4 pages
Three "counting" crowns for 100 Day. Look closely at the pictures and you will see how students made 20 groups of 5 on the 100 Day Rocks! crown, as well as 10 groups of 10 on the heart crown. The crown with the circle "jewels" on it, has 104 circles and includes a guess-timation activity.
1 page.
A coloring page for 100 Day, was requested for preschool children to work on as a whole-group activity. You can have older students put groups of 5 or 10 inside the number. i.e. five X's, 5 smilie stickers, 5 dots, 5 stars etc. adding items 'til they have 100 things.
14 pages.
Help students learn to count backwards from 10 to 0, forwards from 1-10, or skip count by 10's to 100. You can laminate and use them as an independent 100-Day center or run off copies for each child to take one home for more practice.
3 pages.
For some extra math fun on 100-Day, students use a highlighter to color in specific numbered boxes to reveal the hidden mystery picture. To make this a bit more difficult and involve even more math, have students solve addition and subtraction problems that will equal the numbers in the boxes.
5 pages.
Besides all of those math activities, add some word fun to your 100 Day celebration. Using the letters in the words one hundred, challenge your students to list as many words as they can think of, before 100 seconds is up and the timer rings. Who thought of the most words? Who had the longest word?
4 pages.
Review shapes, colors and graphing, while making a crown for 100 Day.
There is a black and white set, as well as a color set for teachers. I've also included a blank 100, if you want your students to draw, dot or sticker 10 different items (10 times each) inside the numbers, to make their own creative crown.
2 pages.
A less boring way to count to 100, is to have your students choose one of these Tally Ho sheets and make 100 tally marks. When they are done, they can also skip count to 100 by 5's.
8 pages.
Seven 100 charts perfect for your 100-Day games & activities. Includes a blank 100 grid for students to fill in, a filled-in 100 chart to make puzzles and "mystery" pictures, a chart, where the "skip count by 5's numbers" are in red, a 100 chart, where the "skip count by 10's numbers" are in blue, a traceable 100 chart, a "What's Missing?" fill in the even numbers 100 chart, as well as a "What's Missing?" fill in the odd numbers chart.
6 pages.
Make these into puzzles for independent centers that will help students count to 100 or review upper and lowercase letters. If you celebrate 100 Day in January, this would be a fun cut & glue activity. Run the tree-box grid off on blue construction paper. Students first cut and then glue the green number-tiles in the correct order. For that extra bit of pizzazz, have children dot on "snowflakes" using a Q-tip.
I know that some teachers have already celebrated 100 Day, but for quite a few, that day is coming up around Valentine’s Day.
There have been many requests on the various web rings that I frequent, for some “different” ideas and themes, so I came up with Ants a few weeks ago.
Start your day by surprising your students with a 100 Day Party Smartie card on their desk.
Increase their finger dexterity and fold paper to form the number 100 and make a "growth" card comparing their weight and height from the 1st day of school to the 100th day.
I LOVE hippo’s and thought the above play on words would be appropriate. Harley and Helga were fun to draw. I hope you enjoy them. I designed the following hippo-riffic activities around them:
Trace, cut and glue the mixed up words to spell one hundred for a different kind of skill sheet.
Hippo Todd is fond of odd numbers and Steven (my son’s name,) likes even numbers. Have fun filling in the appropriate ones all the way to 100 by playing this “Speed” game.
I haven’t seen anyone make 100 tallies and that’s certainly a great way to count by 5’s. Can you accomplish this feat in 100 seconds?
Get in some estimation exercise by guessing how many candy hearts will fill up Harley’s mouth, then do some math extensions by the ton!
Make a class book, pencil topper, necklace, valentine, and two puppets—one from a lunch bag and one for your fingers.
Puppets are great for showing spatial directions, identifying body parts, counting,
helping to retell a story, and even doing the Hippo Pokey with!
Click on the link to view/print the 100-Day Hippo-themed packet.
Whatever you’re doing for 100-Day, I hope it’s simply hippo-licious!
Thanks for visiting today. For lots more 100 Day ideas and activities click on the link.