1-2-3 Come Do Some Apple-Themed Vocabulary Building With Me
Apple-themed week, continues with some interesting vocabulary building activities. Part of all of the themes that I did with my Y5's, included the vocabulary that they needed to learn that would help them understand apples, pumpkins, butterflies etc.
The science aspect of what we studied, provided a plethora of new words. Having children label the parts of an apple, is a quick, easy and fun way to reinforce a few of them.
To visually show the "peel" or "skin" of an apple, I made this "craftivity" as a flip open. The "skin" is flipped off to reveal the inside of the apple.
Students add a bit of color, cut and glue the words, or write them. If you look closely at my sample, you can also see the front that says: Kelli's apple, as an interesting way for students to write their name. Click on the link to view/download the Label An Apple Craft.
Another way I reinforced vocabulary was for students to write the words. To cover yet another standard, I often had them put the words in alphabetical order.
I designed a sweet apple knOWLedge bookmark, with a list of apple related words on it, plus a worksheet on the side for students to write the words in alphabetical order. Click on the link to view/download the apple vocabulary bookmark.
Word finds are also fun for students. These not only reinforce vocabulary, but help increase spelling skills. This one features 18 apple-themed words. Click on the link for the apple word find.
No matter what grade I taught, I always encouraged my students to use adjectives in their writing to make things more vivid, and to incorporate them orally when they were describing something.
Having children think up words as they use their senses to feel, taste, and smell an apple, also helps increase vocabulary.
As they share the words that they come up with to describe their apple, list them on the board.
Use the apple adjective worksheet before or after your brainstorming. I've included a completed sample that you can also share. Click on the link to view/download the apple adjective activities.
As a part of our science requirements, we also studied the 5 senses, which fit in perfectly with adjective use. I challenged my students each month to increase their use of adjectives by using all of their senses when describing something.
To make this easy, I designed a simple and quick worksheet for them to fill in each month. I called these Sensory Word Anchor Charts. Each month I chose a different word that would be appropriate for that time of year.
For example, for September, I used an apple. Click on the link to grab a copy of the monthly sensory adjective writing.
Finally, another way to build vocabulary and increase writing skills, is by teaching antonyms and synonyms for the words that your students use and are learning.
In keeping with the apple theme, I made up antonym apples with synonym leaves. Cut them into puzzles to play all sorts of matching games.
The apples provide 132 words to help build student vocabularies. There's also a blank apple template to fill in with whatever, plus 80 synonym leaves with 2 blank leaf templates.
Encourage students to make up some of their own antonym apples and write in synonyms too. For more practice with antonyms, be sure and check out my list of 290 antonyms. I've included a cover in this packet, so that students can make their own antonym word booklets.
"If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach them the way they learn." -Ignacio Estrada
1-2-3 Come Have Some Apple Fraction Fun With Me
Since the Common Core rolled in, I've had several requests for some simple fraction activities that would be easy for a kindergarten child to wrap their head around. Because so many teachers also study apples at this time of year, I thought I'd design some fraction fun with an apple theme.
A quick and easy way to introduce the new fraction vocabulary is with a visual. You can make a fraction apple to help explain a whole, half and fourth, and then to really reinforce the concepts, have each student make their own.
Because I also teach the fact that apples can be three different colors, I chose red, yellow and green construction paper to show the different fractions. This really helps make them "pop" as well.
When students have completed their fraction apples, call out a fraction and have them flip to it, repeating the fraction word as they hold up their apple to show you.
You can whole group assess at a glance, and see who's having difficulty. To review another day, have students copy the information that's on the templates, (fourth, 1/4, quarter) writing their answers on the back of each section. Click on the link to view/download the apple fraction craftivity.
Another hands-on way to help students "see" and understand beginning fractions, is by cutting up an apple.
As you cut from whole, to half, and then into quarters, explain each fraction.
To further reinforce math vocabulary, students assemble their own apple fraction "flip up" booklet .
