My Thanksgiving Dinner Writing Prompt Craftivity


 7 pages.

After reading several stories about the first Thanksgiving, have a discussion with your students about the kinds of meals that they enjoy for their Thanksgiving feast.  How are they similar? How are they different?  Do most of them have a traditional or non traditional Thanksgiving? 

cover template my T dinnerAfterwards, have students color their turkey recording paper and write about the kind of Thanksgiving meal that they have.  Remind students to use descriptive adjectives to help explain what their table decorations, as well as food for their feast, consists of.  For that finishing touch, have them color, trim and glue the table to the bottom of their writing prompt paper.

 When everyone is done, call on several volunteers to share their work.  Completed projects make lovely hallway decorations displayed in a row. 

This craftivity will be FREE for an entire year! Woo hoo.  After which time it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop. Click on the link for the 19-page Thanksgiving Dinner Writing Prompt Craftivity Packet.

Additional Info

  • SKU: TWM2224

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