Communicating With Parents:
Parental communication is very important, but with so many tasks for a teacher to accomplish in a day, especially with the demands of very young children, how does one find time to dash off notes?
How do you reinforce positive behavior? Do you send home a note to parents?
Do you give your students a certificate of praise?
Likewise, how do you communicate with parents when they want to know how their child is doing when their disruptive behavior is being modified?
To make these tasks quick and easy, I’ve designed a variety of forms. My behavior modification techniques are checklists where a child is held accountable for their own behavior.
They decide which behavior they are going to work on for the day. During various parts of the day they can color in a smilie face or put a sticker on their paper.
For students that are working on a multitude of things, I can simply check all the boxes that apply at the end of the day, in less than a minute, and send that note home to be signed by the parent and returned.
I’ve put all of these forms in a 66-page packet that includes happy-grams, certificates of praise, and posters.
I've also included positive-reinforcement games, like Pizza Reward, Bubble Gum Challenge, Apple Puzzle & Classroom Cash.
There is a student contract, progress report, posters, classroom expectations, a neat desk award, and a promise pledge as well.
The forms help empower students, build self-esteem, help motivate, help students accept responsibility and be accountable.
They free the teacher up and make communicating with parents simple, easy and quick.
I hope that you will find something here that will help your days run smoothly.
I’d enjoy hearing from you about the packet, or if you have something to share that works for you that would be wonderful too.
Click on the link to go to Behavior Charts, Notes, & Contracts so that you can view/print/download them.
I wish you a marvelous month filled with lots of beautiful back-to-school moments!