5 pages.
Ten Frame templates ready for your students to color, bingo dot or add a sticker to. A great way to help students keep track of counting, understand place value, basic addition, 1 to 1 correspondence, see odd & even numbers as well as patterns!
- Make a class set of ten frame templates for yourself and laminate them.
- I use sticker dots for my ten frames, and make several different colored sets of ten frames so that I can have students using them as centers for one-to-one correspondence with chips.
- I also run off copies for my students so that they can make aten frame booklet and bingo dot them or color them or use stickers on the various pages.
- They look at the board to see my sample pages to see what I want them to do for which pages of their ten frame booklet.
- Ten frames are perfect for simple addition. Use 2 different colored chips, buttons, or flat marbles for markers on the ten frames.
- For older students, use two sets of ten frames to count up to twenty.