measurement activities,

1-2-3 Come Measure Apples With Me!

Help your students learn about measurement, with this quick, easy and fun booklet.  Students measure height, weight, width and circumference of their apple. They trace and write vocabulary-building words, predict, answer questions, + collect and analyze data.  Investigating apples via this booklet, will help with Common Core State Standards: K.MD.1a, K.MD.2, 1.MD.1, and 1.MD.2.

apple activities, apple lessons, apple booklet, measuring apples, apple investigations, apple science, apple measurement, apple centers, apple booklet, measurment activities, measurment lessons, free common core state standards for math for kindergarten, common core state standards for 1st grade, 1.MD.1, !.MD.2, K.MD.1a, K.MD.2, weighing activities, ruler activities, Introduce measurement, by showing students all of the measuring materials and ask them if they know the names of these objects and what they are used for.  Discuss the value of measurement, as well as how and why people measure things. 

Ask for a bag of apples to be donated to the class, or have each child bring 1 or 2 in. (Make sure to buy a few extras yourself, for those children whose parents forgot.) Allow a few moments for children to really examine their apple by touching it, smelling it, describing their apple to a partner etc.

To make this do-able for non or beginning readers, work on the booklet as a whole group.  Read the 1st page aloud and model what you want your students to do, then have children do that portion of their investigation.  If you are teaching pre k you might want to do just 1 booklet as a class.  Older students can work on this independently.  Allow enough time so children don't feel rushed, and so everyone gets a turn using the scale.  To expedite things, you may want to borrow several other scales from fellow teachers for that part of your day.  To keep interest, with little ones, and because of time, you can also work on just one or two pages a day.

When your booklet is completed, read it aloud once more, and have children share their results as you read that page. Reinforce vocabulary by reviewing the measurement tools and words, and asking students: "What is a scale? What is it used for?"  "What is height? How can you measure it?" etc.

Click on the link to view/download the Apple Investigation booklet. 

apple activities, apple lessons, apple booklet, measuring apples, apple investigations, apple science, apple measurement, apple centers, apple booklet, measurment activities, measurment lessons, free common core state standards for math for kindergarten, common core state standards for 1st grade, 1.MD.1, !.MD.2, K.MD.1a, K.MD.2, weighing activities, ruler activities, Thanks for visiting today.  Feel free to PIN away! To ensure that "pinners" return to THIS blog article, click on the green title at the top; it will turn black; now click on the "Pin it" button.  If you'd like to see all of the creative educational items I spend way too much time pinning, click on the heart button to the right of the blog.  I have a board especially for apple activities.

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe." -Anatole France

50 pages. Common Core State Standards: K.CC.1, K.CC.3, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c, K.CC.5, K.OA.1, K.CC.6, 1.NBT.1, 1.MD.2 This packet is chock full of all kinds of goodies to help you celebrate 100-Day, or simply to use as math centers.

1-2-3 I Mustache You To Please Measure Stuff With Me!

I've had quite a few requests for measurement activities that will help review Common Core State Standards: K.MD.1, K.MD.2, 1.MD.1, 1.MD.2.

mustache activities, mustache lessons, mustache templates, measurement activities, measurement lessons, mustache rulers, free common core for first grade, free common core for kindergartern, 1.MD.1, 1.MD.2, K.MD.1, K.MD.2, measure me activities, I thought it would be extra fun for your students to become a detective, don a mustache and scamper around the room figuring out the length, width, height etc. of a variety of things.

Simply run off the mustache ruler template on a variety of colored construction paper.

mustache activities, mustache lessons, mustache templates, measurement activities, measurement lessons, mustache rulers, free common core for first grade, free common core for kindergartern, 1.MD.1, 1.MD.2, K.MD.1, K.MD.2, measure me activities, For ease of printing, I've included 2 on a page. Make sure you measure the ruler after you print it. 

I made it to scale, but sometimes when printers read a scanned PDF they print it a bit smaller. Simply enlarge it a tad on your copier, so that it is exactly 10 inches.

Students trim their "stache" and do one of the measuring worksheets that you've run off.

mustache activities, mustache lessons, mustache templates, measurement activities, measurement lessons, mustache rulers, free common core for first grade, free common core for kindergartern, 1.MD.1, 1.MD.2, K.MD.1, K.MD.2, measure me activities, There are 10 different measuring activities to choose from.

Several of the worksheets ask students to find and measure things, others ask them to measure their mustache with "stuff," like paperclips, unifix cubes, their thumb, etc.

mustache activities, mustache lessons, mustache templates, measurement activities, measurement lessons, mustache rulers, free common core for first grade, free common core for kindergartern, 1.MD.1, 1.MD.2, K.MD.1, K.MD.2, measure me activities, I've also included a cut and glue longer or shorter comparison activity.

Students measure the objects shown on their paper and then decide if they are longer or shorter than their mustache

They then cut and glue the representative picture to the appropriate side of their graph.

There are also 2 "measure the animal" worksheets.  One is Tatum the turtle, the other Alfred the alligator.

Click on the link to view/download the I Mustache You To Measure packet.

mustache activities, mustache lessons, mustache templates, measurement activities, measurement lessons, mustache rulers, free common core for first grade, free common core for kindergartern, 1.MD.1, 1.MD.2, K.MD.1, K.MD.2, measure me activities, I hope these activities measure up, and that you'll enjoy doing them as much as I did designing them.

Do you have a measurement or mustache activity you could share with us?  I'd enjoy hearing from you. or post a comment below.

mustache activities, mustache lessons, mustache templates, measurement activities, measurement lessons, mustache rulers, free common core for first grade, free common core for kindergartern, 1.MD.1, 1.MD.2, K.MD.1, K.MD.2, measure me activities, Thank you for visiting today.  Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find helpful.

