1-2-3 Come Make a "Write & Wipe" Alphabet Binder With Me
I just completed a real time-saving, stress-buster packet. It contains all the pages you need to make a handy Write & Wipe Alphabet Binder. Why a traceable binder?
- Kiddos LOVE using dry erase markers.
- They are highly motivated to practice.
- They are quietly engaged and learning.
- Tracing and writing their answers on worksheets that are inside a sheet protector, saves you lots of time, energy and money.
- Once you’ve made it, you can use it year-after-year.
Get out of the copy room, conserve paper & ink, all while helping to save the planet and your sanity.
- Time saved planning center activities.
- Everything’s in a binder; it’s organized by letter so students can easily find what you want them to do.
- You’re freed up, and students can get right down to business.
- This independence also saves time explaining directions, as well as builds confidence and self-esteem. You are empowering your kiddos.
- A binder is quick, easy and fun to make and you’ll be thanking yourself and feeling a sense of accomplishment once it done.
- Traceable binders are perfect for centers, early finishers, children who are struggling and need more practice.
Emergency? Sick? The substitute can easily take out any worksheet and make copies.
Use them for finger tracing, word work worksheets, rainbow writing, Daily 5, table top lessons or whatever else you need.
Besides practicing lowercase letter formation, this binder also helps build vocabulary, aids in spelling, as well as beginning letter sounds that are associated with words.
Children follow the arrows and trace the words, trace the dotted line words, and end by writing the word. When they are done, they erase their work, so that the binder is ready for the next child.
I bought "dust mitts" at The Dollar Store for this. They are also great for your white boards. It's like a mitten that you put on. When they get dirty (and this will take months) simply take them home and toss them in the washer & dryer.
For more practice, have your students write the words on the bookmark-size recording sheets. If you want your kiddos to work on alphabetizing, have them write the words in alphabetical order.
I've included "How did you do?" answer keys, so that students can self-correct, circling any ones that they got out of order.
The packet also includes a section called "Box it up." Since some letters are tall and some are small and some have a tail; boxing up letters is helpful.
There are blank boxes for students to write the letters in, (much like an Elkonin box) as well as filled in boxes to use as answer keys. I purposely used a dashed font for these letters, so they can also double as trace and write worksheets too.
If filling in the blank templates is too difficulty for little ones who don't know how to spell yet, use the alphabet order answer keys as a word bank.
Most children find it fun to look at the bank and try to figure out which ones belong in the various boxes.
So that you can easily keep track of who has completed their letter work, children color in that particular letter on their ABC poster. Once completed, this will act like a certificate of praise. You can sign & date it and add a sticker for that finishing touch, then students can keep it in their writing journals.
It's like a puzzle. This latest creation is a whopping 184-pages, and on sale for just $4.95 in my TpT shop. Click on the link to pop on over. ABC Write & Wipe Binder
Another thing you can put in this binder, are individual trace & write the letter worksheets. This is a FREE packet in my shop.
The Write & Wipe binder also matches the very popular alphabet puzzles, which makes for a nice coordinated center/station.
As always, there's a FREEBIE. Just like the FREE letter Aa Alphabet Word Puzzles, I pulled all of the letter Aa activities from this packet, so you can try them out.
I've also included 2 upper & lowercase "write & wipe" worksheets, and the full-color alphabet poster, which matches the puzzles.
Click on the link to grab a copy. FREE Letter Aa "Write & Wipe" mini packet. I've included a preview with it so that you can see photographs of my completed binder.
That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by. It's my birthday today. Sixty-two used to sound so old, until you've hit that milestone!
I'm feeling pretty sassy for my age. It's time to get off the computer and go celebrate.
Wishing you a day filled with all that makes you happy.
"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." -Oprah Winfrey