Alphabet Emergent Reader Booklet


1-2-3 Come Make An ABC Booklet With Me

emergent reader alphabet booklet, alphabet booklets, student made alphabet booklets, alphabet posterDiane's Dollar Deal today, is a sweet emergent reader alphabet booklet. My Y5's enjoyed making these "just the right size" booklets. 

Using the pictures as a guide, children read the page, trace the letters, write the letters, then color the picture.

emergent reader alphabet booklet, alphabet booklets, student made alphabet booklets, alphabet posterAfterwards, they cut the pages into 1/4ths (grab that teachable moment to review fractions if you're studying them) collate the pages and then staple their booklet together.

emergent reader alphabet booklet, alphabet booklets, student made alphabet booklets, alphabet posterI've included a cover, as well as a "trace the alphabet" page, to go at the beginning of the booklet. 

emergent reader alphabet booklet, alphabet booklets, student made alphabet booklets, alphabet posterThere's a template for a 4-on-a-page booklet, as well as one with 8-on-a page, to make an Itty Bitty Alpha-bits booklet. Choose which one's right for your kiddos.

As a whole group, read the booklet together to review concepts of print. To reinforce the lesson, encourage students to read the booklet with their families.

Click on the link to pop on over to my TpT shop to grab the Alphabet Emergent Reader Booklet. 

emergent reader alphabet booklet, alphabet booklets, student made alphabet booklets, alphabet posterToday's featured FREEBIE is the "color me" alphabet poster that's included in the packet.  Click on the link to get one. 

emergent reader alphabet booklet, alphabet booklets, student made alphabet booklets, alphabet posterThat's it for today, the rain is gently falling outside my window this morning. It's Labor Day Weekend, so of course it's raining.

Wishing you a very relaxing weekend that doesn't zoom by too quickly.

 "If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would probably be Labor Day Weekend." -Doug Larson

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