Completing The Main Article
With These Last Two Ideas Numbers 5 and 6
Stamp your way to 100-Day!
Make a 100-Day Banner/Pennant:
Simply make a template from my pennant master if you want to make smaller banners out of regular size construction paper.
- A small banner will fit about 50 stamps on one side so you'll have to print both sides.
- If you use extra-large construction paper, you can stamp just the front.
- It's a good idea to make a sample to show students what the end result will look like.
- Trace the the banners on a variety of light-colored construction paper and then cut them out.
- Write students’ names in glitter glue or puffy paint for extra pizzazz.
- As a center activity, each day have students get their pennant from the “pennant pile”. This is a safe place (The lid from a copy paper box used as a basket, works great. Place it on a window ledge or shelf).
- They take their pennant to the stamping center and put the stamp-for-the-day on it.
The stamps can be seasonal.
- If you’re studying apples, have an apple stamp. Pumpkins are great for October.
- Students decide if they want to use different colored stamp pads or have their banners be all one color.
- I chose brown ink for mine.
- If a child is absent make sure that you or a student helper stamps theirs.
- I have a zillion stamps so this is no problem. If you don’t, ask other teachers if you can borrow theirs just for the day.
- You can also combine stamps and stickers, or have students copy and draw a secret symbol that you put on the board for that day.
On 100-Day everyone should have 100-Stamps.
- Really Good Stuff has a 100-Day stamp perfect for that last day (“Way Cool!”)
- For my 98th day I have a caterpillar with wiggle eyes because we wiggled our way to 100 day.
- On the 99th day we metamorped into a butterfly and have fluttered our way to 100 Day. Let your students make a 3-D butterfly for their banners so the butterflies look like they are popping off the page and flying!
- Each child needs 3 stickers to make one. Students put the 1st sticker down.
- The second sticker they cut the “thorax” off so they have two wings.
- Put the wings back-to-back on the 3rd sticker so only the thorax (middle part of the butterfly) now remains sticky.
- Press this sticky part down really hard on the middle of the 1st butterfly and rub it with your fingernail. Fold each of the wings up and crease. Wahla flying butterfly!
- If you've used extra-large consruction paper, on 100-Day give them die-cut 100-Day numbers and letters to glue on the back of their pennants.
- Wow! Everyone has a super keepsake to take home, and you have a fun way to count to 100 as they admire their banner and count the stamps and stickers with you.
- You could also punch a hole in each corner and string their pennants up from the hallway ceiling for a few days.
- Click on the link to view/print the 100-Day banner things.
100-Day Posters:
- Purchase a poster and X things off or color them in. Really Good Stuff has magnetic ones that you can add “things” to.
My poster is a gumball machine.
- I keep it on my white board. I laminated it so that I can reuse it each year. Everyday as part of our calendar routine someone X’s a gumball.
- On the 100th Day of school, each child can earn a penny for my real gumball machine. They think it’s “way cool” that I bring a gumball machine to class and let them put a penny in, after they have completed their Table Top lessons.
- I tell them that they need to “chews” to be a good student all morning, stay on task and complete their work so they can earn that penny to help celebrate the day!
- They LOVE this idea and are anxious to get down to business. You can order counting up to 100-Day posters from Really Good Stuff.
- Unfortunately when I checked, the gumball one was discontinued.
- Be sure and pop back tomorrow when I’ll be posting “Count to 100-Day with a THEME!”
- Lots of creative ideas to get you excited!
- You'll just love wiggling, chugging and fluttering your way to 100-Day!
- If you dropped in to see "Wiggles" today he'll be posted tomorrow. This article, as you can see, needed to be split into many parts!