1-2-3 Come Do Some 4 Seasons-Apple Activities With Me
My apple studies spill into October because of our big Harvest Theme going on.
With all of the rules, “getting to know” you activities, and assessing where my kiddos are at, I simply don’t have enough time in September, to get to all of the interesting apple science I have planned because we don't start school 'til after Labor Day.
So my super-fun apple activities, simply flow into October, along with my other harvest themes: pumpkins and scarecrows.
October is also the perfect time to learn about the seasons because my students can definitely see lots of changes going on outside.
With that in mind, I designed the Seasons of my Apple Tree packet.
It’s chock full of all sorts of fun activities that reinforce a variety of standards.
I introduce these lessons by reading The Season’s of Arnold’s Apple Tree, by Gail Gibbons.
The packet includes:
* An emergent reader booklet, which includes 36 Dolch sight words!
* There’s 6-mini pages on a one-page template, for a “just the right size” Itty Bitty booklet, which saves on paper & printing.
* I’ve included an emergent reader in full-color for teachers, as well as black & white for your students.
* There’s an optional last page, so you can Segway into graphing a favorite season, as well as a favorite color apple.
* My personal favorite, is an adorable keepsake 4-seasons tree.
* You can either have children trace their hand and arm, to make the branches and trunk of the tree, or print off my pattern.
* One side features a 4 seasons life cycle of an apple tree. The other side, reveals 5 apples glued to the tree, along with the poem "5 Little Apples" on the trunk.
It's one of my kiddos' favorite counting-subtraction songs. For that finishing touch, add a child's photo to the hollow of the trunk.
* The packet also includes posters, some of which are beautiful photographs of apple trees during the 4 seasons.
* I live in Michigan, which is a huge apple growing state, so there are plenty of places you can see orchards.
Use the pictures as posters, a bulletin board display, or simply share with your students before or after reading apple stories.
* I've also included worksheets, & pocket chart cards.
Because I'm incorporating non-fiction apple books in our story time,
I think it's important to show children real photographs in our studies as well as clip art.
With that in mind, I've included a set of both kinds of pocket chart cards.
Make an extra set to display by your word wall.
One of the worksheets gives your kiddos some scissor practice, as they cut and glue the appropriate items for each season to tree branches.
The inspiration for this idea was the front page of Gibbon's book, Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree.
You can keep it as a one-page worksheet, or get in some more scissor practice and have your kiddos cut the 4 pages, collate, and staple together to make another Itty Bitty booklet.
I've included a cover plus completed samples, if you'd like to do this.
There's also a matching set of game cards, so you can play Memory Match and "I Have; Who Has?" games.
Add the "Kaboom" cards to make things even more fun.
Children can match picture cards to each other, or a picture card with a word card.
Besides games, I also designed matching seasonal puzzles that reinforce counting from 1-10, counting backwards from 10-1, as well as skip counting by 2s and 10s.
* The puzzles come in full color, so you can use them for an independent math center, as well as black and white, so kiddos can color, cut and make their own puzzle.
Click on the link to zip on over to my TpT shop to have a look see. The packet is a whopping 83-pages and just $3.95: Seasons Of My Apple Tree activity packet.
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Speaking of FREEBIES, I have two for you today. They both come from the packet.
I've also included a mini 5x7 poster to save on printing and paper. Click on the link to grab your FREEBIE today.
The other free item is the "Label the apple tree" poster, with a matching "cut & glue" worksheet. Click on the photo or link to zip on over to get it.
Well that's it for today. My grandchildren are coming over and we're going to decorate the house for fall.
I so enjoy doing that, especially with little ones to help energize me with their excitement.
Wishing you a love-filled day.
"Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation." -Lois Wyse