5 pages.
Practice skip counting by 10s with these quilt block bookmarks. I've included a blank template, where students write in the numbers, as well as one with the skip counted numbers filled in, in both black line and full color.
Choose which one you want your students to have. As a whole group, use them to practice skip counting by 10s. For some non standard measurement practice, have students use their bookmarks to fill in the measurement worksheet.
This is a quick, easy and fun activity for your 100 Day celebration, as you practice counting to 100 in various ways.
This activity will be FREE for an entire year! Woo hoo.
After which time, it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop.
Click on the link to zip on over to see the new, Count By 10s, 100 Day Bookmark & Measurement Activities packet.