10 pages.
A fun way to review and practice a variety of math skills and standards.
- Students read the number and number word, and then trace and write both.
- They trace the number in a sentence and find the number in the sequence of numbers and circle it.
- Students can use stickers, a bingo dot marker or simply mark an X for how many students are on the bus for that particular page in the square boxes.
- Children then cut out their photo and glue it on the bus of page one.
- They'll cut and glue 14 of their friends' pictures on the other 4 buses for a nice keepsake.
- Students write the number of children in their class for a total number of students riding the bus on the last page.
- They cut and glue the picture of the bus to this page.
- Teacher's can make the last page even more personal, by gluing their photograph over the bus driver's face before they run it off.
- When everyone has completed their work, read the booklet as a whole group.
- Children will enjoy sharing this booklet with their families as they will be able to read it when they get home--a real self-esteem builder!