Fun With Plastic Eggs!
Eggs are an easily recognized symbol for spring; you see them everywhere. The plastic eggs are also an inexpensive manipulative.
I use them in a zillion different ways in my classroom.
- Put part of a contraction on one side of the egg, put the other part of the contraction on the other and have students match them up.
- Have students find a half and then locate their partner with the matching half.
- Sort them by color.
- I have now collected eggs that are small, medium, large and jumbo and have students also sort by size. They enjoy hiding them inside each other as well.
- Put a number on one side and a specified number of dots equaling that number on the other side and have students find the matching set.
- After they have found all the numbered eggs, have them sequence them.
- Put the eggs in rainbow color order.
- After my students have completed their tabletop work, they may choose a prize-filled egg from the Easter basket to take home.
- I fill them with jellybeans for jellybean sorting & graphing activities.
- Put math equations inside for students to solve.
- Put a writing prompt inside for students to write a sentence or a 1-paragraph story about.
Put 3 stickers inside that students have to use, when writing 3 sentences or a 1-paragraph story.
- Hide them around the room and allow your students to find 1 to 2 to keep.
- Put an uppercase letter on one half and the lowercase letter on the other half. Break the eggs apart and sprinkle them around the room. Set a timer and have students find the matches. After they have found and put together all of the eggs, have them put them in alphabetical order and sing the ABC song.
- Make a set of eggs for all of the skip counted numbers that you have learned. Have students sequence them.

- Put CVC words on the eggs as well as some word wall words so that students can choose 5-7 eggs and write sentences for Daily 5.
- Challenge students to learn a new word for the week. Write a different new word in each egg and have students pick an egg out of the basket. They crack open their egg and share it with the class. This will be their bonus word on their spelling test and the one that they use in their work during reading and writing block time.
- Have students make long lines with the eggs and measure how long their line is. Then have them take them apart and make a tower. How tall can they build a tower before it topples?
- Have students make ABAB, ABCABC etc patterns with the eggs. How many patterns can they think of?
- Use half an egg to make a circle stamp art picture by dipping the circle shape into paint and pressing it on paper or tracing it.
- Put pictures of flat and 3-D shapes inside the eggs. Have students sit in a circle and choose an egg out of the basket. They crack it open and identify what shape is inside their egg. If they can identify it, they get to keep the egg. If they cannot, the egg goes back in the basket.
- You can put anything inside an egg that you want to review. Students choose an egg. Play “I Have Who Has” with the contents of the eggs. i.e. “I have uppercase letter A who has lowercase letter a? “Lowercase letter a asks “Who has the a ah apple word/sound?”etc.
- Play Doggy Doggy Who Has Your Bone? with a plastic egg and call it, Hen Hen Who Has Your Egg?
- Play Hot Potato and call it, Hot Egg

Use them for a quick and easy art activity and make a fat bumble bee, owl, bunny or pig (my personal favorites!)
Or simply add some wiggle eyes and a smile to make an egg creature.
Children can insert an "I love you!" note inside and give them to a family member or friend as a sweet Easter or springtime gift.

Click on the link to visit Designs That Inspire for the directions for these cute animal "craftivities".
Whatever you decide to do with your plastic eggs, I hope it's' eggs-tra fun!
Have you thought of ways to include plastic eggs in your day? I'd enjoy hearing from or leave a comment here.
Thanks in advance. Be sure and pop back tomorrow for some more fun "Spring Has Sprung" teaching tips!