1-2-3 Come Make A Special Treat With Me
Make these treats for your students at the end of the year using the summer "Orange you glad summer vacation is here? Have a sweet one." template, or pass them out at the beginning of the year for Open House or the first day of school using the "Orange you glad you're in __________ grade" header.
I've included headers for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade + a blank template for you to fill in for whatever grade you teach.
You can make your treat bags filled with a few orange candy slices that look like smiles, or slice up real oranges or tangerines.
Since Capri Sun juice bags were a favorite with my Y5's, I thought it would be cute to attach the header to an orange juice bag or orange juice box.
You could start your year with the juice box, and end it with the candy. Click on the link to view/download the "Orange you glad..." treat bag headers.
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"Everyone has talent. What is rare, is the courage to follow the talent to where it leads." -Erica Jong
1-2-3 Make A Gift Baggie With Me
If you're still in school and want to make a sweet treat for your kiddo's to give their dad's for Father's Day, you may want to try this puzzle activity.
I designed two different puzzle headers: I love you to pieces as well as, we love you to pieces.
You can use the "I" header for a beginning of the year treat bag for your students, or a gift for Mother's Day or Father's Day.
Use the "We" header for a gift for Secretary's Day.
You can buy bulk Reeses Pieces at Sam's Club. Have children put a few scoopfuls in a Snack Baggie.
If you're only making a few gifts for volunteers or secretaries, you can buy Reeses in a snack package or mini box, and attach your puzzle pieces to the top and bottom.
Run the headers off on white construction paper and have children color them lightly with crayons in an assortment of colors.
Add a bit more pizzazz by having students glue their school photo to a puzzle piece and then sign their name on yet another one.
Click on the link to view/download Love You To Pieces Gift Baggies.
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"A college degree and a teaching certificate define a person as a teacher, but it takes hard work and dedication to be one." -Paul McClure