A trace & write mini apple fraction booklet is also included, along with matching apple fraction pocket or word wall word cards.
After they complete their booklets, read together to reinforce concepts of print. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Fraction Flip Up craftivity.
Another interesting fraction visual is done with an apple pie.
As with the above apple fraction packet, the apple pie fraction packet includes a flip up craftivity, mini apple pie fraction booklet, plus apple pie fraction cards to use in a pocket chart or on your word wall.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Pie Fraction Packet.
Finally, culminate your apple fraction activities with the apple fraction spinner game, which not only reinforces the fraction vocabulary, but graphing skills.
Children can play individually or in a group of 2 or 3. They take turns spinning, and then mark an X under the fraction apple on their graph.
I've also included a whole-class graph to total up everyone's results. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Fraction Spinner Game.
That's it for today. Thanks for visiting. I'm off to water my flowers, to ensure it will rain later on. Blessings to you and yours.
"Teachers who love teaching, help students to love learning." -Unknown
1-2-3 Come Do Some Apple Alphabet Activities With Me
If you've been following the various blog articles for "apple week" you know that I've covered apple art, apple science, and apple math. (Simply scroll down to grab all of those FREEBIES in the articles that follow.) It seemed only fitting to design some Apple Alphabet Activities... Wow! Try to say that alliterative tongue twister three times. Any hoo, you've come to the right place if you're looking for some apple-themed activities that help students practice their alphabet skills.
You've probably seen all the wonderful clothespin matching games all over Pinterest. They were my inspiration for this upper and lowercase letter apple game.
Whenever I design something, I make samples, so that I not only have a photo of what a completed project looks like, but as a way to jot down specific steps, so you can easily follow my directions. Making something, also irons out any kinks I may run across that I can share, so things run smoothly for you.
The big one here is to clip your clothespins onto the apple BEFORE you write the letters on the tips. I learned that the hard way. Because my Y5's are just learning letters, they are easily confused when the thing they are matching doesn't look exactly like the mate.
By clipping the clothespins first, you are able to write the letters in the proper direction. As you can see by the photo, sometimes the letter needs to be written vertically on the clothespin, other times horizontally You also won't have any letters appearing upside down when a child clips them.
Here's another TIP: When I got the uppercase set done, I thought it would be a good idea to write the lowercase letters on the back, so that there were several ways to play the alphabet apple game (uppercase to lowercase, as well as lowercase to lowercase etc.) So that children aren't confused, write the uppercase letters using a different color permanent marker, than the lowercase letters.
This will be easy for students to sort, and see which side they should be using for whatever game you want them to practice. Click on the link to view/download the wonderful fine motor skill game: apple alphabet clothespins.
While I was making the numbered apples from 1-100, in yesterday's article, it was easy to use that same template to make apple alphabet cards. (I really like when things match!) There's a set that shows the upper and lowercase letters on each apple, as well as a set with just the uppercase letters, and another for the lowercase letters.
Use them as a border, flashcards, and for a variety of games. I've included a tip list of ideas. Click on the link to view/download the apple alphabet cards.
I've had quite a few requests for simple alphabet worksheets. Some teachers need them for an option for early finishers, or their sub folder, while lots of visitors need them for "homework!" It amazes me that some schools make homework mandatory for such a young age. The caramel apple coloring worksheet has been very popular as a fun home-school connection.
To reinforce the 3 colors of apples, students color the uppercase letter A's red, the lowercase a's yellow and the rest of the apples green. Click on the link to view/download a copy of the caramel apple coloring activity.
The "I spy" an apple letter on the apple tree, is a quick and easy way to whole group assess upper or lowercase letters in a fun way. Teacher starts the game by calling out a letter. Children search for that "apple" on their paper, and then trace it. When they are done they raise their hand.