"America's future walks through the doors of our school each day." -Mary Jean Le Tendre

This Little Piggy Went To Market, and This Little Piggy Went To School For 100-Day!

100 day activities, 100 Day pig-themed activities, money activities, What started out to be a few simple piggy bank worksheets, to help students count coins to 100, turned into a  whopping 50-page 100-Day Piggy Packet.

100 day activities, 100 day with a pig theme, 100 day worksheets, money activities, coin activities, 100 day gamesYou don't have to use it just for 100-Day, reviewing these "hog wild" counting skills, throughout the year, is important no matter what the day, and it's nice to have a variety of tricks in your bag of how to do that in an interesting way. 

After all, counting to 100 can get quite boring for some little ones, and extremely frustrating for those kiddo's whose light bulbs haven't lit up yet. With that in mind, I designed the Q-tip mud craftivity to the right.  Students dab brown paint on the 10 groups of 10 dots on the dirty piggy.  For less mess, children could use a brown crayon to color in the dots.

pig-themed activities, free common core lessons for kindergarten, free common core lessons for 1st grade, 100 day activities, 100 day games, 100 day certificates, 100 day centers, penny activities, dime activities, quarter activities, nickel activities, money games, coin lessons, measurement activities, greater and less than activities, graphing, pig slider, skip counting by 5's, skip counting by 10's, worksheets for 100 day, math centers for 100 day, math activities for 100 day, different ways to count to 100, This unique packet will help you with Common Core State Standards: K.CC.1, K.CC.3, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c, K.CC.5, K.OA.1, K.CC.6, 1.NBT.1  The packet is chock full of all kinds of goodies to help you celebrate 100-Day, or simply use as math centers.

pig-themed activities, free common core lessons for kindergarten, free common core lessons for 1st grade, 100 day activities, 100 day games, 100 day certificates, 100 day centers, penny activities, dime activities, quarter activities, nickel activities, money games, coin lessons, measurement activities, greater and less than activities, graphing, pig slider, skip counting by 5's, skip counting by 10's, worksheets for 100 day, math centers for 100 day, math activities for 100 day, different ways to count to 100, The packet includes:

  • 8 Piggy bank pages for pennies, nickels, dimes & quarters.  Students can color and count the filled banks, or color, cut and glue the coins inside an empty bank. 
  • Coin to coin word matching worksheet
  • 1 letter words, to more than 5 letter-words skill sheet
  • Game sheet: "Race your pig to 100."
  • Game sheet:  "Spin To Win!" coin counting to 100 + 2 coin spinners.
  • Tally Ho tally mark worksheet.
  • Graphing extension
  • pig-themed activities, free common core lessons for kindergarten, free common core lessons for 1st grade, 100 day activities, 100 day games, 100 day certificates, 100 day centers, penny activities, dime activities, quarter activities, nickel activities, money games, coin lessons, measurement activities, greater and less than activities, graphing, pig slider, skip counting by 5's, skip counting by 10's, worksheets for 100 day, math centers for 100 day, math activities for 100 day, different ways to count to 100, More than less than calculations worksheet
  • How much money? Addition worksheet
  • 2 Measurement activity worksheets
  • Counting pigs by 5's to 100 worksheet
  • Counting pigs by 10's to 100 worksheet
  • Name Your Pig 100-Grid worksheet
  • pig-themed activities, free common core lessons for kindergarten, free common core lessons for 1st grade, 100 day activities, 100 day games, 100 day certificates, 100 day centers, penny activities, dime activities, quarter activities, nickel activities, money games, coin lessons, measurement activities, greater and less than activities, graphing, pig slider, skip counting by 5's, skip counting by 10's, worksheets for 100 day, math centers for 100 day, math activities for 100 day, different ways to count to 100, Round up the pigs by 10's worksheet.
  • Pig slider "craftivity" counting by 10's & counting by 5's
  • Piggy Popsicles "craftivity" counting by 10's.  +
  • A blank sheet of pigs for you to program with whatever you want.  Use them for name tags, other numbers, letters etc.
  • "Craftivity" counting Q-Tip mud spatters to 100 by 1's, 5's and 10's
  • 3 counting worksheets. Counting by 1's to 100 & 120 and skip counting by 5's and 10's
  • 2 connect-the-dot worksheets.  Counting by 5's and by 10's to 100.
  • 2 Q-Tip Pig in the Mud "Craftivities."
  • 2 Happy 100 Day posters. 1 in color, 1 in black and white so children can color.
  • 3 different certificates of praise for "Hog Wild" counting + a
  • Happy 100-Day bookmark

pig-themed activities, free common core lessons for kindergarten, free common core lessons for 1st grade, 100 day activities, 100 day games, 100 day certificates, 100 day centers, penny activities, dime activities, quarter activities, nickel activities, money games, coin lessons, measurement activities, greater and less than activities, graphing, pig slider, skip counting by 5's, skip counting by 10's, worksheets for 100 day, math centers for 100 day, math activities for 100 day, different ways to count to 100, Click on the link to view/download the 100-Day Piggy Packet.

I hope your students have as much fun doing the lessons, as I had creating them.

pig-themed activities, free common core lessons for kindergarten, free common core lessons for 1st grade, 100 day activities, 100 day games, 100 day certificates, 100 day centers, penny activities, dime activities, quarter activities, nickel activities, money games, coin lessons, measurement activities, greater and less than activities, graphing, pig slider, skip counting by 5's, skip counting by 10's, worksheets for 100 day, math centers for 100 day, math activities for 100 day, different ways to count to 100, Thank you for visiting today.  Feel free to PIN anything that you think others may find helpful.

"I do the very best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to keep on doing so until the end." -Abraham Lincoln


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