
20 pages.

Practice analog & digital time to the hour and half hour with this Seuss-themed packet of games and activities.

1-2-3 Come Tell Time With Me!

The mustache mania continues here at TeachWithMe.com

telling time activities, telling time games, 1.MD.3 common core lessons for kindergarten, common core lessons for 1st grade, mustache games, mustache activities, mustache lessons, clock templates, clock games, digital time worksheets, analog time worksheets, free common core lessons for kindergarten and first grade,I thought it would be fun to make a mustache telling time game; it's entitled: "I Mustache You What Time Is It?"

This packet includes recording sheets, a mustache clock spinner + a telling time matching worksheet, which you can use as an assessment for time to the hour.

telling time activities, telling time games, 1.MD.3 common core lessons for kindergarten, common core lessons for 1st grade, mustache games, mustache activities, mustache lessons, clock templates, clock games, digital time worksheets, analog time worksheets, free common core lessons for kindergarten and first grade,Click on the link to view/download the Mustache Telling Time Game packet.

If you're looking for more mustache activities, simply click on the link to zoom to that section of my site.

telling time activities, telling time games, 1.MD.3 common core lessons for kindergarten, common core lessons for 1st grade, mustache games, mustache activities, mustache lessons, clock templates, clock games, digital time worksheets, analog time worksheets, free common core lessons for kindergarten and first grade,Thanks for visiting today.  Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find useful.

"A good teacher has been defined as one who makes themselves progressively unnecessary." -Thomas J. Carruthers

1-2-3 Come Tell Time With Me!

If you need a clock, telling time templates to make games and activities, or assessment worksheets for assessing analog and digital time, this is the packet for you.

Choose from a variety of digital and analog clocks to help you teach the Common Core State Standard:1.MD.3

clock templates, analog clock templates, digital time templates, digital time assessments, analog time assessments, teacher clocks, student clocks, clock face templates, 30 clock templates, free common core lessons for first grade, fraction clocks, fraction activities, telling time lessons, telling time games, telling time spinnersThe photo shows just a few of the fun types of clocks.

I've designed both large teacher clocks for demonstration purposes, as well as matching mini clocks for students to make and manipulate.

Run off and glue the clock templates to construction paper or a paper plate for durability.  Add paperclips or tag board hands for students to manipulate.

I've also included fraction clocks to show 5 after, quarter after, and half past, so that you can review this vocabulary and another Common Core Math Standard as well.

clock templates, analog clock templates, digital time templates, digital time assessments, analog time assessments, teacher clocks, student clocks, clock face templates, 30 clock templates, free common core lessons for first grade, fraction clocks, fraction activities, telling time lessons, telling time games, telling time spinnersThese clocks make nice telling time anchor charts to refer to.

Calling out a time and having students move the hands to make that time, and then holding up their clock, is a quick, easy and fun way to whole group assess.

There are a variety of blank as well as filled-in clocks so students have an opportunity to learn as they make their clock

I truly believe that "doing" leads to understanding.  Why give a child a pre-made plastic clock, when you can build their self-esteem, by having them make their own.

Writing in numbers on their clocks, will help reinforce time concepts as well.

clock templates, analog clock templates, digital time templates, digital time assessments, analog time assessments, teacher clocks, student clocks, clock face templates, 30 clock templates, free common core lessons for first grade, fraction clocks, fraction activities, telling time lessons, telling time games, telling time spinnersI also have several different telling digital and analog time assessment sheets so students can record answers and give you a paper trail of accomplishment for their student portfolio's or file.

You can make these into games, by orally giving students a time for them to record on their answer sheet.

You can also hold up your clock and have students shoot up their hand to tell you what time it is, or use the assessments as an "I Spy!" the time activity.

Click on the link to view/download the clock templates.

Thanks for visiting today.  Feel free to PIN anything you think others might find useful.

"The whole purpose of education is to turn my errors into windows." -Sidney J. Harris