Discipline & Behavior Modification

1 page. A unique way to remind your students to get their homework in on time. Use it as an anchor chart to review the days of the week too.
20 pages. There's a lot you can do with this packet, from a simple reminder poster hung on a bulletin board, to games and behavior management.
1 page. A nice wake up call for some students.

8 pages. Motivate your students and build self-esteem, with these star certificates. Also includes a poster to hang to show who the star student of the day/week is.  This packet works well with the "Fill a Bucket" program too.

10 pages. Common Core State Standards: RI.K.5,RI.K.6,RI.K.9,RI.K.10,RL.K.2RL.K.3,RL.K.6, RL.K.9, L.K.1d, RI.1.9, RL.1.2, RL.1.3 A variety of fun reading and writing activities to go along with Kevin Henke's Chrysanthemum, that will help reinforce the

1 page. A gentle reminder to help students remember to raise their hand.
1 page. Use this cute giraffe note as an FYI to remind students who have fallen behind and are missing assignments to make an appointment to see you ASAP.
1 page. Print off this template, laminate it, and then write in your classroom rules, or type them up in a square, and then glue them to the center and laminate!

1 page. With all the social media having a huge impact on children, a direct affect on students' actions, with often detrimental results, simply because they haven't really thought of the consequences of "gossiping", this is an excellent reminder to enco

3 pages. 2 anchor charts that are a pleasant way to remind your students to be quiet. Includes a Zip Your Lips song to the tune of This Is The Way We...

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