You can see at a glance who is having difficulty. Play continues 'til all of the letters have been traced. Students can play this game again at home, by coloring the "spied" letters. They can play it a 3rd time, by X-ing out the letters. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Tree I Spy game.
Finally, for a variety of other apple-themed activities and games, including ones involving the alphabet, click on the link for a 33-page Apple Activities packet.
Thanks for visiting today. I hope you found something useful here, to help get your kiddos excited about learning. Just a reminder, if you're looking for an activity that I don't have, feel free to e-mail me at diane@teachwithme.com Some of the things I design are special requests, and I'm glad to help out.
I'm off to meet a friend for lunch. Will be nice to catch up and share our excitement over teaching. I hope you have a lovely day too.
"What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child." - George Bernard Shaw
1-2-3 Come Do Some Apple Math With Me
The last few articles have covered apple art, some apple science (apple facts and the apple life cycle) plus a bit of writing, so I thought it was time to throw in a little apple math. I've designed some numbered apples from 1 to 100. You can put them up all at once, or add one each day of school, as you count up to your 100th day celebration.
Another fun way to reinforce counting, is with Willie the Worm. His body is a numbered "slider". Children trace the numbers and then insert Willie into their apple. Call out a number, students slide the worm to that number.
This is a quick and easy way to whole group assess, as you can see at a glance who is having difficulty. I've also included strips for skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's, and 10's for a non-boring way to practice.
For just-the-right-size number fun, with an apple theme, click on the Apple Number packet. The packet includes: Smaller numbered apples (1-120) that students can easily sequence. Use these as anchor charts or a help poster for your students' math folders. The apple 1-120 individual strips, can be cut to form a number line.
I've included 16 "What's Missing?" activity sheets, that are especially helpful for those toughy teen numbers. Run them off for students to fill in, or laminate and have children place number tiles on empty spaces. The apple math symbols, allow students to use the apples to create and solve addition and subtraction equations, as well as show greater and less than.
Apples with numbers as well as number words, help with reading comprehension. Use them for games, pocket charts, or your word wall. Skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's is also included, plus 4 games, with the ability to create many more. Click on the link to get the 35-page comprehensive Apple Number packet.
For more addition and subtraction activities, you'll enjoy the apple-themed 10-frame packet.
If you teach little ones just learning to count, or ESL students, they'll enjoy the 1-to-1 correspondence apple game. I've included full-color cards, as well as black line masters if you want your kiddos to color their own.
I used red, yellow and green pony beads as manipulatives. This provides great fine motor practice as well.
Puzzles are also a fun way for students to practice sequencing numbers.
I've included an apple as well as a pumpkin shaped puzzle in this packet. Run the apples off on red, yellow and lime green construction paper; give students a choice of what color they want for their apple.
Children can simply put the puzzle together, or have them create an interesting mosaic picture, by gluing the pieces to a sheet of black construction paper. (Make sure they leave a little space inbetween the pieces.)
For that finishing touch, add their photo to the leaf. To make it more of a keepsake, have students trace their hand for the pumpkin leaf.
There are 7 more apple-themed puzzles in another packet. Use the skip counting by 10's puzzles for older students.
Finally, when doing apple math, one can't forget to include shapes as well as graphing. Both are accomplished in the Shapely Fall Graphs packet.
I hope you found a few things here that you're excited about sharing with your students. Do you have an apple activity that you could share with us? I'd love to hear from you. diane@teachwithme.com or feel free to leave a comment below.
It's a rainy day, and although it's tempting to venture into some time-sucking fun on Pinterest, I'm off to higher priorities. (Perhaps curling up with a good book!) Wishing you an apple-icious afternoon.
1-2-3 Come Do Some Apple Investigations With Me
Yesterday's articles featured all sorts of apple craftivities. Today's apples incorporate a bit of science and math. Whenever I started a themed unit, I always began by reading some interesting books.
To cover all sorts of genre, I included fiction as well as non fiction stories, and sprinkled in some poems and songs too. To get a list of my apple books, click on the link. Another thing I did, was to do some research of my own.
