136 pages!
This book has a little bit of everything to help turn on the light bulb and make learning the alphabet and beginning reading skills fun!
- There are reading strategy tip sheets, posters and a bookmark.
- I use animal puppets and Beanie Babies to help students remember what to do when they're stuck on a word.
- There's a Daily 5 log to keep students organized,
- sight word lists,
- sight word - word searches,
- vowel puzzles,
- vowel and consonant searches,
- bingo dot vowel and consonant skill sheets,
- a long and short vowel booklet,
- an ABC sound song,
- 5 alphabet wheels,
- an ABC booklet of words and sounds,
- traceable ABC flashcards,
- an ABC rip and tear booklet,
- ABC pinch and pokes,
- alphabet coloring pages that can become a booklet for collages,
- 26 blend flashcards you can make into Itty Bitty Books
- + 23 digraph flashcards
- and a check list of 74 phonograms + an assessment for them!
- Wow! I think you're ready to start some fun learning.