Whenever I introduced math concepts to my Y5's I liked to make it hands on.
We played lots of games and I used manipulatives whenever I could.
As one of my students was fond of saying: "We didn't even know we was learnin' cuz we was havin' so much fun!"
I created I See Sum Fall Puzzles so that little ones would especially enjoy solving simple addition problems in a more creative way than simply looking at them on a worksheet.
Putting puzzles together was also a report card standard, so these would do double-duty.
Students solve addition problems by cutting and gluing the puzzle piece answers to the appropriate equations.
This packet includes 11 fall puzzles + a blank template to program your own equations, so you can also do subtraction, multiplication and division.
Several of the other puzzles are also without numeric answers in the boxes, so they can be programed as well to meet other Common Core Standards.
You can laminate the puzzles and store them in Ziploc baggies, using them as math centers each year, or run off individual puzzles for each student, and use them as worksheets.
Have students arrange pieces on the equation sheets before they glue them down, making sure the picture "looks correct" before they glue pieces down, to make sure they have the right answers.
You can also switch things up a bit and challenge students to program their own puzzles and then exchange worksheets with another student.
What a fun way to practice math skills!
Do you have a math game your students enjoy that you could share with us? I'd enjoy hearing from you. diane@teachwithme.com or leave a comment here.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN anything from my site that you think others might find helpful.
Click on the link to view/download I See Sum Fall Puzzles
"Encouragement is oxygen to the soul." George M. Adams
Math Games That Teach
My Y5’s really enjoyed Tummy Time and hauling out a tub of manipulatives to “play” with.
I put that word in quotations because they thought they were playing, but in reality, they were reinforcing a huge number of math skills as well as strengthening their upper body, by being on their tummies and working on exercising those fine motor skills as well, which helped to strengthen their finger muscles, that is so important in developing their ability to write.
One of their favorite tubs was the tanagram pattern blocks. I had a variety of puzzle-sheets for them to fill in , by placing the colorful tanagram blocks on them, as well as a variety of patterning strips for them to complete.
I like making up monthly activities that follow the same format, because it empowers students, as once they’ve played a game, or learned the directions, they can get down to business to practice the skill.
This builds their self-esteem, they get better at the activity, and the teacher is freed up to work one-on-one with struggling students, or do assessing, because other children can work independently because they know what to do.
I decided to make some monthly tanagram pattern block sheets that involved dice, as number recognition is a skill that the Y5’s needed to acquire.
Students can play independently, with a partner, or in groups of 2 to 4.
Whatever number they roll, they trace that tanagram piece, the tanagram’s number, and then place the tanagram over that piece.
You can also have students color their papers to match the real tanagrams.
The first child to complete their seasonal tanagram picture, by rolling all of the numbers and covering them, is the winner.
Click on the link to view/download Pattern Block Tanagrams on a Roll Dice Game
I hope you enjoy adding this game to your bag of tricks.
Do you have one you can share with us? I’d enjoy hearing from you. diane@teachwithme.com or feel free to leave a comment here, especially if you use one of my ideas.
You may also PIN anything on my site that you think will help others. I truly feel life is all about sharing. Just think how easy our teaching would be, if everyone took the time to post just one thing on the internet that turned the light bulb on for kids!
Have a great day and may all your puzzles be fun to solve!