One of my favorite things about the Internet, is the incredible amount of material on the web. People have spent hours sharing their knowledge and ideas, and I'm grateful.
I absolutely LOVE doing research and finding out interesting information about the things my students will be studying. I'm always amazed at the amount of "cool stuff" that I also learn along the way.
While doing research for my apple unit, I compiled a list of 125 interesting facts about apples, and thought I'd share it with you.
Highlight the facts you want to share with your students. After you read the information, test students' comprehension, by having them write 3 facts down on the recording sheet that's provided.
They could also add facts to some of the art projects discussed yesterday, like writing information on a paper chain for the 3D apple "dangler" activity. Click on the link to grab your copy of the 125 Interesting Apple Facts.
A quick, easy and fun way to get some science into your lessons, is to cover the life cycle of an apple.
For hands-on learning, I've designed 4 different "craftivities" to show the life cycle of an apple.
Completed projects make awesome bulletin boards, or decorations for your hallway. (Suspend them from the ceiling, as a border along a wall.)
The first packet features an apple, apple pie, and apple tree option.
You can choose which you feel is most age-appropriate, or give older students a choice. Click on the link for the Life Cycle of an Apple packet.
This packet will be FREE for an entire year (!) after which time, it will be up-dated and rolled into my 33-page Life Cycle of an Apple Activities packet in my TpT shop.
The fourth option, is an apple "dangler" because once completed, it looks terrific dangling from the ceiling.
I made it 3 dimensional by doubling up on the tree and apple cut outs (folding and gluing them together) and making the apple blossom out of a coffee filter that I edged with pink marker.
Click on the link for the Life Cycle of an Apple Dangler craft.
Finally, for some apple math activities, I designed the apple investigations packet. It will help your students learn about measurement.
Children measure height, weight, width and circumference of their apple. They trace and write vocabulary-building words, predict, answer questions, plus collect and analyze data.
As you can see, a lot of standards are covered in this simple booklet. Click on the link above, to grab your FREEBIE.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN away. For another fun writing prompt "craftivity" scroll down to the next blog article to take a look at the Johnny Appleseed packet.
I'm writing this early Saturday morning so that it will automatically go live on Sunday. I really try to limit my computer time on the weekends. Having family coming over for a day of swimming, certainly helps me "behave". I'm off to get ready for some memory-making fun.
"You can count the seeds in an apple, but you can't count the apples in a seed." -Unknown
1-2-3 Come Do An Apple-icious Writing Activity With Me
Because many teachers decorate with an apple theme, and a lot of children study about apples in the fall, I decided to design a back to school apple icebreaker.
It's a quick, easy and fun way to get to know your new students. Be sure and make a sample to help explain what you want them to do, as well as an interesting way, for them to get to know you too.
Students complete the writing prompts and then color their apples in an ABC pattern.
I chose this pattern, because apples come in 3 colors, and I wanted to toss in a bit of science as well as math, plus it helps younger students to use more than only one color, which they are notorious for.
By having them cut their apple out, you provide an opportunity for practice, and can see at a glance who is having difficulty with fine motor skills.
If you take a first day of school photo, make copies and trim, so that students can glue one to their leaf, for that finishing touch.
Completed projects make a sweet bulletin board. (A new crop of kids, Kindergarten is a bushel of fun, The apple of Mr(s). ______'s eye, apple-icious work are just a few captions.
I've included 3 samples to give you some ideas of what children can share. An example will help jumpstart their minds and set them in the right direction.
There's also a blank apple for you to fill in with whatever information you'd like to learn about your students.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Icebreaker Packet.
Thanks for visiting today. It's Friday and that means garage sales! (Woo hoo.)
I'm off in search of more treasures to fill up my already too-full basement! As a teacher, you can probably relate to suffering from the Pack Rat Syndrome.
