
1 page. A quick and easy writing prompt "craftivity" for Earth Day.

3 pages. A creative way to have students write about ways they reduce, reuse or recycle, helping to take care of, and love our earth.

3 pages. A fun way to review the numbers on a clock as well as things you can recycle.

6 pages. A creative way to have students write about how they reduce, reuse and recycle.

2 pages. Students trace the beginning portion of the sentence and then complete the thought by writing how they reduce, reuse and recycle. Add more pizzazz by having students glue their school photo over either the boy or girl and then color.

1 page. A nice culmination activity to your recycling unit.
1 page. Great anchor chart to remember the 3 R's. Go green!

4 pages An easy and inexpensive "green" gift for children to make. Charlie the snowman welcomes people by hanging on a doorknob announcing if it should "Let it snow" or "melt..."  If you want to make a matching ornament, use a large Popsicle stick.

6 pages. An easy "green" gift for students to make. Wonderful way to review the cylinder shape and the importance of recycling.
Here's a sampling of the 133 pages that will have your students joyfully springing into March!
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