wind booklets

Celebrating March Is Reading Month With Kites

Need some reading and writing activities for those block periods or Daily 5?

wind, wind booklet, easy readers, march is reading month activities, easy reader booklets, kites, kite activities, wind activities, kite activities for preschool kindergarten and first grade, wind activities for preschool kinergarten and first grade, I’ve got some quick and easy ones revolving around kites today:

The Wind Blew is an easy reader with 4 on a page to conserve on paper when you print.

This also helps reinforce sequencing when students cut the pages apart and put their booklets together.

The end of the story allows students to think of their own “thing” that the wind blows, write it down and illustrate their page accordingly.

When everyone is done with their booklets have students share this page with the class and write down how many things they thought of that the wind blew.

Pat Hutchins has a cute book When The Wind Blew that would make a nice transition activity. {amazonWS:itemId=068971744X}

The last page allows you to nail another core standard by asking students if they like when the wind blows.  A graphing extension is provided for that.  Discussion can follow of why a student does or doesn’t.

Click on the link to view/download The Wind Blew booklet.

wind, wind booklet, easy readers, march is reading month activities, easy reader booklets, kites, kite activities, wind activities, kite activities for preschool kindergarten and first grade, wind activities for preschool kinergarten and first grade, Go Fly A Kite is also an easy reader that involves spatial directions.  Students cut and glue the kites to the various positions on the page.

Make this a special keepsake by having students glue their school photo to the boy or girl face on the last page.

Click on the link to view/download Go Fly A Kite

wind, wind booklet, easy readers, march is reading month activities, easy reader booklets, kites, kite activities, wind activities, kite activities for preschool kindergarten and first grade, wind activities for preschool kinergarten and first grade, My Shapely Kite reviews the 6 basic flat shapes.  Students have the option to either trace the various shaped kites or to cut and glue a construction paper shape to the appropriate kite.

To reinforce reading and writing skills, students trace the shape words as well.

Click on the link to view/download My Shapely Kite

wind, wind booklet, easy readers, march is reading month activities, easy reader booklets, kites, kite activities, wind activities, kite activities for preschool kindergarten and first grade, wind activities for preschool kinergarten and first grade, Where Have All The Kites Gone? Is another easy reader that reviews simple subtraction skills.

Students trace and solve the equations X-ing out a kite as they go.

Discussion of what else could have happened to the kites can stimulate a writing prompt and nice transition to another activity.

Click on the link to view/download Where Have All The Kites Gone?

Be sure an pop back tomorrow for some more March Is Reading Month activities!

Do you have an idea you'd like to share?  I'd enjoy hearing from you: or feel free to leave a comment here, especially if you use an idea!  Thanks in advance.