"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." -Anthony J. D'Angelo
1-2-3 Come Get Organized With Me!
I'm a visual person. I need to see things to help make sense of whatever I'm learning. I'm also a maker of lists. I have zillions for all sorts of reasons, so you can only imagine how a graphic organizer makes my life a whole lot easier.
I found that when I helped my elementary kiddo's, as well as my college students, design graphic organizers to get their thoughts together, writing became easier for them, and things flowed better and were more concise as well.
I use them for a variety of reasons and wanted to design some with Common Core State Standards in mind. If children are able to jot down specific details in a certain order (beginning-middle and end) they are better able to re-tell a story, and then later, write one themselves.
With that in mind, I made an apple and pumpkin graphic organizer, to help students retell a story on those themes, and then practice writing what they learned in the appropriate boxes. I used pictures that represented the beginning-middle and end of the apple and pumpkin life cycles as well.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple and Pumpkin Graphic Organizers. I blog every day, so I hope you can pop back tomorrow for the newest FREEBIES.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN anything from my site that you think others might find helpful. To ensure that "pinners" return to THIS blog article, click on the green title at the top; it will turn black, now click on the "Pin it" button located on the burgundy menu bar. If you'd like to take a look at all of the wonderful educational items that I pin, click on the heart to the right.
"If education doesn't prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives, then it is a failure, no matter what else it may seem to have accomplished." -Sydney J. Harris
1-2-3 Do Some Apple-icious Activities With Me!
As I stated in the article after this, I wanted to finish up with all of the apple requests I've had this month, and move on to some other fall theme, so I put lots of apple FREEBIES in the blog today, that I hope you and your students will enjoy. Click on the "We Love Studying About Apples!" to grab your free poster.
Part of our morning, was spent doing "table top" activities, where students worked independently on various standards and skills.
With this in mind, I created the Caramel Apple Letter Find. Students find the capital letter A's and color them red; they color the lowercase a's yellow, and any Cc (for caramel) letter green. Click on the link to view/download it.
I'd also reinforce letter and number recognition, by playing "I Spy" games. Teacher starts out by calling out a letter/number.
Students find it, and either trace or color the apple, and then raise their hand. Teacher then calls on a quiet student to choose the next letter/numbered apple to find. Click on the link to view/print "I Spy a Letter!" apple game.
Besides "I Spy" my students enjoyed playing dic
e games. This helps with counting and number recognition, and simple addition for older students.
Click on the link to view/print the Apples On A Roll dice game.
To help increase my students' vocabulary, I always had themed words to add to our word wall.
I encouraged my first graders to refer to the wall when they'd write. Understanding, and using adjectives, is also very important to build good writing skills.
I designed Apple Adjectives to help with that. There's a black and white version for students to fill in, as well as a completed one in color, to use as an example or anchor chart. I found that graphic organizers were extremely helpful for prewriting, so I designed an apple one, so students could write in descriptive words. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Adjective packet.
Finally, a Venn diagram is extremely useful, in helping students grasp the concept of comparison and contrast. Once there's understanding and a framework, students will write better.
Because we study pumpkins shortly after our apple unit, I thought it would be especially helpful to compare a pumpkin to an apple, using a Venn diagram. Click on the link to view/download the Apple-Pumpkin Venn Diagram.
If you're looking for some short, but informative YouTube videos on Apples, I spent the better part of a morning watching quite a few. Here are my favorites: The Life Cycle Of An Apple is put to music in this 2-minute catchy video.
The familiar, 5 Little Apples story-song, is "pumped up" with a rap beat your kiddo's will enjoy, (1:47 minutes.) as well as the "I Love Apples" fact-rap. (2:04 minutes.)
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN away. To ensure that "pinners" return to THIS blog article, click on the green title at the top; it will turn black, now click on the "Pin it" button on the menu bar.
If you'd like to look at all of the awesome educational items, I spend way too much time pinning, click on the heart to the right of the blog.
