1-2-3 Come Make Valentines With Me!
While looking for classroom charts today, I stumbled across the periodic chart. Boy did that bring back memories.
I LOVED chemistry lab, and could easily have become a mad scientist.
I'm always looking for ways for students to spell words, like using Scrabble tiles etc.
Since the periodic table is filled with letters and letter combinations, I frogged around half the morning dreaming up valentines.
There are 5 different sample valentines using the periodic chart to make the words.
You can use my templates or challenge students to think up their own.
I've included a periodic chart that you can shoot up on an overhead, so students can use it as a reference tool.
I hope they have a much fun as I did.
Hint: Think up something you'd like to say, and then see if any of the elements help you spell it.
Click on the link to view/download the We've Got Chemistry Valentines.
Thanks for visiting today.
Please feel free to PIN anything you think others may find useful.
Do you have a valentine you'd like to share? I'd enjoy hearing from you: diane@teachwithme.com or leave a comment here.
"Education is not received. It is achieved." -Unknown