20 pages
Use these Cat in the Hat Popsicle stick paddles to practice long and short vowels. Includes a list of words for all of the long vowels, and a list of words for all of the short vowels, which includes many words from the Dolch word lists. (PK-3rd).
These are a great way to whole-group assess. Teacher says a word from one of the lists, and students hold up their vowel cat to show if it's long or short. You can tell at a glance who needs help.
This packet will be FREE for an entire year! Woo hoo.
After which time it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop.
Click on the link to take a look at the new, 65-page"Vowel Prowl" With The Cat packet.
For your convenience, I've included a PREVIEW here of some of the new goodies.