"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows." -Sydney J. Harris
1-2-3 Come Measure Apples With Me!
Help your students learn about measurement, with this quick, easy and fun booklet. Students measure height, weight, width and circumference of their apple. They trace and write vocabulary-building words, predict, answer questions, + collect and analyze data. Investigating apples via this booklet, will help with Common Core State Standards: K.MD.1a, K.MD.2, 1.MD.1, and 1.MD.2.
Introduce measurement, by showing students all of the measuring materials and ask them if they know the names of these objects and what they are used for. Discuss the value of measurement, as well as how and why people measure things.
Ask for a bag of apples to be donated to the class, or have each child bring 1 or 2 in. (Make sure to buy a few extras yourself, for those children whose parents forgot.) Allow a few moments for children to really examine their apple by touching it, smelling it, describing their apple to a partner etc.
To make this do-able for non or beginning readers, work on the booklet as a whole group. Read the 1st page aloud and model what you want your students to do, then have children do that portion of their investigation. If you are teaching pre k you might want to do just 1 booklet as a class. Older students can work on this independently. Allow enough time so children don't feel rushed, and so everyone gets a turn using the scale. To expedite things, you may want to borrow several other scales from fellow teachers for that part of your day. To keep interest, with little ones, and because of time, you can also work on just one or two pages a day.
When your booklet is completed, read it aloud once more, and have children share their results as you read that page. Reinforce vocabulary by reviewing the measurement tools and words, and asking students: "What is a scale? What is it used for?" "What is height? How can you measure it?" etc.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Investigation booklet.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN away! To ensure that "pinners" return to THIS blog article, click on the green title at the top; it will turn black; now click on the "Pin it" button. If you'd like to see all of the creative educational items I spend way too much time pinning, click on the heart button to the right of the blog. I have a board especially for apple activities.
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe." -Anatole France
An Apple (Activity) A Day Keeps Boredom Away!
One of my favorite units that I did with my Y5’s was APPLES.
I think they really enjoyed it too, as visiting an apple orchard and picking 3 different kinds of apples was our first fieldtrip.
I feel it’s important to have lots of hands-on centers for little ones, to help them increase fine motor skills through cutting and gluing.
Doing centers helps with a variety of life skills and forces them to listen in order to follow directions.
As they become independent, they are empowered and their self-esteem soars.
Seeing their creations hung on our “Wall of Fame” in the hallway, also helped give them a sense of pride.
Knowing I was going to display their work, was a good incentive, to give their best effort.
Through art, I could also incorporate reading, writing, math, and science; sometimes all of them in one quick project, which covered a variety of report card standards.
The 92 – page Apple Art Projects Book has a large variety of activities in it and includes directions, patterns and pictures.
These make terrific center activities, something for students to do when they have completed other work, a nice home-school connection project to be given as homework, or something to tuck in your substitute folder.
The results are wonderful back to school bulletin boards, or hallway and door displays. Some can be suspended from the ceiling.
The crayon-melt apple poem was one of my favorites.
The poem introduced my students to rhyme; the rhyme taught them the science fact they needed to learn about apples; twisting the 3 color crayons through a sharpener was a terrific fine motor skill, and the result after I put a sheet of wax paper over their shavings and applied a warm iron was awesome!
I also reinforced the 3 colors with this rip and tear apple, which strengthened finger muscles as well.
Students enjoyed making the Life Cycle of an Apple on a paper plate, which was a quick and easy way to get some science in.
Click on the link to view/download the Apple Art Projects Packet.
Thanks for visiting today. I hope you can stop by tomorrow for more back to school ideas.
Do you have an apple activity that you could share with us? I’d enjoy hearing from you! diane@teachwithme.com or take a moment and post a comment here.
Feel free to PIN anything you think others might find worthwhile.
“We should say to each [child]: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique -- you may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven.
You have the capacity for anything!” –Pablo Casals