; read it again!” stories.
Learning colors is one of my report card standards and having color words as part of the word wall and doing a variety of things with colors, is a big part of most teacher’s back-to-school activities, so I thought this was a good choice to dream up some activities for you to do with your students.
The Gist: Why I Love it:
Mary Wore A Red Dress is an old Texas folk song. I love it because it provides the perfect Segway to the introduction of colors.
In this particular version, animals are on their way to a birthday party. I also like that the author includes the music at the end of the story.
Story Telling Tips:
Use the colored clothing pieces that I have made to match the story and pass them out to students. This is the perfect “sequencing” story.
- When the “orange” shirt is read, the child who has the orange shirt piece adds it to the flannel or white board.
- After reading the story, mix up the pieces and see if the children can remember the order they came in.
- Substitute students’ names for character names. Watch little ones’ eyes light up when you say their name. “Am I really in the book?” They’ll ask. It gets them to really pay attention.
- I say the colors in English as well as Spanish and have the children repeat them back to me.
- Another thing you can have students do is to stand up if they are wearing the color that is being talked about in the story. i.e., Mary is wearing a red dress.
- If you’re also wearing red, stand up.
- Children can wiggle their fingers, touch their nose, take a bow or do something silly, point to that color and then sit down.
Magic Tricks: I use my change bag to produce different colored scarves to teach secondary colors. “What color was Mary wearing?” Yes, red. Did you know that red and yellow make orange?”
I put a red scarf and a yellow scarf in the change bag and have children exclaim:
“ _______________ wore an orange shirt!” Then I pop out an orange scarf. I do the same thing when I produce a green scarf (blue + yellow) and a purple scarf (red + blue).
If I have time, I let students smear what ever primary color combination they want together, to turn a white paper tee-shirt into a secondary color. I then hang these on a clothesline with mini clothespins.
Math: 5 graphing extensions, connect the dots, & count how many and write the number skill sheet.
Writing Extensions: 2 Class books: We Wore __________ To School! and On the First Day Of School Who Did You See?
Art Activity: (T-shirt idea above.) Click on the link for a copy of a t-shirt to paint.
Language Arts: Trace to pre-write skill sheet, matching colors, alphabetical order, rhyming words.
Click on the link to view/print the She Wore A Red Dress Packet. This packet will be FREE til September 16th and then can be purchased for only .99 cents.
Bibliography for Back-To-School: Click on the link to view my favorites.
Be sure and check out our FREEBIE reader of the month: Where Are The Coconuts? This is a great booklet to go along with any of your Chicka Chicka Boom Boom activities.
If you’re a big fan of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, be sure and check out the Arts-Crafts and Activities section. That is my major theme this month.
Our free "Easy Reader" this month is The Students On the Bus, a great math extension booklet and a real keepsake when you add a few photographs.
Whatever you're reading this month, I hope it's simply T-riffic! Happy August.