Does anyone else besides me, feel there isn't enough time in the day for everything? Then the government comes along and mandates a lesson on the Constitution...
Don't get me wrong, I'm a very proud citizen and love my country, but I'm often in a dilemma at how to explain this rather complicated document to my 4-year-old students.
Only a handful can tell me who the President is, and when I asked them, "Who is the president's wife?" I got the answer: "Mrs. America."
If some of you are feeling that same pressure, perhaps you'll find a few of these ideas at the following websites helpful, as well as my bibliography of interesting books you can read on Constitution Day.
Books To Read:
I've compiled a list of my favorite books that are appropriate for Constitution Day. Some of them I use as a teacher resource for information for myself, others I read and some I use as a picture source to share with my students.
Click on the link to view/print a copy. Constitution Day Bibliography
Many of them can be purchased from Scholastic Books so you can get points. They are also available on Amazon at reduced rates.
Interesting Constitution Websites: will send you a FREE pocket guide to the constitution for the price of shipping and handling. It’s a nice reference tool and also contains some interesting facts. Click on the link to check it out.
Congress For Kids is a great interactive site with lots of options including an entire section about the Constitution. Their Online Learning Module has a great tutorial about the 3 branches of the government. Perfect for a Smart Board activity.
Click on the links to check out some fun ways to incorporate these things into your Constitution Day activities.
The National Constitution Center is a great interactive site. You can search the constitution by keywords or phrases. Explore the Constitution by topic, or search the Constitution by court cases. Click on the link to check out this helpful site.
One of the best things at this site is their webcast about Constitution Day. It’s narrated by Sandra Day O’Connor, and is perfect for Smart Boards. Click on the link to check it out and see an interesting tour of Signers’ Hall that will help your class celebrate and learn about Constitution Day. (The 42 statues are life size! Awesome.)
Junior Achievement offers a lesson on personal property and a person’s rights. This is easily understood by even a young child. Click on the link to check out this Constitution Day activity.
Constitution Day: This site has a plethora of additional educational sites and an explanation of what each one offers. Click on the link if you’re searching for specific information and additional age-appropriate links for Constitution Day.
Ben’s Guide To The Government: Is a nice site with a variety of activities for various ages including K-2.
Thanks for visiting today! Be sure and check back tomorrow when I'll give you some more ideas and activities of how you can celebrate and learn about Constitution Day.
Feel free to PIN anything you think others will find helpful.
"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great!" -Kenny Rogers